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Everything posted by rocio

  1. After the age of 30, your brain starts shrinking and you lose 2/3 of your common sense each year thereafter. So, at 31 you have only 1/3 of your common sense. At 32, you have only 2/3 of 1/3 of your original common sense - or 2/9 By the time you get to 45, you're doomed. But then wisdom and experience start kicking in around 65 and your common sense starts to increase again. It's all very scientific.
  2. The two of you are not compatible and you need to go your separate ways. The sooner, the better. I'm sure you've figured out for yourself that this is not a functional relationship, so the only real question is "Why are you still there?" You love each other, but you don't seem to like each other and the necessary attraction and respect are also lacking.
  3. I don't know about you guys, but I couldn't hook up with a guy on here. He would just have way too much access to personal information about me! I like to get to know people gradually... I don't need you knowing about my demons before you've even seen my boobs!
  4. Please don't blame yourself for this. Gambling is an addiction, and addictions are illnesses that cause people to behave out of character. It doesn't mean he doesn't love you. He can overcome this, but the change does have to come from within. Tell him that if he doesn't accept professional help, you won't have him in your life. You won't hear from him until he's ready. He will overcome this, and he will appreciate your strength in the end.
  5. Tiredman, would you think about another partner when you were having sex with your gf?
  6. It's a pretty normal question and they don't mean to upset you. I understand, though - when you're sensitive about an issue you don't need people reminding you of it. Either tell them that you're enjoying the single life (little white lies are ok in this situation), or say, "no, I'm on the market.. why? do you have some cute friends?"
  7. 2.5 months?! Wow, your life has sure turned upside-down before you even had a chance to see it coming, huh? The good news is that her hormones should go back to functional levels within the next month or so.
  8. Cranbers, people are not fleas. Things are rarely one-sided. A person's mate may be toxic, but that person is still accountable for their reactions.
  9. As far as the walking/jogging/running combination, I don't know. If you're walking or jogging 2 miles / day, 5-6 days/ week, that should be sufficient.. regardless of how fast you're going. Eating less in the evening is also good. For supper, have a little bit of everything. Some meat, some rice (or potatotes), some cooked veggies, and a salad. Don't eat a snack after supper. If you feel hungry, have a glass of milk. Throughout the day, try to eat every 2-3 hours. Good snacks can include fresh fruit, dried fruit, yoghurt, veggies, nuts, a hardboiled egg, salad, cottage cheese, milkshake... Try to stay away from baked foods. And although you like fruit, don't have more than 5 servings per day because they are high in carbs. For breakfast, make sure your cereal is made from whole grains. And for lunch, use bread made from 100% whole wheat (check the ingredients). Good luck!
  10. Older men are HOT! Especially the married, unattainable ones. I say you get it out of your system. Get with an older man (just make sure he's single, please).
  11. Don't change your major until you know what you want. At this point, you have no idea. Take a year of random courses.. Stuff you never thought you would be interested in. Math, science, business, communications... You'll have a better idea at that point.
  12. I'm so sorry you have to go through this. It doesn't sound pleasant at all. How far along is she? Try to support her while giving her the distance she clearly needs right now. The hormones may have caused her to be depressed, or the sudden life changes may have been too much for her to handle. Once she calms down and comes to terms with everything that's been happening, she may go back to being herself with you. Don't give up on her. It's your turn to be the bigger person right now. Send her little presents, like a day at the spa. Try to befriend her mother to get on her good side (we tend to take the opinions of our girlfriends, mother, sister very seriously, especially in confusing situations like this). If she'll agree to it, take her on dates - out for supper, to watch a live blues band, whatever you guys are into. Don't pressure her by talking about getting back together or asking for answers. (I know, you deserve answers. I'm just not sure you're going to get them right now.) Tell her you're proud of her for doing the amazing thing of making a baby. Thank her for being healthy and responsible during the pregnancy. Have you ever been drunk and angry? That's how it feels to be pregnant and hormonal. Your emotions are so overwhelming and there's a part of you that knows it's not rational (like when you're drunk and you're not sure if you're angry because you're drunk, or if you're angry for legitimate reasons). It's very confusing and easy to lose touch with reality.
  13. At some point in my last year of undergraduate studies I had a breakdown. It was quite funny, really, for anyone watching. Sometimes, in class, I would become frusterated and slam down my pencil and leave the classroom, go to the bathroom and start punching and hitting the stall. Another time I was working in the computer lab and I felt myself losing it.. I got up to go to the washroom but I didn't make it very far.. A couple steps outside the door to the lab, I lost it and threw my chocolate milk against the wall. In front of everyone.. It splashed accross the wall, the ceiling... Those were interesting times. Hopefully you haven't gotten that crazy. But I found that it helped when I would pretend to be somewhere else... Like on a beach in Jamaica. Sometimes I would go home and listen to raggae music while drinking pina coladas with my roomates and we would pretend we were on the beach. It totally worked for me.
  14. That's happened to me twice in my pregnancy also. I'll wake up and be sick and vomitting and I'm fine by the next day. I think yours will be short-lived too.
  15. Breathing is key. Try taking some yoga classes to teach you proper techniques. Aromatherapy and visualisation can also help. U ok? Having panic attacks?
  16. I'm crossing my fingers that it will pass.
  17. I know! I've been following your pregnancy and I'm so, very excited for you.
  18. You've come so far and I completely understand your reasons for not wanting him to be there. That's your right and the decision is up to you in the end. But you should also know that the nurses and hospital staff are very helpful when it comes to this kind of thing. If you tell them not to let him come near you when you're in labour, then they will keep him out. He will have to sit in the waiting room, and after the first 5 hours he'll probably get sick of waiting and leave anyway.
  19. You sounds pregnant. It's common to dream about pets because they are the closest thing we've ever had to a baby (we have to feed them and are responsible for their well-being).
  20. I completely agree with you, Charley. There are many people out there with allergies and it is inconsiderate to wear more than just a hint. I don't even wear any to work or if I'm going somewhere people will have to be sitting close to me for an extended period of time (the theatre, symphony, a conference, etc.)
  21. If I had a scar that I didn't like people to see, I would totally tattoo over it... embrace your scars and turn the past into something beautiful. But you're right, stretch marks or scars might make the tattoo look funny, so you would want to get a tattoo artist that knew what they were doing.
  22. -try natural remedies such as vitamin E and Neem oil -have them removed by laser treatment, if you can afford it -get a tattoo over them
  23. You sounds like a smart girl and I think you made the right decision.
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