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Everything posted by providentielle

  1. I know how you feel here, for me it often has something to do with insecurity. You were right to text back, ignoring her wouldn't have got you anywhere. I think you just want to talk to her but feel like the ball is in hre court now which is frustrating, I know. The best thing is to wait and hope she calls, but try not to think about it too much because you will go slowly crazy! lol If she hasn't called after the time she said you'd be at home then you could give her a ring, but remember that she may not have called for a reason. Good luck
  2. Maybe you have some unresolved feelings about losing this friendship? Dreams are not literal and you are in control of them, if you choose to you can change the course of a dream. They tend to help us deal with subconscious feelingfs though so maybe you need to talk to your friend?
  3. I think honesty is always the best policy. Take the blame for what you did but she was a part of it too
  4. Everyone gets drunk and does or says things they regret but it will be ok. If you do love her then tell her when you are sober so she will know that the drink just gave you confidence to say what you felt. As for you saying you didnt believe she loved you, again, if this is how you really feel then you should talk to her but it's very likely that you are just feeling insecure becasue you love her and dont want to get hurt
  5. Just do whatever you were doing before you asked her, she obviously liked you enough then to say yes so you cant be going wrong to do the same for the next two weeks. I dont think she will get bored waiting, she's much more likely to be getting excited about it. Good luck
  6. That is my favourite position too, it's so close and you can just relax and feel loved and cared about. Just reading it makes me want a hug!
  7. Sounds like you've put a lot of thought into it and I thikn you have covered all your bases. Hope it all goes well.
  8. You can tell from your poem that you have very strong emotions that you are dealing with and writing is often a good way to deal with these feelings. I think it is well written and conveys how you feel really well. remember that not all poetry needs to rhyme, it is often much more effective to use words that do not rhyme because then what you are trying to say is not restricted.
  9. I'm sure that in time she will talk to you and that your friendship can survive but she is probably feeling very confused right now. If you can find some way of contacting her just try to explain that you wanted to be there for her when she was upset and although you didnt necessarily go about it the right way you still want to be friends and that this does not have to change your friendship. Do you have any feelings for her other than friendship? Is there a possibility she feels more for you? Yes to either of these questions will naturally make getting back to normal more difficult. If she does have feelings for you and you have let her know that you thought what happened was a mistake she may be feeling hurt or if she is worried that you have feelings for her then she may not want to talk to you because she doesn't want to have to hurt you.
  10. If she has said that you know you wont hurt her the way her ex did then isn't that a hint that she maybe does think of you as more than a friend? If you really like her then isn't it worth talking to her? If not you might be on here next month saying you wish you had spoken to her because now she is seeing another guy and it's too late. You telling her you like her and care about her can't be bad for a friendship. Good luck
  11. I think in a communal room but not right at the door sounds like a good idea. I think if you are going to get over this guy though you need to have more understanding of why the relationship ended.
  12. I know it is hard to learn from other people's mistakes but please try, if you do email her his trust in you will be gone and he will also know that you found her email address and it could be for no reason and i think it is almost certain that for some reason or another you will regret doing it. If you really dont trust him then this will not fix the situation and whatever she says I think it's safe to say you wont trust her answer any more than your boyfriend's.
  13. Well done! So many people on here spend so much time thinking and worrying that they never get round to actually doing anything positive. You should be really proud of yourself and even if she doesnt call I hope that doesnt put you off doing it again.
  14. If you think that worrying about worst case scenarios will make the whole situation difficult when kissing him then you could let him know but if, realistically, it is not going to pop out etc then just try to forget about it unless you want to tell him. Just do what feels tight to you. Good luck
  15. This guy sounds as confused as you! We often want things that are likely to make like difficult, like falling for someone who lives far away, this may be an issue for him. I am sceptical as to whether the relationship with this other girl is as casual as he makes out, maybe i'm being suspicious but I dont know many relationships like that. It could be that he likes you but wants to keep this girl around incase you are not as keen as him, but it could be so many other reasons! I'm afraid the only way you are going to find out whats going on with him is to ask him, scary but you might finally find out where you stand. Good luck
  16. If you want to tell him how you feel then why not just do it? It might seem a bit daunting but at least the confusion will stop. Good luck
  17. Know you know how it feels there is no reason for it to go back to being dull! buy a book or something, there are loads of ways you can make things more interesting
  18. I have heard that studies have found that concentration can be helped by taking fish oil supplements such as omega 3, however if it is due to a concern or problem you have that is taking your concentration from other things then I think dealing with that is the best way forward. Good luck
  19. Maybe she found it hard to tell you because she didnt want to make you feel bad or maybe she just hadnt realised how the situation had become until she was with this other guy. Since she is now your ex i'djust use it as a learning tool for future realtionships and try to move on
  20. Why not ask him if you can hepl him on a project to get experience and have something to put on your cv and that if he has too much work that he would consider reccomending you
  21. By feeling this way about someone that you cannot have as she is with someone else may be a safe way of exploring these feelings for you. Only you can know how you feel about your current girlfriend but if you decide she is not who you want to be with then you need to let her know so you can both move on with your lives. however, it is natural to be attracted to someone else and there is nothing wrong with that if thats all it is
  22. Have to say I agree with carrie, would you keep calling someone for a year and a half if you were getting no encouragement?
  23. Changing your behaviour is not easy but recognising what you dislike and deciding you want to change it is the first step. I am a childcare and education worker and I know that with children it takes 2 weeks to change behaviour and i guess it would be similar with adults. Trying to avoid people who bring out your negative behaviour may help and so might asking people who you like or admire to point out when you are behaving in a way that you are unhappy with. If you want to understand why you act the way you do and the reasons why certain people make you act in certain ways I can reccomend an amazing book called I'm ok, you're ok by Thomas A. Harris. Good luck
  24. If you like him I wouldn't get too caught up in the too soon thing, i've never understood all the rebound relationship stuff. If you feel you need time then tke it and if not then just enjoy yourself!
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