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Everything posted by rocio

  1. I'm going to disagree with everyone here and suggest that you go ahead with it if it's what you truly want. There is absolutely no reason why it should have to ruin an otherwise healthy and strong relationship. My only concern is your health and safety. You probably wouldn't want to do it with a friend. That would just become awkward, at best. And sleeping with strangers is always risky. So be careful.
  2. Just because she didn't offer to pay doesn't mean she's materialistic. I wouldn't have offered and I'm not materialistic. I'm independent and hard working. The fact that she didn't thank you makes her seem ungrateful. But not materialistic.
  3. He is right that this is just the same as if you'd kissed a guy - it's a sort of cheating. But he's not right to say that the solution is for him to kiss someone else.
  4. Oh, just a note - if I smoke pot first I can enjoy it much longer.
  5. there are alot of girls who enjoy this. especially if they are able to achieve multiple orgasms.
  6. The more education you have, the better your chances. Also, the more specialised your field, the easier it is to get international work visas. However, there's a trade-off because there are fewer jobs in more specialised fields. Professors have a pretty easy time working in other countries (lots of work to get there, though). If you have a masters degree in finance you should be able to get a sweet job in Asia. Diplomats have cool lives and travel alot, but I think you need to speak a second language to be considered. At your university they should have a study exchange program where you can spend a semester in another country and pay the same tuition fees you'd pay at home. That's looks great on your resume, especially when you're applying for international positions (potential employers will want assurance that you can adjust to the culture shock).
  7. I don't think there is a written-in-stone social etiquette for this kind of thing. The bottom line is that some people (girls and guys) prefer for the guy to pay. If that's not your style, then you don't need to pursue her.
  8. I don't think that's ever best. If you cut him out, your child may end up resenting you for that. You can have something like No Contact throughout the pregnancy if it will cause you to be less stressed and upset. But try to facilitate a relationship between him and your child.
  9. I'm so sorry you have to go through this. This would be hard for anyone to handle, and then you throw in the hormones and insecurities that we experience in the first and trimester, and I can't even imagine how awful you must feel. Do you have someone you can lean on right now? A mother, sister, or friend?
  10. Lady In Red - Chris De Burgh
  11. The thing is that he doesn't know what he wants to do. His best option is joining the army, which might be exciting. But it could also bring you home to your family in a body bag. Putting that kind of stress on your friends and family who love you simply because you got bored with college and didn't have any better ideas of what to do with yourself is selfish, to say the least. I also think it's quite irrational. If someone has a dream of what they'd like to do with their lives, and college doesn't fit into that equation, then I would totally encourage them to quit college and follow their heart. But if you simply have no idea of where you'd like to be going, college is the best place to be because it keeps the most doors open. It also gives you the opportunity to explore different options.
  12. Congratulations! I'm sorry it hurt so much ( sorry for you and for me !! ) but I'm glad you got a beautiful, healthy boy. It sounds like, despite the challenges surrounding the birth, you were still able to bond with your son and that's the most important part. R is not acting rationally or intellegently, and that is another bonus on your side. You have your head on straight and he clearly doesn't. In the end, his antics are going to be his weakness - and your ability to rise above that crap will be your strength.
  13. That's right. The skin would be white. Be careful next time, but I highly doubt that you have frostbite unless your garbage is like a mile from your house.
  14. I think it's a very unwise decision to join the army when you have access to education and a better life. But that's just my opinion and, either way, I'm sure you'll make the right decision as long as you follow your heart. Hope your weekend gets better!
  15. Congratulations!!! Tylenol should be limited. Only take it when you absolutely can't stand the pain. It's important to make an appointment with your dentist early in pregnancy because gum disease is common in pregnancy and can be harmful to the baby. Make sure to tell your dentist that you're pregnant so she doesn't take any x-rays. Oral hygeine is really important when you're pregnant. Ask the dentist for a cleaning. Floss every day and either brush or use mouthwash after you eat anything. (make sure not to swallow any of the mouthwash).
  16. It also depends on how sensitive you are. Do you ever feel something like a muscle twitch in your abdomen? A good way to get baby to kick is to eat something sweet and then have a warm bath.
  17. Make a list of 10 possible options that you have open to you. For each of those 10 options, write down 3 things: 1. the worst possible outcome 2. the best possible outcome 3. the most realistic outcome I'd love to read whatever you write.
  18. 12 weeks for me You'll feel them for sure within 2 or 3 weeks.
  19. What's wrong with asking? If he persists or tries to coax you into it, then he's not a good guy. But I fail to see how he's disrespected you in any way by suggesting it.
  20. I think a couple should date for a minimum of a year before getting married.
  21. Hi Coco, All I can say regarding your decision to keep the baby is this - it's ok if you decide to terminate. And it's ok if you decide to become a mom. Totally your choice. Neither decision is wrong. It's not the end of the world if you miss your doctor's visit. I'm not saying it's unimportant, but in the big picture it probably won't change anything. The most important thing right now is that you start taking prenatal vitamins immediately. You can get them at any regular store without a prescription and the cheap ones are just as good as the expensive brands. Don't stress too much about the smoking. Honestly, it's doing you more harm than it's doing the baby. It's not nearly as bad as other things you could be doing - like drinking alcohol. Drinking alcohol leads to all kinds of birth defects, including mental retardation. Smoking, on the other hand, can lead to a low birth weight for the baby and that's about it. It's bad and you should quit. But it doesn't cause birth defects. If you're unable to quit cold turkey, cut back as much as possible until you've made your final decision about the baby. Smoke outside of the house or car, and try to only smoke half a cigarette at a time. And even if your relationship with your bf isn't going to work, you need to tell him that it's his responsibility to take care of this. He NEEDS to find you the money to see a doctor - whether it's to terminate or continue the pregnancy. Either way.
  22. I don't think it matters either way. If he likes you, you'll end up going out.
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