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Everything posted by providentielle

  1. I can understand that you want things to go back to they way they were but the other people from your group obviously have issues with each other that u cannot solve as much as you would like to. It is a fact of life that at your age we all go through so many things and change a lot and that we people may come and go in our lives. It would be nice if things would stay the same but you are not in control of this. I think the best thing to do is be there for all your friends but make time for them separately. Maybe with a little time and space they will be able to resolve their differences and you can all hang out again.
  2. Congratulations, nice to hear of happy endings. I really believe ldr's can work and it does people good to have in proven on here sometimes. All the best for a long and happy marraige!
  3. I think you need to get it all out before you can move on, talk about it, post on here, anything so you are not sitting thinking about it. Write a letter saying all the things you wish you could tell her but know you cant. Time gives us so much perspecive on things, remember you wont always feel like this. Good luck
  4. Hard as it is I think he has already given you the answer you are on here looking for. He has made it clear how he feels and I know that this may seem almost impossible to you right now, but you have to move on. He seems a bit harsh and uncaring in the texts, that must be difficult for you too. Time is the only thing that is going to make you feel better, spend it with friends and family, people who really care and can make you feel better about yourself. Kepp busy and eventually you will wakr up one morning and realise it's getting easier. Good luck
  5. I think that for your own sanity and peace of mind you should try not to call. I know it's difficult but there is nothing you can do to make him change his mind. Living your life and getting out, seeing people and being happy without him will all happen in time and trying to call and being ignored just makes the healing process longer and more difficult. Good luck
  6. They are both good ideas, i like the secret one too. Remember to do what feels comfortable, too much planning could ruin the moment. Oh and you know practice makes perfect! Good luck
  7. Our heart is the most difficult thing to risk but we get the greatest rewards when we do. There isn't some magic thing you can do that will stop your feelings of insecurity but try to use how you felt when you gave a little of yourself to this girl. remember the feeling and realise that it worth taking the risk. Give her a chance, let her in. You can take it slow but the only way to move on from this feeling is to take a deep breath and dive in. Good luck
  8. Two factors make nc more difficult in your situation. First, you have previously got back together after breaking up which makes you feel like it could happen again. Second, you feel that it was your fault that you broke up last time and think that if you had done something differently then you would still be together. The thing is, you have given your relationship two chances now and something obviously does not work if it has failed both times. Also, it is not your fault! Things happen in relationships and sometimes people just do not work together, neither of you can change who you are. It is hard to accept and I think you need to deal with your feelings about having caused the break up the second time before you try to move on. Good luck
  9. I can see that this has been very difficult for you but there comes a point with all of us where we realise we cant have who we want and must do our best to move on. She was harsh and unfair with you but she has now told you what you need to be able to start the healing process.
  10. I think you should put your friendship first here. Ask your friend how she feels about it and if she is ok with the idea then you could ask her to put a good word in for you or pass on your msn or whatever to this girl. However, if she is not so happy with the idea then it is best just to try and forget about this girl and preserve your friendship.
  11. If you want to try and work this out then you should talk to her. I think it would be a good idea if she continued to stay with her family for now while you both try and work things through. It also seems like it would be a good idea for you to support her in getting a job, this may help to make her feel more secure and happy. Good luck
  12. I used to do this with my ex, I felt really self conscious at first but I really enjoyed it once I got into it. I think that letting him know you want to try will be really easy, ask him what he'd do to you if you were together or tell him you are feeling horny or say anything along those lines!
  13. Do not go back to your ex because of your children. It will not benefit them at all. Just now they live somewhere where they are happy and they see their mum is happy. They should grow up in a situation where they see examples of people loving each other because that will be how they themselves will learn about relationships. You should not hide your new realtionship from them, they will find out at some point and is best to be as honest with them as possible. Alos, one day they will grow up and leave home and you should ensure that your life will have purpose and meaning as they grow up and become more independent, you dont want them to leave home and be left there alone with a man you do not love anymore, it will be much harder for them as they are older and are likely to feel everything that went before and everything they thought about you both has become tainted. Studies have shown that it is better for a child to come from a home where parents separate than one where the parents stay together but are unhappy in their relationship. Put your children first by bringing them up i a home where they see what real love is.
  14. If you both like each other and are prepared to work at it and there is a time in the future where you could be together then I dont see a problem with having a ldr. I can see why she is cautious about it, it's not the easiest way to be with someone and it can be hard. I think you should give her time to come round to the idea. Good luck
  15. The hotel is good if you can afford it or you could wait till your roommate is out one night. Just do what feels good and remember that practice makes perfect! I also feel I have to do my mature bit and say remember to use some form of protection. good luck
  16. Waiting around for him for the next year in the hope that you may be able to rekindle your relationship seems a lot for you to deal with. The best thing to do is get on with your life, like he is doing with his. If you both want to meet up when he comes back and are both in a position for something to happen then all well and good, but in the meantime put tourself first.
  17. I'm so glad you are feeling more positive, do remember though that you cant leave your feelings behind. I wish you all the best in your new job and state and hope you find everything you are looking for.
  18. I think livestrong gave you good advice. If other people now know what he is like then make friends with them and forget about this guy, he is not a friend and you deserve better. Do let the girl know because otherwise he will have a negative impact on her life too. Give him back his notes, these kind of people will get their comeuppance without you having to lower yourself to his level, what goes around comes around! Good luck
  19. I think the quote "do unto others as you would have them do unto you" is a good one to follow. Basically, treat other people in the way you would like to be treated yourself
  20. remember that your friendship is important and put that before these guys. You have to break off your current relationship if you don't want to be with him, it is kinder to both of you. Good luck
  21. If she is up for it in person then i'd trust that, you cant even be sure she has read the email.
  22. I dont think she would have given u her msn if she didnt want to chat. There could be so many reasons why she didnt respond before she went offline, she could have been really busy or got disconnected. I do agree with DN regards lying about your age though, thats not gonna be advantagous to any sort of future friendship, she will find out and know you lied.
  23. It is frustrating when other people take for granted things that you have to work hard for but surely if you care about your girlfriend then you should be pleased for her? I dont see how you can make these feelings stop and I dont see what telling her about it would achieve, she can't do anything to change the situation, it has to something which you learn to deal with yourself. However, I think if you had strong feelings for her then you would be proud of her and be glad she does well so maybe you are in a relationship with the wrong person if it makes you feel this way.
  24. Could he be trying to get you to fight for him? Some guys can get a bit carried away and he might like the idea of you both wanting him. If you really want to be with him then tell him and see what he says, you risk feeling awful if he says no but it's best to know where you stand. If he really wants to be with her then you do your best to get over him and find someone else in time. Good luck
  25. Well donr for being so strong and I hope your new relationship is everything you want it to be. Good luck and thanks for letting people know that you can move on and be happy again.
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