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About tbone22

  • Birthday 08/31/1983

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  1. Me and my bf are trying to work things out right now...but I don't know if he can change... he states that he loves me BUT how come I get the sense that he doesn't care for me. In the past I've dealt with experiences such as him seeing his ex, girls calling him from work just wanting to talk, girls having crushes on him or texting him, I trust him enough to know that he has not acted on any of those girls but it just hurts me to know that he has let them into his life... now these occurrences happened maybe 8 months or more ago but I can't let go of them...in the back of my head I am so worried plus the fact that when we do hang out I am the one who has to spark up the conversion, I am the one who is interested in his life...he never has any interest in me (doesnt ask about my day or whatever), but he still chases after me and wants me? Its just killing me inside knowing that I care so much for him and I can't seem to let go...I don't know whats wrong...
  2. Yesterday me and my boyfriend just broke up... I was in the same situation as you, at first we thought we would take a break but I am thinking that this is a breakup. Right now I want to be with him but I know in my head that its not a good idea. I brought up issues with our relationship to him and all he would do was tell me to stop complaining and nagging all the time, I couldn't even express myself and communicate with him, it hurts after awhile to keep issues inside and have someone criticize you for trying to make the relationship better. I talked to him today and he seemed so happy about the decision and I feel so hurt because I did soo much for him, too much and it just goes to show you that he just took that for granted. How did you deal with the break up? Right now I just can't stop crying and thinking... why is he so happy? it feels like he doesn't need me in his life... 2 1/2 years just gone down the drain, like its just so easy to get over. Plus I dont even have a good support system, I don't even know who to talk to about this.
  3. Thanks alot, you guys have been a big help... I talked to my bf today and we are on a break. We need to sort out some things in our lives and see if we were really meant to be.
  4. A week before my period I get so sad... and it feels like my boyfriend can't even be there for me. I tell him I'm sad and he's like just get over it. Everything that I say to him its like he shoots me down and makes me feel like a total idiot. I am a go-getter who enjoys going out and not sitting on my all day and on the other hand he enjoys sitting at home watching movie and playing video games with his friends. I just feel like theres no support coming from him and even when I tell him that he does not want to listen and says he doesn't want to hear me complaining anymore and if I do he will break up with me. I just tell him that I feel like he doesn't care for our relationship and theres no effort. I am the one who always makes plans to get together, I am the one who nags him to hang out, wouldn't you get the impression that he just doesn't care? And lately it seems like I have nothing to say to people any more... its like my confidence level has gone wayy down. I don't laugh and smile as much... I'm just not happy, but I want to be with my boyfriend still. I don't know how to resolve these issues anymore... can anyone help????
  5. But I do... I goto skewl fulltime, work on weekends and goto the gym usually 4-5 times a week...but ya i think I am gunna try harder and use more of my time without him. Thanks for the advice!
  6. Me and my boyfriend never get to hang out but when we do its watching a movie or going out to eat usually once a week. The thing is that he never asks me to do anything! He is always at his house playing his video games, hanging out with his friends and just chilling out. He never invites me over and says that we hang out enough, but I dont think it is enough. It feels like we never hang out! Once or twice a week isnt good enough to me. He says his weekends are for his friends and football... It just sucks not having someone there for u, I do everything for the guy and all he can say is that I am talking crazy. Man I dont know what to do half of me wants to stay with him and half doesnt. He doesnt support me emotionally enough and doesnt seem to be interested in my life. Your prolly thinking why the heck am I with this guy?? Personally I dont know! My friends and family arent to keen on him. But when I am with him all my negative feelings go away... I love being with him and we get along when we are together, always cuddling and close. The situations so screwed up right now!! What do you think about all this?
  7. K I have a concern.... tonight is Halloween and I am going out. The thing is that everytime I go out my boyfriend has to get mad at me, I go out anyway but he sounds all mad on the phone trying to make me feel bad. He says that its different when girls go to the bar. I have never ever cheated on him or would cheat in any way. I goto the bar to get away and have a good time once in a while with my friends. My bf goes to the bar once in a while too. WHat is his problem?? I dont know what to do. I can't be stuck in the house and never see a bar again! What is his problem?
  8. No clue... he has xbox 360... does it matter?
  9. Lately I have been having an issue with my boyfriend playing his video games... I swear he plays for hours and doesn't even think to call me or make plans with me! I feel that he wants to play these video games over me and its starting to really get to me. Has anyone been in this situation before? I've told him several times how I feel but it doesnt seem to be working out. HeLp!
  10. I totally understand how yur feeling! I make friends but I feel so boring... its only when I drink that people love me and I make them laugh and have good times... I think I might join the gym or something try to build up my confidence and take out some stress.. I need someone to party it up with too... haha if only I was from CA
  11. I have a hard time starting and keeping a conversation... it seems that I am boring and have nothing to really talk about. I am always asking other people questions but never have anything to say for myself. Plus I've started a new job and I get so anxious and feel like I can't breathe just thinking about coming to work meeting new people. What can I do to overcome this problem?
  12. Well I started to talk to the ex again... things have kinda been up and down since... I have been given so many opportunities of guys liking me and I've been thinking about breaking it off with the ex now but I just cant do it... he can be the typical a-hole then he can be nice. My friends have even said break up with him. Its so easy to say but not easy to do. I dont even know what to do anymore... I hate making decisions... I am the most indecisive person you will ever meet. Right now things are good with me and the ex but who knows theres prolly bound for something to happen. Everytime I go out to the bar with my friends theres always gotta be an argument, if he hears guys in the background or last night I told him that a guy bought me a drink... I would be jealous too but not to the extent that he went plus we agreed that we were only friends from this point until were ready to commit. Theres too many things to even explain, I just dont know what to do... I love the guy but at the same time everyone tells me that I can do better and theres so many opportunities for me... I dont even know if i want to even be involved with anyone right now... ](*,) what to do, what to do...
  13. Well I did it again... last week me and the ex had sex and this week I did it again... and he's seeing someone else on the side. We've only been broken up for like a month now and I feel like crap again. The first time I was okay with having a "good time" but now I just feel confused, I dont really know how I feel at this point! I still love the guy and I am pretty pissed at the fact that hes with some other chick. And I feel that if I date someone else I'll feel guilty or something! I dont understand why my ex doesnt feel guilty that hes seeing someone else so soon after the break up. Maybe I just want him more because hes with someone else?
  14. For awhile now I have felt really sad and never happy... I dont know what it is but I feel like I can't be happy n e more... Everyone around me seems to have their own lives and I am here alone feeling depressed. Me and my bf broke up about a month ago but even b4 that I have felt this way but not as intense. It seems that I dont have anything to say to anyone any more, I just feel boring and that no one really wants to hang out. I get anxiety just being around large groups of people and my confidence level has declined. It feels that my life is going no where I have nothing to look forward to. My life is a total bore... why cant I be happy??
  15. Hello, I currently (3 weeks ago) broke up with my bf, we talk about once a week which I am putting a stop to that, but had a huge conversation about everything and he told me that he has been seeing someone for the past 2 weeks! ONE week after we broke up... he says its nothing seriuos but it totally bothers me that he can just go out and be with someone else. Plus he says that this chick is just like me but shes 4 years older then the guy... and thats all that I have been thinking about and its killing me inside, I feel so alone and dont have many friends to confide in. I love the guy so much still plus hes my first real bf... it feels like hes totally moved on and I am stuck in this depressed unhappy state. Whats up with that?!
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