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Everything posted by CATLOVER

  1. umm I doubt anyone would think your a nutcase because you went to the doctors to get some help.......its not the dark ages and anyone who thinks your nuts to ask for help...well they are nuts. You sound like you dont really want any help...just want to have a moan
  2. Umm you do realise that having a girlfriend or getting somewhere with a girl isnt going to change anything...infact it may make things worse. You need some help to get to the root of the problem.......when you are happy with your life and yourself first...then you will attract someone great
  3. Yuck! He is horrible........he knows you still love him and is playing you for all he can get. Not only that he has convinced you to cheat on your current boyfriend and his current girlfriend. Not nice and definitely creating a situation where everyone is going to get hurt......what he is doing has nothing to do with love and everything to do with create a whole lot of pain and anguish for everyone.
  4. Oh bummer....I feel for you...thats a crappy little mess. I know its probably eating you up that they are together but if he couldnt commit to you, he wont to her.....dont regret your decision....you did the right thing for yourself and its turned out all a bit pearshaped.......but maybe them dating is a blessing in disguise to get you right away from the situation and on to new people and places....and honestly I doubt they will be together long...she has obviously just done that to hurt you.
  5. Hmm I think you might find it hard not to send a message and you probably already know you are going to anyway....but I still think no contact for at the very least three months is a good idea..... Only send it if you are dead set positive that it wont affect you one bit if she does not reply.
  6. Probably completely normal monthy cervical mucous. Around ovulation it can be full on and around this time it also looks similar to fuid when she is turned on....and it can make her feel wet. If she is concerned a checkup at the doctors will ease her mind.
  7. Well obviously everyone has different beliefs about what comes after death......but even if you believe you go back to God and be with your creator for eternity....no one really knows what that means until it comes to pass.....and we would hope that it is something wonderful and beautiful. ANyway all Im saying is none of us are in control of what goes on after death so no point even thinking about it...just embrace and accept that death is a part of life and nothing to be scared of Im sure
  8. Hmmmmm, Im hearing you....BUT you might want to stay out of this one. I understand you really like this girl and are friends with her but it could turn into world war three him being your brother and all. All I can think is you might have a few words with him about things....let him know how his behaviour is making you feel........
  9. Hmmm Ok firstly you sound like you are suffering from depression......OFF to the doctor FOR YOU immediately....and let him know how you are feeling and for how long!!!! Depression is treatable!!!!! ..... its only a chemical imbalance but can feel like the whole world is pointless and life is a waste of time when you are in the grips of it. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE...I beg you go to your doctor. Believe me with help your whole life can turn around. Dont worry what other people are saying, they dont know what you are feeling...only you do!!! PEOPLE telling you to get over it and pull your socks up and stuff IS NOT HELPFUL.....and will make you feel worse...BUT they dont have any idea what you are feeling........PLEASE GO TO THE DOCTOR.....
  10. Yeh Kelly...wait it out. Even if do miss what you had.....it no longer exists and he has made it clear he only wants some fun......you have to listen to what he is asking you for......it doesnt match what you want for yourself.
  11. Ok well, Im not a jealous person now Im older but was when i was younger. But I remember having a boyfriend that was not a jealous type and he wouldnt never get jealous not even a tiny weeny bit....I think I took this for a lack of feeling. I was madly in love with him and did feel some jealousy at times...it drove me crazy that he didnt have any jealousy...I thought it meant he didnt care..........fast forward to now.....I dont thinK jealousy is a very useful emotion...but even so I still think in a close loving relationship a tiny bit might be a healthy indication that there is feelings for someone present.
  12. Well its completely normal......and she will have to get used to it if she is gonna be with men........so I wouldnt worry about it......
  13. NUP! NO! REALLY REALLY BAD IDEA.......UNLESS OF COURSE YOU WANT TO FEEL BAD AND BROKEN HEARTED....IF SO, THEN GO FOR IT! UMM he isnt the only hot guy in the world...wait for someone new and fresh that really digs you.
  14. Yeh it does happen but from my experience alot of water needs to pass under the bridge first. My first ever boyfriend is a friend of mine...but it was a few yrs until that could happen...All the feelings need to be resolved first. And also when I say friends I dont mean we hang out every day or spend alot of time together. I mean maybe once every three or four months we catch up...have a cuppa or go for a meal.....
  15. Hey there, Ummm look I think you should back off from her......I know you are grief stricken right now but your letting your feelings make you do all the classic things after a breakup that make things worse. I even felt claustaphobic reading what you are up to........Also all the things she is doing is classic breakup trying to be nice but also wishing the other person would leave you alone. Its not easy for her as well. At the end of the day it doesnt matter what her reasons are, she has decided that right now she doesnt wish to be involved....you need to respect this and let her go. You will hurt for quite a while but it will lessen and eventually pass.
  16. I agree....she has no right to use physical violence on you......I dont care what sex a person is....its just not on and its ABUSIVE. The fact that she leaves you bleeding...geez....thats very violent......and shows that she has some very deep seated anger/whatever issues. As was said above it will get worse over time and I think your seeing that. You need to make your own decision though on what you are prepared to tolerate.
  17. LOL you guys! Nothing odd about it at all.....infact ur the first ever guys Ive ever heard in my life not think a girl touching herself was the best thing ever!!!! I touch myself whilst in foreplay and whilst having sex.......not all the time......Of course it feels good butalot of the reason is my partners have always loved it and they get off on watching....and its a turn on to watch someone getting off on me getting off.....LOL....so its all just fun and part of the big picture. 8)
  18. Hey my girlfriend and her partner stopped having sex around 6months. She is due anytime now. She told me he said he didnt right having sex with her ....... she agreed as she hadnt been feeling sexy either....so they are bith happy to resume the sex post baby.....neither are worried or concerned that this happpened......and because of that it isnt an issue. She said her ex husband was the same when she had her first two kids....he went off it each time around 5-6 months along. So I guess pretty normal...and only an issue if one isnt happy...which is in your case. Hmmmm its not that long....do you think you can let the sex go until after the baby comes.........or maybe you could ask him to pleasure you in other ways for the moment. Its a temporary thing.
  19. Nothing wrong with that...go for it!!! Even if they were best friends, its years later........
  20. sweetheart230 Well Im 34 and im still single......Ive had long term relationships amongst a few other things but so far nothing has worked out........All my friends are genuinely surprised i havnt found someone and settled down.......but Im still looking. On the other hand Ive got girfriends who met their partners at 18 and are still with them. I have watched girlfriends divorce only to meet new partners within a year and settle back down, I have watched people break one relationship up only to have a new one almost waiting to go into.........and I have no idea why I cant get it right or why I find it harder to meet someone suitable.......I guess what Im saying is...if you find an answer to your question let me know cause I think for as many people that have no trouble...there is as many of us that find it perplexing.......
  21. OMG you what??????? Im kidding as well.....Lol......similar to what someone said above...I started at like 9 and im 34 and about the only effect it has had...is some good old tension relief when needed and was a great way to get to know my body when I was younger. 8)
  22. Yes I reckon well done on your reply as well....considering you are in an emotional place you really sent back a nice level headed calm reply.....better than i wouldve done Anyway you know what everything your saying and asking sounds like perfectly normal breakup stuff that everyone goes over in their head. Its all part of the grieving process....... Im not sure why he messaged you...Im sure its cause he is feeling bad and probably an attempt to calm his own guilt...so dont read into it too much.....and if he keeps messaging you, you might need to ask him not to.....or youll never get over it.
  23. Im not sure if its technically alcoholism as she can go without alcohol for long periods but its definitely alcohol abuse and binge drinking is just a form of self abuse.....blacking out whilst drinking is a sure sign of substance abuse. Her drinking patterns are destructive to her and are affecting her life and relationships...so doesnt really matter what label its given...she is in trouble. By the way, you know its not your job to save her, and no one can be saved unless they want to be. Let her family know quietly and then get out of the picture and move forward......she may get help soon, or she may never get help...but you deserve a functioning adult as a partner
  24. Two Weeks....gee I wouldnt even be considering him a boyfriend yet!!! Maybe you are coming accross a bit too serious too soon ... and well thats not the most attractive thing. Look my advice would be dont pay this guy too much attention just yet....just go out have fun , meet haeps of new guy friends, dont be too serious with them until you know one is seriously interested in you. You dont have to have a boyfriend to have fun.......
  25. WELL its good you are not blind and you are aware this could be a situation that doesnt turn out great. You do deserve to have the best for your next relationship so I suggest you just clearly state that maybe two weeks isnt enough time yet for him to be dating anyone new......tell him you are interested in him but that you will give him a bit of time maybe a month or two just for him to make sure his previous relationship is over before he starts with someone new. This way you are protecting yourself emotionally and giving it to him straight. If he cant wait for a bit of time to pass then he wasnt for you anyway........and youve saved yourself heartache. If he really likes you he will be fine that you are looking after yourself and will wait the time. Just a thought
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