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  1. Sounds like you have answered your own questions really, its possibly time to move on here - I am in a somewhat similar position as yours and I find my thoughts are more towards leaving and making a break, the only thing that stops me is worrying how I will feel once I have made that break. Its hard - but sounds like your unhappy - take some time out to think about what you do want. Hugs to you
  2. Thanks for the replies so far - he is 35 years old
  3. I live with my partner - the problem is his nephew is living with us also - he is a strong character and I wouldnt want to get on his bad side, so I keep myself neutral and friendly in my conversations with him. Lately he has been very loud and obnoxious towards me with comments that he needs to take his uncle out to meet someone better than me, this has escalated in him being very rude and nasty (while drinking also) I just dont know how to respond to him these days, I have tried to shout back, tell him to stop etc but nothing seems to stop him. My partner tends to take the passive mode with him. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you all so much
  4. Thank you for your replies, they have been very helpful - I think I am the one doing a lot of the work in this relationship, its really dragging me down. The women obtained my email from my online business which is very easy to email to ask for information, anyway he must have been discussing me to a certain extent for her to look me up online. The main thing is I emigrated here from another country to be with him, and I feel it will be hard to go back and there will be no second chances if I do. Anyway thank you for all your help, I pray a lot !
  5. Hi there my main problem is that my partner is always chatting to so many women via the internet: msn/yahoo/aol and now myspace IM - this is how I met him via msn chat, but now it's got to the point were he ignores me for hours and chats to them - and they call him on the phone. His answer to speaking with him is that they need his help. Inside I am super jealous, and feel like just blocking them all (I have blocked some I must add) but it hurts so much because its like he flirts with them, the way he used to flirt with me. Anyway he is concerned that I am being irrational and doesnt see my point of view (I have gotten various emails from the women he talks to telling me to F - off basically and that they want him. Its all becoming too much, but I love him, everytime he logs on to the computer I feel my anxiety rising, we had a huge argument earlier. Am I being irrational ? I know I have been jealous in past relationships so Im well aware I probably have some issues. I just want him to give me some attention. From a very sad lady
  6. Hello, I am 30 years old, and have to say that I seem to have an ongoing battle with jealousy in my relationships. I am attractive and have a lot of male attention, but when in a relationship - I start of independent then become very dependent upon my partners (something I have noticed as a pattern) yet this always seems to have some validity, as if deep down I know they are cheating, or trying to gain attention from other women. I am trying to work out why this happens, I tend to give too much in a relationship too fast, this I know, I also like a lot of attention - is this a reflection of my insecurity possibly. I have had many destructive relationships due to my jealousy. All of them ended with my partners running of with another woman. Am I making bad choices in men? or am I pushing them away my current relationship is heading this way, and I am doing whatever I can to stop myself, but I dont seem to be doing too well. I guess it doesnt help that I am currently in the UK waiting for my visa to return to him in the US. I'd really like some insight as to what I can do to stop myself from thinking the worst and from becoming so sarcastic when I feel like this. I hold a Psychology degree believe it or not, and I cannot apply none of that to myself which makes it 100 times worse, as I feel I should know better. Any help would be greatly appreciated
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