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Everything posted by annie24

  1. annie24


    Hi Stars - It sounds like you have 2 separate issues going on here. First, you don't really know the online guy. Reading your post, it seems that you have never actually met in person. That's crucial for a relationship. It's really easy to meet someone online, and to build them up in your head, and then when you meet them in real life, they are nothing like your fantasy. Do you really want to sacrifice your relationship with your real life boyfriend for an online chat buddy? As for your boyfriend, I don't know what to tell you. I think all I can tell about being in love is that you're not wondering what love feels like. Only you know if this guy is right for you and you want to continue this relationship with him. Best wishes! Annie
  2. hmmm... yes, find out about the loopholes. If she goes to your school, you can ask her to have lunch with you, or maybe if she can study with you after school (I don't see why her parents wouldn't allow that). Good luck!!!
  3. She doesn't sound like a great friend, esp if she's all over your guy, even if you two aren't official. I'm wondering what's with her boyfriend, if he allows his gf to wrestle and flirt with other guys in front of him. Apart from that... I don't know what to tell you. Hang in there!
  4. I think only time will help. I know it's difficult - it seems like you really cared about him. In the meantime, hang out with friends, spend time on your hobbies, watch some movies, read some books. I swear, things will get easier with each passing day. Good luck!
  5. Yeah, that's in the book too. A whole chapter on it. "He's just not that into you if he doesn't want to have sex with you." If a guy likes a girl, he wants to sleep with her. End of story. Especially since he used to, and now he doesn't, that's kinda a red flag. Sorry girl - I know. I've been there before. It sucks, but I swear that there are better men out there. You never know. If you do NC for a while, he may realize that he's made the biggest mistake of his life, and will beg to have you back, but until then...
  6. I'm sorry to tell you this, but I think he's already given you your answer. You said he said: He said, we will never get back together. Guys don't lie about this sort of stuff. It doesn't seem like he's crazy about you anymore. True, while he is doing some nice stuff, there's a lot of other stuff he isn't doing, like calling you consistantly, asking you out consistantly. I read this book, I swear it's great. It's "He's just not that into you." It just basically says that if a guy likes you, he calls you, asks you out, doesn't break up with you, and wants to have sex with you. I really understood some of my ex-relationships a lot better after I read that book.
  7. Hi - I understand totally how you feel. I remember in high school, people made it seem like if you didn't have a 3.7, you'd never get into a good college, and you'd never get a good job, and that you'd wind up a garbage collector or something. Totally untrue. Ok, fine, you have a few Cs. Life is full of 2nd chances. The college admissions counselors know that you don't have everything figured out at 15 (or 25 or 35 or any age for that matter). Just do your best from now on, and I promise that they'll take it into account. Some people go to a JC and then transfer into the UC system their 3rd year of college. And plus, once you get in, it's better to do really really well at a lesser known college, than to get mediocre grades at Harvard. It's not all about the college that you went to. I also know lots of people who won't hire people with a 4.0 in physics and math (or something like that) who graduated from college, because it doesn't seem like they have a balanced life. You're in high school, don't put too much stress on yourself, just study hard, but play hard too! Good luck!
  8. Yes, I strongly agree with Avman. I see how you're not happy with this situation, and that's understandable, but you did sleep with her, and now you're the father of the unborn baby, like it or not. You're responsible. Now, I guess no one can force you to be a good father, but you are legally bound to pay child support. Just because you don't like your ex anymore doesn't mean that you can't play a role in your child's life. The baby is the inoccent in this situation. You can step up and be a good and loving role model, or you can mess this kid up because the kid will always be angry that his father didn't love him.
  9. Because only a lazy guy wants the girl to do all the hard work! Sure, some guys don't have a lot of self-confidence, that's why they don't ask girls out, but who would want to date a guy like that !?! I'm just saying, every marriage that's lasted that I know of started with the man pursuing the woman. I'm not saying that the reverse isn't true, but I haven't heard any of those stories. I think that most men like a challenge and that they enjoy the pursuit - it's just how they're genetically wired.
  10. I'm sure that they guy is flattered when he is asked out - no doubt. In my dating experience, I've just found that whenever I've asked out the guy, things just don't go very well - things don't usually go past the first or second date. Things go a lot better when the guy does the asking out - it leads to a better relationship. But, that's just my experience. Everyone is different.
  11. Yeah.... I agree with the whole being "tricked into spending the night together" thing. That doesn't seem quite right. People make conscious decisions. Only you know if it's a deal-breaker for you, or if this is something you can work through. Good luck!
  12. Yeah, as RayKay said, you should get at least a few consultations with a trainer - there's nothing to be ashamed about - that's their job! They'll show you how to use the machines and weights properly, so that you're getting the maximal effect and that you're not going to injure yourself. When I go to the gym, the people who look stupid are those that don't know how to lift weights. My trainer just looks at them, shakes his head, and says, "Man, they're going to seriously injure themselves doing that!"
  13. oh dear, I don't think he likes you anymore. I'm sorry. It seems like he was just using you that one night. If he wanted to see you before he left, he would have made plans with you. There's a great book out, "He's just not that into you." It will clear up everything. Yeah, in the mean time, I wouldn't contact this guy anymore - you deserve better.
  14. First of all, I really truly hope that your son gets better! Give this "friend" the red card, ASAP! That's incredibly selfish of her to not respond to your e-mails about your son's medical issues, especially since you were so good about giving support for her miscarriage. This does not seem like a good friendship. I've been similar situations to this too. I had a few friends that once they met a new guy, they just stopped being considerate of me - stopped calling, never returned e-mails, and even stood me up for dinner or movie plans! I just stopped contacting them, leaving my time for those people who are caring and considerate. Best wishes!
  15. Hi Josh - Tell her what you told us - that you really like her, but she doesn't seem happy in this relationship, ask her what's on her mind, and what would improve things. She may be acting weird due to something that has absolutely nothing to do with you (family problems). Just talk to her about things - you're in this relationship too, you have a right to know what's going on. Take care.
  16. I still think that although cheating is bad, and in general, honesty is the best policy, you shouldn't tell him in this case. It was a one time thing, an accident, and it's going to hurt him if you tell him. I don't think that honesty is the best policy when there's not a need to tell, and it's going to hurt him, and then he's going to have a very hard time trusting you again. From the tone of your post, I don't think you'll ever do it again. In this situation, I don't think that not telling is the "easy" way to go, I just think it's the right way to spare someone's feelings.
  17. he he he ... I just dreamt last night that a family of baboons was running loose on the roof of my house. What does that mean !?!
  18. I think it's a maturity thing. Most girls start out liking the bad boys, but after being burned a few times, nice guys start looking real good! I now ONLY date nice guys.
  19. nope - some things never change. Sure, you can ask a guy out, but it's been my experience that relationships are always better when the man pursues you. Yup, if he likes you, he'll let you know. Good luck!
  20. eeek. Thank you for reminding me never to date a co-workers! I don't know.... you could have one last "Talk for Closure." It definitely should not be at work! It seems like this is interfering with your work, and that's bad. Just tell her you need her to put her anger aside during 9-5 - it's not professional. I agree with you that continuing to talk about it every week just brings up wounds and doesn't let you heal. If worse comes to worst, can you get a transfer or find a new job? Good luck!
  21. well, geez..... why are you asking us if she likes you? Go ask her! Maybe she just wants to be friends, maybe she wants more. I don't know. Clarify the situation with her and then things will get better. Good luck!
  22. you're not stupid... love is confusing. Well, if you want to be casual about it, you could just say to her one day, "Did you ever have second thoughts about our breakup?" And just leave it at that and see what she says. That way, you're not really putting yourself out on the line.
  23. Years ago, I also used to be "friends" with my exes and give christmas or birthday presents. Yeah, I'd get a thanks, but never a gift in return. It sucks, especially when you still have feelings for them. It's not really a true friendship, you're just kinda hoping one day you'll get back together with them. I find it's pretty hard to be true friends with an ex. I think a true friendship like that can only happen once a lot of time has gone by and neither one has feelings for the other anymore. I personally wouldn't talk to this guy until you get over him. He's seeing someone else, so why continue to hurt yourself. You are clearly a kind and loving person, I think there's a lot of guys out there that would love to meet a girl like you! Go get 'em!
  24. Yes, I strongly agree with OceanEyes. Some cities have hospitals that have a 24-hour question line with nurses who can answer your medical questions at 3 AM. But, you should contact your primary physician. In the meantime, use a condom!
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