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Everything posted by rocio

  1. Wow, I'm so confused because you said in another thread that you were dating someone. To me, that means you have a girlfriend (or something close). But now I find out that you only went on one date with her. I think it's a European thing because it doesn't make any sense to me. I also don't understand why you passed up dates with other girls in those two weeks. To me, it seems that you are free to go out with other people until you're exclusive. I'm just utterly confused by the whole set-up. There was a guy from France in my class 2 years ago. We would sometimes chat and one day he invited me and another guy from class to a party at his house. At the party, I kissed the French boy. After that we continued to talk at school, but never went out again. Anyway, he added me to his Facebook page and this is what he wrote about how we know each other: "We took a class together and we used to date but no longer speak to each other". That seems so bizarre to me. You Europeans have a whole different set of rules!
  2. rocio


    I like these ones
  3. It's not good work ethic. Studies have shown that workers are more productive and take less extended leaves of absense if they stay home when sick.
  4. I agree. When people are sick, it's inconsiderate to come to work. The good news is that pregnant women have super high immune systems. Oh, and lysol isn't supposed to be good for pregnant women so don't use too much and wash your hands carefully after you use it!
  5. Even if the effects are placebo, they are still effects. The hardest thing to control is your own mind, so if you can convince your mind of something, you have accomplished something big. I've known people who used hypnotherapy to quit smoking and it worked remarkably for them. I don't know how it worked, but who cares? They don't smoke anymore...
  6. What does it mean if I'm always furious in my dreams? Yelling, crying, throwing things, breaking things.. Every single night. I'm always angry at my mom and sister. But in reality, as far as I know, I'm not really angry at them. Other than the fact that I may be in need of some serious therapy, what do you guys think this means?
  7. Cramps are normal around the time of your missed period. My sister, friends, etc. all felt them. My nurse explained it to me this way - you don't have a real period, but your body hasn't quite figured that out yet. So it's still producing your period hormones and giving you the period symptoms. For me, they felt different from menstrual cramps though. They were sharp and sudden and short. (whereas my menstrual cramps can last for 2-3 days, these ones only lasted 30 seconds or so). It's normal to have cramping at any time during your pregnancy - from beginning to end.
  8. You are so strong and brave.. you'll be just fine. Our thoughts will be with you.
  9. I can't wear sports bras. they give me a unibreast..
  10. oh god, I hate the jiggliness of my breasts. No matter how supportive my bra, they just can't stay still. Then I catch guys staring and I feel like it's my fault for having jiggly breasts. But it's not my fault.. I can't help it! Grrr..
  11. Wow, you are really edumacated! I wonder if you could find some classes or workshops on being more assertive.
  12. Yeah. Even if you don't end up using it directly, just having it will get you further in your career - whatever career you take. And it also makes you feel real good about yourself.
  13. You're not failing if you decide to take another route in life. But have you thought it through? What would you do instead? Wouldn't it be more work in the end if you took a different path?
  14. Cool! You, Dilly and I are all due within the same 2 weeks. Welcome to the forum.
  15. He was completely out of line. He was an equal participant in making the baby, so he can't claim that it's not his choice now. Try to see it from his perspective, though. As women, we have control over whether or not we keep the baby (and with good reason, of course, since it involves our bodies). Sometimes guys can feel trapped and cut out of the equation. Try to give him some time to come around. I'm not saying you should get back together (his lack of support at this important time may be unforgivable) but don't become too upset over it. He's probably a momma's boy and was easily swayed by his parents' opinions. And congrats for making it through the first trimester!
  16. I used to date the bald guy, but I was never really attracted to him. Today I saw that picture on his Facebook page and he looks SO GOOD! OMG. What did I pass up? Anyway, back to your thread... maybe you're a lesbian. Because you have to admit that there are alot of hot girls out there..
  17. I don't get it. You think that every guy you've ever seen was ugly? Ok, what about the bald guy in this picture... u think he's ugly?
  18. Yeah, especially if he had a nice mom who would prepare homecooked meals for us!
  19. You don't understand what I think. You have no idea. I have no problem with people who make minimum wage and I don't think I'm better than anybody. All I'm saying is that an adult working for minimum wage is doing so by choice. Jobs that pay above minimum wage: -driving a cab -working as a waiter/waitress -bartending -most cleaning jobs -landscaping (ie: cutting grass, planting flowers, etc.) -delivering newspapers (if you have a car) -homecare (taking care of elderly or sick persons in their home) -construction (if you don't mind physical labour) -most factory jobs If you don't want those jobs, that's fine with me. But they are always options. Anyone can get a job cleaning people's homes or serving in a restaurant. You could choose to work for minimum wage because it's the only job that fits with your school scedule. Or you could make that choice because you think it's cool to work at a coffee shop or a video store.
  20. I've never celebrated myself either, other than sending e-cards to my single friends. But I fail to see why you're so upset. Do you get this upset at every holiday? Or do you have a problem with little, red hearts? Companies go all out on holidays.. whether it's Christmas, Halloween, V-day.. It gets more and more rediculous every year. But I think it's nice to have one day in the year dedicated to romance.
  21. Just be sure to wash your hands carefully after posting on here
  22. Did you make it clear that he's welcome back in your life once he's gotten help?
  23. Your parents were being unecessarily harsh with you. A more mature way to handle the situation may have been to say, "I'm sincerely sorry for using poor judgement over which items to throw out. I have learned my lesson for next time."
  24. If you're in Belgium you should be able to get around from town to town by train, right? It's not like here in Canada where the towns are 1/2 hour apart and a car is the only way to get there! But no, this shouldn't affect your dating prospects. If a girl doesn't have a car of her own, then she's used to finding other ways to get around. Just try to be a gentleman - walk her home or wait for the train with her. Always call her later to make sure she arrived home safely.
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