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Everything posted by SunnyScott

  1. The fact that he says that he loves you, sounds like b.s. to me, it takes a lot to know someone before you say "I Love You". Not to be so harsh, but it sounds like he's planting seeds in mulitple places, it sounds like he wants to get lucky (you know what I mean). If your gut is telling you that he's unfaithful, then he probably is; especially, because he lives so far from you. Try to find someone else, you could save alot of heartache! Better now than later right?
  2. Don't call her, my ex called me a million times, he's the one who broke up w/me, and now he keeps calling me, but I don't pick up...! Don't call, you're both suppose to move on, calling will just confuse the whole process...Hang in there!
  3. 1. Too much cologne, it makes them look desperate. 2. When they roll up one side of their pants, leave their boxer's hanging out, and wear big puffy jackets, when the weather is hot! (Oh, and also, when they wear their caps sideways, and walk like they have limp legs). 3. Body Odor! 4. Big chains, rings, earpieces. 5. Long, greesy hair, or just greesy hair in general.
  4. I all ready told him, I told him that I love him, but he's the one that doesn't want to stay in this relationship. His excuse that our long-distance relationship is really tough (We only live 50 minutes away from each other). Anyway, I really miss him, but he's the one that wanted this, not me. I really would like to call him, but don't know what his intentions are.
  5. My ex broke up w/me 2 weeks ago. Since then, he has not stopped calling me. Just the other day, he called me 24 times, and last night 3 times. I didn't pick up any of his calls b/c I need to move on, but deep down inside I still love and want to be w/him. The last time we spoke, I told him to give me some time alone, since he's the one that walked out on me. He said that it was up to me to keep in touch, but why does he keep on calling me?
  6. SunnyScott


    I love talking about astrology, but it could be decieving sometimes. You mentioned that she's a pig. Well, the general rule of thumb is if you are a monkey, then you go well with a dragon or mouse. I have friends whose siblings fall under the dragon, monkey, and rat relationship, and for some odd reason, (I don't know if it's because they are extremely superstitious, so they trick themselves into believing it's true), but they all get along really well with each other. If you are doubting your bond with this chick, you need to analyze her as a person and not on her zodiac sign. Just think about it, if she had a twin who was born on the same day, would that mean that they both have the same personality? No, so just get to know her first!
  7. Astrology is interesting, and fun to know, but you can't really rely on it. I've dated this guy, who according to the Chinese Zodiac, was a perfect match for me. I thought, wow, he just finished med-school, he's a doctor, and his astrological signs fit me just well. We met at his cousins' wedding, who I knew my whole life, but we never knew each other. I thought that it was fate, but in reality, astrology and all of those superstitious things are nice to hear about, but they really don't determine your future.
  8. Just give it a try, don't worry about it. Go with the flow, and if you feel that he will reject you, then he's not a person that you should waste your energy on.
  9. Your ex-girlfriend is going through a tough time right now. She's going through a lot of changes. She still loves you though, don't doubt it, but her career and possibly, her whole life is on the line. She's got a lot to think about. Don't worry too much, just be there to support her. Hopefully, the two of you can work things out.
  10. No, a lot of the times I'll give out the wrong number b/c at least, they don't have to feel as though they've been rejected. Girls who cry over not recieving a phonecall from a guy at a club/party have serios issues. Don't sweat it.
  11. As tough as it may seem, not going back to this person is probably the best choice. The same thing happened to me before. My ex and I dated for 3 1/2 years, he broke up with me during the first year. He was so adament about it too. After 5 months, he called me back, since he was my first b/f, I got back with him. During the 5 months of yearning, he partied and this and that. I was depressed, but when we got back, all of my feelings for him depleted as 3 years passed. Word of advice: you'll eventually move on, even if it seems impossible.
  12. You need to stay away from him, and tell your mother. Go get counsiling as soon as possible...he is not caring, he is sick!
  13. Your first counsiling session will help you dramatically. You'll gain a stronger perspective of who you are as a person. In terms of trust, if your intuition tells you something's wrong with your marriage, then, you need to get him to go to counseling with you. Whatever it is, he has to understand that things aren't going to be easy for you. Continue counsiling. and stay away from places like clubs, that's where you'll meet more predators. I hope that everything will turn out okay for you. Take care of yourself, nourish yourself.
  14. He doesn't need to apologize in private. He's sick, stay away from him. Notify the police, and talk to your mother about it. Whatever you do, keep away from him.
  15. The best thing that you can do for her is to always be there for her. Don't neglect her. People who have been molested, or sexually assaulted are very suicidal, especially women. If you love her, give her as much advice as you can, at least she'll know that you care. She will go through emotional rollercoasters, but if you're patient, the ups and downs will die out, and by then, she'll trust you and have enough confidence having known that you are always there for her. Hang in there.
  16. Hang in there, you'll be okay. Drop that guy, and spend time with people who love you, like your father. At least, you know that you are maturing in this process. You'll be okay, life hits you in many ways, especially when it hits you all at once. At least you know that you are strong. But, everyone else around you is suffering, at least, you know that you're not the only one.
  17. Sounds like he's full of crap! When a guy loves a girl, he will do his best to make the relationship work out in every possible way. Are you sure that he's been completely honest with you? Just look at his actions, and then decide on whether or not you still want him. Actions speak louder than words, if he's just spouting away on how he could have ...this and that to you..." ", then he's just telling you what you want to hear.
  18. He's a dog! I've been in a situation like that, and eventually, my ex called me back. My closure was knowing that the saying "what goes around, must come around" really came true, not that I hoped for it or anything. Anyway, maybe you should start getting to know different guys, At least, this break-up builds on your intuition, and you'll be more perceptive of the guys you meet.
  19. You're just going through a grieving process, don't worry it's normal.
  20. Tell her that she just severed your trust for her, and if she wants to be friends, she has to respect your space to move on.
  21. As for age gaps, generally, if a guy is older than the lady, then the situation is often, okay. Rarely do I see incidences like yours, but I've only known one. The guy was about 18 yrs. younger than that woman. They both wanted to marry each other, but his mom forced him to break up with her, b/c she was his aunt's bestfriend. To cut a long story short, it is possible for a woman to love you even if she's much older. As for the distance, it's tough. However, distance is a test on how committed both parties are. She's probably not wanting to invest her time into you b/c she figures that you are at stage where your life is still transitioning, while hers is just settling down. She probably loves you enough to realize, that you need your own space to mature.
  22. Wow, it sounds like being possessive is just a part of who she is, and has nothing to do with you, or how much she cares about you. She calls you once in a while to check up on you, only because she doesn't want to be alone, and hopes to have someone to fall back on, if plans don't work out with other people. You are her safety net. If her heart's not in it, you can't expect her to want you back. If she's consistently making up excuses, then she's sure of what she wants, and doesn't want you. Sorry to be so blunt, but you are doing the right thing, moving on. I hope that all goes well for you, take care.
  23. I know how you feel... At night, I'll be happy, but in the morning when I wake up, especially, when I open my eyes, the pain hits me again. It's like a dagger, or someone piercing at my heart, and then the day goes by, and the cycle goes over and over again. It's been 2 weeks for me, and it still hurts, but not as much like last week. What helped me was doing things that I like doing. Such as going to the bookstore. Research on topics that you find interest in, find a new hobby. Keep in touch with your parents, they will always bring some sort of comfort. Spend time with family and friends. Whatever you do, avoid anything that has to do w/your ex, like songs you used to listen to, places you used to go, foods you used to eat, and meet new people, but don't pursue another relationship...Good Luck!
  24. Tell her now before it's too late. It's better to know now than later, so then you won't be wasting your time, but before you do here's a little advice: When a girl has interest in a guy: -When he approaches her, she doesn't pull away. -Look at her body language, if her body is facing towards you, then she's into, if you guys talk and stand side by side, then she's probably not interested. -If she makes eye contact, while talking. Sometimes, when a girl doesn't like you, she intentionally doesn't make eye contact, because she doesn't want to send the wrong message. Anyway, these are just subtle clues on how a girl acts around guys she's interested in. Give it a try, at least, you can move on in the future without questioning, "What If".
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