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Everything posted by Jetta

  1. Gosh I'm sorry. I really don't know, unless it's a personality trait that's putting them off. Do you have close friends to ask who can maybe advise you a little? I know how people perceive me is often different than I thought I was being percieved (snobby vs. shy for example). That's the kind of things only those closest to you can help figure out. Maybe the dorky guys don't believe you're really interested in them, some guys really aren't very perceptive and you pretty much have to lay it out there for them.
  2. Okay your weight is not the problem, and I am not just saying that. I believe it's confidence level, or maybe you just aren't open and receptive to the guys that flirt with you. Are you too picky, perhaps?
  3. I have taken acting and speech classes. Granted I'm still shy and ackward in some situations but I do think it helps break you out of your shell. Definitely worth it, and fun too.
  4. I wouldn't think a guy was desperate for calling me the next day. If he were to call later that same night, yeah I'd be scared. But maybe if you were to call this evening (not too late) that wouldn't be bad. I'd be flattered.
  5. If your ex really needs to tell you something there are other ways to reach you I'm sure. Really I would keep him blocked.
  6. I'm going along with you may have looked familiar to her. Most people who are attacted to someone won't stare at them like she did you. That's the hey I wonder if I know that guy look.
  7. I think it's just my face. I'm an open book when it comes to what I'm thinking and it sucks. I really wonder if people can read my thoughts (sort of kidding). But it's really that obvious to people what I'm thinking. It's those initial thoughts that get me, normally I can control myself pretty well, but my initial reactions are the kicker. And when I first saw my boss I blushed as I thought "Oh he's cute." I wanted to run because I knew my face was red but I couldn't because I was being introduced. So I opted to joke with him, which only made things worse. Well my computer doesn't like me today so I'm off.
  8. Eric I don't want to date him, HE'S MARRIED. I just want to be at work and focus on work. With a few pleasant conversations from co-workers mixed in. I'm naturally shy so I do blush just because I'm uncomfortable.
  9. Yeah great. I do have astigmatism, so I'm probably winking and don't know it. My dad would wink subconsciously. It was so funny to see that waitress run for the hills right in the middle of singing his birthday song. She thought he was hitting on her. He didn't even know what happened. When I told him he winked at her he didn't believe it. Then he laughed because she was just a kid to him. He thought it was funny that she would think that. Maybe that's the my problem. So I blush and wink subsciously. Well I'm glad I figured it out, any tips on how to stop it?
  10. And it's really a problem for me, especially in the workplace. I mean I'm really not the kind of girl to sleep with a married man just because I may think he's cute, but no one knows me well enough to know that. I tend to blush easily so it's obvious if I think a guy is cute. I was wearing my wedding band the first few days but I forgot it today. So of course the joke I made when I arrived to the cute boss is now taken as me hitting on him. His wife was mentioned to me a few times today. I may think he's cute but I don't want to sleep with him or anything. Can't guys and girls talk? I really wish I knew what it was about me that caused this kind of reaction in men. I think I'm having a normal conversation with a guy and people think I'm flirting. Including other guys. I honestly don't get it. A coworker actually left the room when the boss came and talked to me. I'm really afraid to be available again. I seem to be lacking some kind of self awareness.
  11. At this job I started Monday. Two women have ADD kids, one I haven't met yet has a child with autism. They are still married to the father unlike me, but one woman shared some experiences with her kids that has been really helpful in figuring out my own situation. I'm also learning a lot on the job that can be applied towards my real estate career. I'm doing that on the side for now because I need some level of security. I'm feeling really positive about things. Even if it's not easy I at least feel like things will get better. My good friend even said it sounded like this job was meant to be. I'm so grateful for this opportunity. This job came just as I was losing hope and ready to quit the struggle, seriously. These are the kind of things that happen and prove someone out there is watching out for us, all we need is faith. I will add I nearly turned down this job. The recruiter would not let me say no. I'm so glad he pushed.
  12. I'm a temporary employee working for a small town city. It's fun, I'm actually kept pretty busy but not overwhelming so so it's great. Granted it is the first day, but so far so good.
  13. No I don't remember. I just remember she said she was worried she'd gain more that week because she had basically taken a day off of dieting and ended up losing twice her usual. It's like her body realized she wasn't starving herself and said okay we can release this then.
  14. A women I knew on Weight Watchers actually said she lost more weight when she allowed a day to eat more than the alloted points. She didn't go crazy as in binge but she did eat an extra treat or included meal at a restaurant that's higher in calories. Just something that she did and realized it really did help promote weight loss.
  15. You could be developing anxiety. Why not go to your family physician and get something to take for the flight. My mom was deathly afraid of flying, she eventually overcame it by realizing it was the lack of control that bothered her the most. She made a point to meet the flight crew which eased her mind (which I don't think they allow since 9/11), but meds really helped her through a few trips and we got treated extra special by the sterwardesses. Also I read that when a flight crashes it's usually only 1/2 full and/or had lots of cancellations. You can always call the day of the flight to find out if they've had more cancellations than usual. If so, pick a different flight.
  16. Can you go over to his place and see if he's there, or have an officer check on him? You do have a good reason to be concerned, especially if he has stopped breathing in the past. But he really isn't the kind of guy you should have in your life. He's got a huge problem and feeling guilty for not drinking enough, well that's just the wrong kind of guilt to have.
  17. Yeah that's the problem. No means break-up, which sucks when you like the person still but just don't want to be married to them.
  18. Well you are above average. Give her a night off and romance her a little. Show her you love her without it being about making love to her.
  19. I agree with the previous poster. You may have a form of depression. Good luck with your plans.
  20. Yeah I think I was posting mainly to make it real to myself. I'm really feeling out of it lately.
  21. The deeper the involvement the more space is needed to heal, is my opinion.
  22. June 7th is the hearing, and I believe the finalization of our divorce. We have to attend a parenting class prior to it, something about divorce and shared parenting. Things are progressing. Emotionally I'm still wavering, it's really hard to leave someone after nearly 8 years together. Even if most of it was rough going.
  23. Give him space or he'll think you're too clingy. I know it's hard when you really like someone but you could scare him off.
  24. Regret1, I am one of those woman. I actually thought I could grow to love him, as I didn't really believe a deep kind of love existed. I know realize differently and am in the process of divorce. We get alone fairly well. He says he loves me and treats me nicely. I had gotten out of an abusive marriage and kind of got pushed into dating before I was ready. Everyone kept tell me how great he was for me and I just sort of followed along and after a while figured the next step was marriage. I have felt like I was living a lie ever since, even though I was honest with him throughout about my thoughts and feelings. I still feel like I'm forcing kisses or hugs. It's just unnatural and it does take a toll. Funny I should read this because his good qualities are why I stuck around, and even now we're amicably divorcing. It's hard to leave because I know worse is out there.
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