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Everything posted by rocio

  1. Just continue to reassure her. Don't wait for her to ask - let her know how sexy you find her on a regular basis. As long as she is unhappy with her body, though, she will likely continue to talk about it. You can't really change her.
  2. Us women know that it can be this simple. But you'd be surprised by the way alot of guys react. Some let it go to their head and start thinking they're the hottest thing on the planet. These ones will often string the girl along for the benefit of their own egos. Others don't want to be mean to a girl so they accept without wanting to. Others don't have the guts to say no to her face so they accept and stand her up.
  3. If the guy is interested in her, then why would he have a problem with her asking him out? If he's not interested, though, he might feel uncomfortable and not know how to handle the situation. As women, we have rejection down to an art. Since guys aren't often approached, it could be quite unpleasant for them.
  4. rocio

    head engaged?

    Now I'm convinced. A workmate commented that it looked like I'd dropped. Unfortunately, research on google has informed me that this doesn't mean the baby will come any sooner But at least it's a sign that I'm in the last stretch
  5. Yeah, Italian Sodas are so good. You can buy syrup made from natural ingredients to mix with perrier.
  6. I've never known a truly motivated person who couldn't succeed at acheiving their goals, regardless of their level of education. However, universities are packed full of stupid people, and full of unmotivated people.
  7. I pulled it out of a hat. But my point was that "moderation" in the case of apples, probably means no more than 2 per day. For coke, moderation might equate to something more like no more than 2 per month.
  8. Exactly - moderation. But we do know that apples are better for you than coke, and there is hard evidence that both coke and diet coke are bad for you. So "moderation" in the case of sodas means, maybe 2 per month.
  9. I think it's bad for you. You should really switch to coke (not diet) and cut down as much as possible.
  10. I know, I LOVE having benefits! I love the fact that, if myself, my bf or my baby get sick or hurt, we'll be in a private hospital room with no bills to pay. I love the fact that I can finally afford to get my 15 cavities fixed (no, seriously), and finally get a crown on that root canal I got a few years ago (I actually had to go around from office to office, almost in tears, before I found a dentist who took pity on me and did the root canal practically for free when I had no money to pay for dental work). I love the fact that my family and I can get massages, chiropractic care, vision check-ups, glasses and contacts... The fact that my employer contributes to my RRSP's... After living with no benefits and nobody to bail you out, this stuff is absolutely priceless to me. I seriously sleep better at night now that I have benefits.
  11. I like Vaughn and Jorja the best. Don't worry about the stretch marks and weight gain. I've seen pics of you pregnant and you look absolutely fabulous. You have the body every pregnant woman dreams of. Glad to hear the depression isn't causing you so much misery and the sex is good!
  12. Please, please don't mention this to anyone else. She had every right to keep this information to herself. There are some things that you just don't go around telling people because it could destroy your life. She has every right to make her money the way she chooses to make it, without announcing it to the whole world. And by telling you, she ran the risk of having this information spread around. These kinds of things tend to take about 24 hours for the 'entire world' to know, once they're leaked to the wrong person. She has the right to keep information to herself if it is going to cause people to discriminate against her and judge her. She has the right to protect her future. She did not betray your friendship by keeping this info to herself. She was protecting herself, and she would have been stupid not to. But now that you know, as her friend, I think you should let her know. Tell her that her secret is safe with you, that you respect her decisions, and that you will be there for her if she ever wants help switching to a safer lifestyle. I had classmates in university who were prostitutes and I also knew girls who finished their degrees and then became prostitutes.
  13. Make it your main goal to keep off what you've already lost. For instance, lose 5 lbs and then spend the next couple of months maintaining your new lifestyle. Once that's become habitual, move on to the next 5 lbs. You say you want to lose 40 more lbs and that makes me a bit apprehensive because it's such a huge goal. When you set really big goals it's easier to have relapses, so just pat yourself on the back for the 30 you've already lost and focus on the next 5 for now. You have the rest of your life to be thin. Take your time getting there!
  14. It depends what you define as "dating". If you're just seeing someone once a week or less, not physically intimate with them, and make it clear that you're just getting to know them on a casual basis, then this shouldn't be hard to pull off at all. Of course, be discreet about it. Don't tell them about each other or make knowledge of each other accessable (for instance, if they are in the same class or have mutual friends, then this is an accident waiting to happen). But don't lie or decieve. This can be a great way to get to know people. It takes the pressure off and keeps you from smothering either girl.
  15. Seriously. You just went through a long pregnancy ending in a lovely C-section coupled with further surgery. This woman should not be harassing you like this.
  16. Wow, that's an incredibly unfortunate situation, especially for your husband. I think it's obvious that you need to stay far, far away from your brother in law. You shouldn't be exchanging glances because you clearly shouldn't even be in the same room. And the hugs and kisses? That's trashy.
  17. Yes, the more gradually you lose it, the more easily your skin will tighten. I lost 50 lbs over the course of about 6 years, and didn't notice any excess skin, even on my breasts. Just make sure you don't gain any of the weight you've lost. The yo-yo thing is the worst thing you could do for your skin. And drink lots of water.
  18. My situation is similary in some ways. Although I had a single mom, she somehow found a way to stay home with us (bringing elderly folks into the home to live with us, getting up at 4am to go clean some office building and be home by the time we woke up, babysitting, government assistance, etc.) She is strongly against daycares and mothers who work full-time. My sister followed in her footsteps and stays home with my neice. Personally, I'll be returning to full-time work after a year, and she's just going to have to accept that it doesn't mean I love my child any less, it doesn't make me less of a mom, and it doesn't mean I'm some superficial, materialistic sell-out.
  19. Only you, as a mother, know what's best for your children and family. Don't let her make you doubt yourself and your decisions. If you would like to bring in some extra income, why not start a home daycare by bringing a couple more kids into your home? Of course, right now you have a newborn on your hands, but if you start advertising now you might be able to have something lined up for when you're ready. You could also work part-time, even just 10 hours/week or something. Either get your husband to babysit or let your MIL take the kids, since she's SO anxious to fix your financial problems! Of course, if you feel that you can best serve the family and keep your sanity by just focusing on raising the kids, without taking on extra responsibilities, then you need to trust that.
  20. rocio

    head engaged?

    He's not less active. He never sleeps. I read online that he's supposed to sleep for 1/2 hour, then play for 1/2, etc.. But it seems to me that he's awake alot more than he's asleep. He does seem to be running out of room, though. No more flips or soumersaults, just kicks, punches and head-bunts.
  21. rocio

    head engaged?

    I think my baby's head may have engaged. I'm almost 36 weeks. Here's why I think that: -my rib pain that's been making me miserable for the last few weeks has suddenly disappeared. (Woohoo!) -I'm having less trouble breathing. -The shape of my belly doesn't seem drastically different, but it might be a bit lower. Is there any chance that the baby has dropped? And if so, could this mean an increased probability that it will come early or at least on time? Or is this just wishful thinking?
  22. That's great to hear. Everyone makes mistakes but good people admit them and apologise. She sounds like a sweetheart.
  23. Don't necessarily "confront" him. Don't accuse him or get emotional. Just tell him in a very clear and confident way that he's crossed a line and he needs to put some distance between himself and your sister. If he ignores your feelings, then you need to leave him. If you suffer from low self-esteem, then it doesn't sound like he's the right guy for you anyway. He probably knows that your self-esteem isn't high, right? So he should be going out of his way to reassure you and make you feel special, sexy and important. I don't even think he deserves a second chance, but since you really like this guy, you're probably not ready to leave him yet. Just please don't put up with too much more crap okay?
  24. From my own observations, and I know this is going to be sexists (as any gender generalisations are) but I think women tend to shop more, but are better at handling that debt. For example, they are more likely to be sure to make their minimum payments or to shift debt from a high-interest card to a low-interest card. Men don't normally tend to shop so obsessively, but they can rack up huge amounts on purchases like t.v.'s and playstations. And they are more likely to miss their payments and manage that debt poorly. of course, these are just generalisations and I'm sure there are plenty of exceptions to disprove my theories
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