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Everything posted by Jetta

  1. Take a break and go for a walk outside. Just some fresh air will help your mood. We all have icky days though, it'll pass.
  2. It's good that you've found someone to confide in during this time who can relate. No it's not cheating. It's really kind of theraputic. For now keep it as a friendship.
  3. Well I heard the Britney Spears uses cator oil on her split ends. It wouldn't hurt to give it a try.
  4. Okay I really didn't read most of your post, but you do need to see a therapist. You likely have anxiety disorder and if it's affecting your life you should seek treatment.
  5. Being attractive isn't the only thing people look for in a mate. I married my current husband despite the fact he's not the most attractive man. There's more to a person that their appearance. Oh sure we all turn our heads for the pretty people but it's substance that really counts in a relationship.
  6. Really I don't think you should have left it there for him to use. So go ahead and call, it is your stuff and the sooner you reclaim it the better.
  7. I agree with what LeReveur said and will add it's not about controling her or anything. It's about having feelings and showing emotion. If you have no reaction she feels that you really must not care all that deeply for her.
  8. I was just at a wedding last weekend. There was an older couple there who glowed in each others presense. The woman said they are often told how cute they are together. I said it's because they are. I know they are romatic soulmates and are deeply in love. I do know that soulmates exist, and they are not just romantic partners. Soulmates come into your life for various reasons and some are with you throughout your life. The ones who leave you with the most positive feelings are the souls you've had more positive incarnations with. just as we come accross people we have an instant dislike for these feelings are likely based on previous incarnations with more negative experiences. True love exists, it's present everywhere but some of us choose not to be open to it. Having children really shows you that true love exists. This singular form of love people seem to think of when discussing love is what they are only allowing themselves to see. Love is expansive. Think about the love you have for all the people in your life. Really you love them for different reasons, none of which are more important than the other.
  9. Jetta

    Phone call

    If he hadn't been seated near a few friends when I saw him on Friday I would have, but I just don't have that much courage around him, he seems to be lacking courage around me too. And neither of us are like this normally. Okay I know he likes me because he got up and walked out when a member of the band came down sat by me and started playing his sax. He came back in the room but wouldn't sit near me, just where he could keep an eye on me. I swear I have a glow since meeting him. This kind of stuff never happened to me before. It's interesting to me.
  10. Well that's really your perception. I got out to clubs, well used to these days it's karaoke nights or bars with bands playing. However I never went home with anyone. I'm just not that kind of person. I figured it was a way to get out and go dancing, maybe meet up with some friends and have a few drinks. I'm not there to meet guys if they ask to dance I will because that's fun but that's all they're getting from me.
  11. Jetta

    Phone call

    Okay the other night we got a call in the middle of the night, well it was around midnight. My soon to be ex answered it, and said it was a man who he said got a wrong number. Well I figure it was the soulmate guy and he was shocked when he answered and wasn't about to ask for me. He did see me earlier that night and maybe he thought I'd still be awake. That was Wednesday. When I went out Friday and saw him he pretended not to see me and hid in another area for a bit. That is why I think he was the guy who called. He came around later, and warmed up to me again after hearing no I hadn't changed my mind about the divorce. Also his co-workers mentioned he was really off that day, they were razzing him but it was stated really for my benefit because they looked over to make sure I heard. I have the number on caller ID (wireless caller) and really want to call to find out if it really was him but what would I say if he actually answered? He'd know my voice. So the realistic side of me says just to wait it out, or call from a payphone so he wouldn't get a name on the caller id. I don't regularly get middle of the night calls, and this one is just a bit too coincidental IMO. I'm really bummed I wasn't awake to answer it.
  12. Thanks all. I've made it through now and am feeling better. Granted I layed around most of today, which is very unlike me, but I'm nearly back to feeling like my usual self. I'm not really sure where this came from but I'm glad it's nearly over.
  13. She probably is depressed being overweight and all. Talk to her about things that are simple she can do to make her look more feminie. Make-up is a good suggestion. Maybe a new hairstyle. Some more fitting and fashionable clothing. Maybe make it a big deal and go together to figure out a new look for her. It will lift her spirits and then she may work to take better care of herself.
  14. I'm just feeling very vulnerable. I went to karaoke where I usually am able to bring some joy into my life. Well the people there were really quite mean and I just couldn't take it. I had to leave. I went for a very long drive all the while thinking about how much I wish this life was just over. Really I was thinking if I had a gun I would blow my head off. I was also trying to figure out where I actually would do that since I was driving my mom's truck (I had a car accident last week so she loaned it to me) and I wouldn't want to leave that mess for her. Yeah I know it's all just temporary in the grand scheme of things but really I'm a human being going through a rough enough time I just don't need more crap added to it. I really wonder what kind of horrible things I've done to people to deserve the treatment I've endured throughout my life. I'm tired, very tired, and I just wish it was over. I'm not posting on suicide because I won't actually do it, I just have very strong desires to. Oh I have the number for the suicide hotline given to me by my therapist, but I didn't have the number with me. I just can't deal anymore. I said two days before my father's death that I just couldn't take another thing. I've managed somehow, but I really need something good to happen. Social services is harassing me about my son on a regular basis. How he can't stay in foster care and how I should be visiting with him more, etc. I told them to get his father involved. He's not just my kid and I just can't deal with it right now. I do visit several times a week they basically just want him back with me and I'm seriously falling apart. My son is just an angry kid that I think had some major trama happen but he isn't talking to anyone. He needs some intense therapy but he refuses to open up. Maybe he's slightly autistic but I really think he's hyper and in need of anger management as well some treatment to deal with whatever may have happened to him. He was a very outgoing kid, now he's not that way at all. I can't sleep. It's 2:30 a.m. and I'm still awake. I had a call on what would be yesterday morning for a phone interview. I blew it. The guy said I sounded very distracted, yeah ya think? I've been working on my positive thinking. I've tried to be hopeful despite it all. I just have run out. I have a divorce happening in 3 days. I have no job, no housing figured out, nothing. Oh my husband says he won't kick me out, and that despite it all he still loves me, but he doesn't love my son so nothing else matters. Who do you count on when the support people in your life are gone?
  15. First I need to vent. My soon to be ex husband has finally cut his hair, and instead of having it practically shaven off as he usually does every 6 months or so he cuts it to look really nice, which means he'll probably need another cut in a month. Yes I'm a hair person, and he always had a nice head of hair. However he never took care of it which made him look very unkept. Now he's looking so good I can barely stand it. It's maddening yet I can't wipe the dumb smile off my face when I look at him. Okay the semi nicer thing is he wants to see our daughter more, arrange for more visits than the agreed 1-2x a week and alternate weekends. So now we have to figure that out. Man why does he have to show his good side now and leave me with his crappy side during our actual marriage?
  16. Okay you said it yourself. You are his booty call. So quit allowing him to go there with you and watch him quit calling. You don't need a man like this in your life.
  17. Your brother isn't listening because your coming to him as an authority figure and that's not what he really needs rigt now. Really at that age you can't influence him too much, he has to make his own mistakes no matter how awful they may seem. What he'd listen to most likely is a good friend.
  18. I agree with DN on this one. Applying doesn't mean you'll get it, and it's good to interview, you generally do better when the job doesn't seem ideal, but it'll give you an idea of what quesitons are asked and you can practice responding. IF they offer it to you say no thank you. Really since you have an art degree, why not look into jobs in that field. Focus on what you want to do then get out there and do it.
  19. Thank you both. After some more thought I really know it's not the right job for me. I've been through this all before, I'm not an extrovert. I enjoy talking to people but I'm not comfortable in a position where I have to talk with people all the time, and I was in a front city desk type of job. I'll have a great job soon enough, more suitable to my personality.
  20. Not sure why exactly, but the recruiter called, e-mailed, and basically tried to contact me to make sure I didn't go in tomorrow. So obviously something happened. I'm a little disappointed because I did enjoy learning new stuff and was looking forward to a paycheck again. I didn't want to be there for life or anything but I guess I'm shocked. I just hope the recruiter lines up something better for me. The people were just real different and I just wasn't clicking with them.
  21. Me in control. I like to think so, but not with him. He'll go out with me eventually I'm sure, I'm just lacking patience. I should probably enjoy the free time while I have it. This glow rocks! Hope it lasts. I did meet an older couple the other day and they had the glow. It was so cool, like a little message from above.
  22. Well I have my two friends to call and/or hang with, but I generally feel like an outsider. Really I think it's my own perception but looking back I've always had people to chat with, and I'm only alone if I choose to be. I'm friendly, nice, and generally optimistic. I'm just not very forthcoming, as in hey lets do lunch Wednesday. I think a lot of it is just putting yourself out there. People may think you prefer being alone, so ask them rather than wait for them to ask you. I'm learning a lot from my outgoing son.
  23. I met him in October last year. I really think he's waiting for my divorce to be final (not divorcing because of him), but the wait sucks! Yeah I was going to skip dating and relationships for a while but the connection with this guy is unlike anything I've ever experienced. He knows what I like to do, and I know some of what he likes to do. But we haven't gotten together in a formal way yet, away from his friends. DN I get sooo nervous around him I don't act like myself, unless I drink first. He's really got me feeling things I didn't know existed. He once said he didn't want to be the rebound guy.
  24. I know you're not mind readers, but.....What is he waiting for!? Why hasn't he asked me out yet!? I know he likes me, or at least did at one time. How can I get him to actually ask me out!? I'd ask him out myself if I didn't get so gosh darn nervous around him. I am so confused by this guy. His friends get really PO'd when I flirt with other guys to the point of pulling me away (in a way that it isn't obvious, except to me). It's the oddest experience of my life. Can I move things along or do I really just have to be patient?
  25. Carbs give you energy, but if you don't burn them they turn to fat. Also, if you're diabetic or pre-disposed to it avoiding carbs is a good idea. Have you looked into other meals? Weight Watchers, Healthy Choice, etc... Perhaps those have few carbs.
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