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Everything posted by NKP

  1. Yeah thats good Rozi, i want to know what happens
  2. If she does feel really bad how bout take herto the doctor so yous now for sure what it is. So are you with her? or is she alone? if she is alone go over cuddle her and hold her sroke her hair, try make her feel better
  3. Yeah i really get what you are saying. Okay well do you have a girlfriend yet? do you want one or are you just staying single for now? Tell them then but just be prepared that time likethis you find out your true real friends
  4. If i had real strong feelings for them and lost sleep because they were always on my mind then i would tell the person
  5. Buy sexy underware and just were that and see what he does. Or just say "i want you" Or if he is still dumb just say what you want. Have yous done anything to gether befor? he could be waiting til you get married
  6. If i was you i would back of and now let him do the running around see how he likes it and if he ask you say your busy and see if he likes how it feels
  7. If you want to tell people are if they are true friends they will love you for who you are. If i was scared to see what tey would say i would proberly tell them over msn or text message or something. But hey its up to you and you dont need to rush just do it at you own speed
  8. Thanks guys but i should tell you this i had quite a few drinks when i wrote that
  9. Just tell her that yo are worried and that you really care and dont want to see hr keep getting hurt, and that you think she should stay away from this guy, if she doesnt leave him well thats her choice you cant make her leave him she has do that part
  10. We are all alone in this world Crying and dying Running away to not face our life planing our own death Theres not a place we belong Just need someone to care Who are we kidding No one will know we are gone We are sick of this life No one believe us when we tell them Nore do they now the feeling Well i am leaving gunna drink myself silly See if it is true that you die I will test it on myself Since not a soul will notice i am gone
  11. What i think is you already know. You love her or you are falling in love with her
  12. My brother well that was on and off for over a year and that happened about 5 years ago when my father passed away. Yeah i still feel like crap and wished he did shot me instead, then i wouldnt have to live with this but i am feeling better and i am not going to let them 2 men reck my life. The hardest part is at night when i am alone. Anyway i really do hope you will feel better soon
  13. Okay so what are you bi or lesbain? and does she know? is this your first crush for a girl? I have been like you and i was so down all the time and in the end i just told the girl i had feelings for her it was hard at the time, but she is still a good friend of mine, but she didnt have feelings for me and well i couldnt make her to but that did help me to start getting over her
  14. Yeah hey everyone sorry about that posti was just having a hard time once. But i am doing alot better now i feel real good. Thank you everyone for caring and being there to suport me even you dont know me, it means so much yous will always be in my heart and never forgotten
  15. Yeah my brother raped me and i wish for alot of bad * * * * t happen to him but i didnt even put him in jail and i would never do anything to him, i just dont even want to know him anymore. And for the * * * * * * * in the street well i wish he will die, but why coz really that would be him getting of easy, i would like him to feel the way i did, and feel like what it was like when it felt like my last second when he had the gun against my head, at the same time i had depression so really i wished he did shot me then i wouldnt of had the pain he put me in and haveto live with it. But i am gald that he raped me a 16 year old and not a 6 year old. I think people that rape someone should have rapist writen on the forehead, so they can live in shame and so peple can bash and give them dirty looks when they walk past
  16. Okay how long you known her?, how do you feel about her?
  17. Yes i do thing males and females can be friends. I get on with alot of guys sometimes even better than i do with a female friend, and being friends with a male is way less b****ness. And sometimes i would just hug a guy friend but no kisses
  18. No not at all. I have said this befor and i will say it again dont worry about what people think okay that will get you know where.
  19. does she get wet down there when you ply with her cilts? sometimes for me when i am not wet it hurts after alilltle while
  20. I am so sorry I know what it is like to loss a father and that piece never heals does it, that will always be missing and you learn to live with the pain and become stronger
  21. WOW that is so good but so sad. How you are feeling okay hun. Death would be easier than life but next year could be the best year of your life and if you die you will miss out on so much. I really know how that feels thats how i use to feel
  22. Camp yeh like her parents will let her go. Thanks for trying to help anyway means alot
  23. Yeah i dont know if that will work and well that wont stop her from drinking anyway, she was finding it so hard to have get another drink lastnight i stayed and talked to her until she was tried and went to bed, so she wont get another drink
  24. well she just got grounded, she is aloud outta the house but only with her mother and not aloud out to hang out with friends. And once she stoped eatting for alittle while and all her mother said is get over it, i find that really mean for a mother to say, she should be there helping her daughter out
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