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Everything posted by confused25

  1. Hmmm I'm currently on birth control, but I think my appetite is the same now as before I started going on bc. But I've heard that bc can cause weight gain because it increases your appetite somehow? My appetite is also pretty much the same all year around. I just feel like as if my stomach is a blackhole and I can never fill it up! lol I think I'll start eating more frequently but in smaller portions so that I'm not feeling hungry all the time . . . thanks for all the advice everyone!!
  2. Not sure if anyone else has the same issue . . . but I feel like I'm hungry all the time! I do eat about 3 meals a day, and a good amount too! But I get hungry again pretty quickly after I eat. When I wake up in the morning I'm always starving even when I had a big dinner the night before. Do I have a super digestive system or fast metabolism?? My friends are all really shocked at how much I eat and how quickly I get hungry again. I'm 5'4'' and weighs about 123 lbs and I exercise regularly at the gym about 1-3 times a week. I'm hoping someone can shed some light on this . . .
  3. Well, I think your first time experience should def be with someone that you love and care about. If you just did it with some random stranger it's not going to feel the same. Def do not recommend sleeping with a hooker your first time, now THAT'S disgusting!
  4. We use KY lubricant. I don't feel any difference but my bf prefers the one called "warming sensations" or something? It usually tells you on the bottle whether or not you can use it with a condom.
  5. If I were you I'd just keep things casual with the both of them. Don't give neither of them any promises. You only know the girl you met online for a short period of time so it's kind of hard to gauge what kind of person she is. I wouldn't rush into things with her if I were you. Plus she lives 2,000 miles away. I would just treat them as if they are just "friends" right now and then decide later who you want to choose. Wait and see whether or not your ex is able to keep up with her promises that she's willing to change her ways.
  6. I don't get it, what's so special about Halloween? I think I'd get upset if it was our anniversary or something, but def not Halloween. Plus it's a weekday/working day. I didn't get to see my bf tonite either and I don't think it's a big deal.
  7. He has no right to tell you where you can and cannot go. He's making the assumption that when a girl goes out to the bars, the other guys will try to pick her up, or she'll flirt with other guys. He's just being jealous and insecure. How come you don't invite him to go to the bars with your friends? Maybe he's feeling left out.
  8. You can't tell her where she can and cannot go. She should be willing to not go to the bars becaused she feels guilty. Maybe you guys can make some compromises on this. And do you know for sure that she dances with guys while she's there? Or are you just assuming? When I go out with just my girlfriends to the bars or clubs, we dance by ourselves and not with other guys.
  9. If a girl tells you that she's not ready to be in a relationship, then that means that she's not ready. I think you did the right thing by not trying to kiss her, because that might cause some awkwardness if she does think of you as a friend. I would say maintain the "friend" status with her and see what happens . . .
  10. Ew, your bf flirted with other girls in FRONT of you? That is really disrespectful. You have every right to be upset at him! I def do not think that you should tell your bf about what his friend said to you. If I were you I'd just confront your bf about the flirting at the party and let him know that it was not cool.
  11. Are they close friends? If they are I don't think there's anything wrong with that.
  12. Hmm sounds like the older sister wants you for herself and is not really putting your gf's feelings into consideration. If I were your gf I think I'd be completely creeped out if you were to start dating my sister. I seriously think that you're in love with neither of them. The older sister is just a fantasy for you.
  13. I think you need to sit down with him and clearly define the terms of your relationship. IMO the term "seeing each other" means that you guys are somewhat committed and that you guys shouldn't be going around dating and flirting with other people. But he might think differently on this.
  14. No, I wouldn't not consider what he did as "cheating" because you guys were already broken up. Didn't you have a short relationship after you guys broke up as well? But I would still be concerned with the whole ordeal because he did sleep with a prostitute . . . so I'd ask him to get himself tested if I were you. You never know what he could be passing on to you. And I thought it was pretty immature of him to blame his actions on you because clearly he is responsible for his own actions. He's just trying to guilt trip you and turning the table on you.
  15. It matters because you're worried that she might be attracted to her "girlfriends"?? If so, then that means that you shouldn't have any female friends then because that means you are also likely to cheat on her with somebody of the opposite sex.
  16. She may be bi, but does it matter? I don't think she's showing any clear signs that she's cheating on you. The calling her former roomate thing is not strange, I used to call my bestfriend like everyday and she lives only 15 min from me!
  17. I've been together with my bf for about a little bit over 1.5 years but I feel as if that there's "something" missing in our relationship. He moved to a different city an hr away about a year ago so we only get to see each other on the weekends. We don't talk on the phone much (mainly because I'm not a big phone person), but we do regularly email and text each other during the week. But lately I've been feeling like when we do get together, we just do things that will continue to make this relationship "function" . . . it's as if all the passion is gone and that we're just doing things to "get by". Like when we watch TV together or eat out, sometimes we would do that in complete silence, or we'd talk about mundane stuff like what's been happening in our lives. But I feel like as if we are really not engaging in a serious or deep conversations like the other couples do. I feel like our relationship is so . . . shallow, and that we don't really have something that we both feel strongly about that bonds us together. I think one problem might be that I am very bad with communication and that I often find it tough to express my emotions freely in front of him. I think that makes him feel very frustrated at times. Sometimes I just wish that I could just open myself up to him and pour my heart out but I don't know what is pulling me back from doing that. We've already broke up once because of this and I had made promises to him that I would improve but little has changed. It's not that I don't want to, but rather I don't know how to. I love this man very much and I'd like to be with him for the rest of my life but sometimes I'm just scared of losing him. What can I do? In your opinion, could this relationship be saved?? I've been feeling so sad and depressed lately and I don't really have anyone to turn to. And I'm just hoping that someone here would be able to offer some feedback on my situation.
  18. How come your bf doesn't like your friend? If I were you I'd just be the bigger person and call your friend up to make peace. It does seem like she misses you and is testing the water to see if you're still mad at her. And also next time when your bf talks trash about your friend in front you, you need to defend your friend. You would want her to do the same thing for you wouldn't you? He has no right to tell you who not to hang out with unless he has a valid reason.
  19. I think you are overreacting. Just because he's out at a bar doesn't mean he's gonna go pick up girls! I think it's perfectly normal to hang out and socialize with friends or coworkers at a bar. If you trust him, then why do you care if other girls will try to pick him up?
  20. I agree with shikashika that sometimes it's nice to get feedback from the others! When my bf and I go out together he always puts together his wardrobe and asks for my opinion first. He also likes me to go shopping with him so I can pick out things for him haha. But judging what what you wrote from your second post, she does seem a bit controlling and selfish. Like you can't do anything that you like just because she's around. She needs to be more accomodating and open to try out new things. A relationship is all about compromising, can't always be about what SHE wants and likes to do.
  21. Um hello! He flat out told you that he "does not respect women". Whether or not he said that out of anger to get back at you, it does not matter. That one incident about him getting mad at you for giggling for no reason just shows how immature he is. And the myspace thing just made it even worse . . .
  22. Wow . . . this is a tough one! But if I were you, I'd just keep my mouth shut. I would only say something if I were still friends with the ex . . . but since you guys are not anyway, I'd say just let them be. I don't think you want to get yourself into all this drama . . . just move on and focus on other things. But I hope your ex asked your housemate to get tested before they have unprotected sex!
  23. You're too emotionally dependent on your boyfriend. Maybe it's time that you start being more independent and learn how to be on your own and rekindle the relationships with your friends. Seriously though, it really helps. Sometimes my bf and I will hang out with our own friends separately. Couples don't need to always hang out together. And also, some people are just not that verbally expressive as the others, myself included, so just because that he doesn't always reassure you with words how much he loves and adores you, doesn't mean that that's not how he feels.
  24. I can totoally relate cuz I know my mom would do the same thing! My mom hated my high school friends cuz she thought they were a bad influence on me. I know this is going to be tough, but I think your friend needs to tell her mom that you didn't make them skip school, but that all three of you made the decision together.
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