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Everything posted by rocio

  1. I used to say the same thing about my bf. We were planning to get married so I started calling him my fiance. Then we broke up, but I was still calling him my fiance because it was easier than, "that guy whose kid I'm carrying who I was going to marry but then decided not to". Anyway, now we're back to dating but I try to avoid the topic of marriage. Back to the op - perhaps my suggestion of how to approach the topic was a bit harsh. But the most important thing, I think, is that you don't accuse him. Rather, try to open a conversation and see what his opinion on the issue is - if possible.
  2. "I've noticed that you seem to be more interested in talking about yourself than hearing what other people have to say. Is that something that you were aware of?"
  3. It's not enough to diagnose Narcissistic Personality Disorder, but it is enough to be annoying! These are the kinds of guys you go out with and let them talk all night while ordering martinis on their bill. They aren't the kinds of guys you get into relationships with. If you're really into him and don't want to end the relationship, then sit him down and have a serious talk about his behavior. He may not even be aware that he does it and he may even want to change it.
  4. If she were never to arrive at that place you think she's headed (knowing herself, self-awareness, etc..) would you still want to be with her? Putting aside the feeling of obligation and the difficulty of getting out at this point.. Personally, from what you've written, I still feel that you should find someone who you feel is more on your level. Balance seems to be lacking in the relationship.
  5. I'm curious to know from the OP why he needs to know. Do you think she's more likely to cheat on you or leave you for another guy is she's "been around"? Would it make you uncomfortable to know she has lots of other guys to compare you to? Do you feel that women who have "been around" have less respect for themselves? ..deserve less respect?
  6. Ask her what she likes. Remember that for alot of women it's harder to reach climax than it is for men. If she gets close and then loses it, she might not like that.
  7. Move to Saudi Arabia. I hear the girls there are nice and innocent.
  8. I'm planning on doing (my last name)-(his last name). I guess another option is to use my last name as a middle name. Curious to hear people's comments.
  9. Yeah, it sounds like he's playing games.
  10. I disagree with the above. I think there are alot of men out there who have been hurt, either by previous girlfriends or by other people in their life, and are not ready to open up. Perhaps they had a controlling, jealous girlfriend, and are afraid to get back into a bad relationship. Perhaps their ex was physically or emotionally abusive. Maybe they were sexually abused by an authority figure in their life. Perhaps their mother was emotionally abusive. Or maybe he's just afraid of being hurt, with no direct cause.
  11. It is possible. More details please!
  12. Of course. We only know what you've told us. We're not psychic. I wonder if I said something that upset you? If so, I apologise.
  13. I'm having a home birth and one of the main reasons I chose that is because I want privacy. I don't want alot of people watching me scream and cry like a lunatic, poo and bleed all over the place, and completely lose control. I agree with Ellie that she likely wants women who have been through childbirth to be present. And perhaps wants as few people there as possible. I also agree that she might not want to traumatise you. It wasn't very nice of her to change her mind, but perhaps she's becoming more apprehensive about the big day and reconsidering her original plans. I know you would like to be there, but don't be too hurt if you don't get to be. She will call you as soon as the baby is born.
  14. rocio


    She may or may not be pregnant. Alot of first time pregnancies go unnoticed because her body naturally gets rid of it before she even misses her period. It can look like spotting. But then, as mentioned above, there are so many things that can cause spotting. So spotting doesn't necessarily mean that she is pregnant, is not pregnant, or was pregnant. As far as knowing whether or not she's pregnant, only a pregnancy test can tell that (around the time of her missed period or later). She can get pregnant anytime, so use protection. If you're not ready to have kids, use 2 forms of protection (ie: the pill and condoms)
  15. You didn't used to brush your teeth? Like ever? Ew! Sorry. You shouldn't floss twice a day. Just once is enough. Brush 3 times every day and use listerine mouthwash as well. Also, go see a dentist and get a check-up and cleaning. Those things won't make your teeth more white, but they are absolutely essential to your health. Think of how sexy you would look with rotten teeth. As far as getting your teeth white, I would recommend doing it professionally through your dentist. It's expensive. Here it costs about $300 Canadian. But so, so worth it.
  16. Your schedules may free up in the future, leaving you both less stressed out and leaving more time for you to have fun together. Meanwhile, if she had the time to get back into painting, it sounds like that might make her more interesting to you. However, there are some problems that you've identified that are unlikely to be fixed by good health or time availability: What are you doing to work on being less "anal"? Acting "anal" and "detail oriented" are behaviors that you can change and control. (Trust me, I'm both of those so I know). ADD is not something that she can change. You seem to think that she's the one causing all the problems, and responsible for fixing them. Being tired and sick are not excuses for failing to dress nicely or act sexy. It may not be a top priority for her to spend 2 hours getting ready every morning, but she can still take pride in her appearance. I doubt this would change even if she were more healthy or had more time. This really worries me. Even if things were to improve in the future, you would always feel like she owed you something. You feel like you're doing her a favor by staying. You're not. What do you mean by this? It sounds like you think alot more of yourself than you do of her. You can't look at the obstacles she has to overcome and think "if that were me, I'd have mastered that long ago". You haven't dealt with the things she has and I don't like the way you seem to be comparing your achievements to hers. Basically, I think you two would be better off apart.
  17. rocio

    head engaged?

    Yeah, I do use the pillows. But I have a feeling I might be sleeping with my hand under my head. I just don't know how to change it because you can't really control what you do when you sleep.
  18. That's why you bring her closest girlfriend along if you're ever picking out an expensive piece of jewellry. If it's not really expensive, then ask the sales lady, your mom or sister, or any other woman who happens to be around.
  19. Don't worry about asking questions to a tutor. If they think you're dense, or treat you like you are, then they're not doing their job and they are the ones who should be ashamed. I used to tutor and sometimes I would get these straight A students who knew everything and just came to get tutored so they could get 100% instead of 98% on their exams. They were so lame. I couldn't stand them. A good tutor enjoys helping students who don't get the material at first glance. And about the money - it's alot more expensive to drop a course and take it over than it is to pay for a couple hours of tutoring per week. Not to mention the time you've already invested. As far as studying on your own, start at the beginning of the chapter and work through every single one of the example questions. Then start at #1 and do all the odd and even numbers. You won't necessarily understand everything, but doing any less is selling yourself short. Do this BEFORE you learn the material in class. The classes will make alot more sense.
  20. rocio

    head engaged?

    I see my midwife on Thursday. Baby definitely moves less recently since he's started running out of room. Well, he probably moves as often, but it's just little kicks and punches. And I feel much better - less rib pain and breathlessness. My only complaint at this point is my hands. For some reason, they ache when I get up in the morning. It's not exactly painful but they are so tender I can hardly move them. My doctor said it's likely because of the swelling in my wrists which cuts off the blood flow to my hands. Pretty freaky stuff! Oh, and my belly has shifted down and out - so it's sticking way out in front of me. I'll have to get pictures on the computer. It's so cute.
  21. Oh shoot, it's not available in Canada..
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