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Everything posted by confused25

  1. It can get kinda complex. In general, I don't think I would hang out with my friend's ex if I know they had a bad breakup. And I def would not try to date my friends' ex's. If you had to, I would talk to the friend first to see how he/she feels about it. It's all about respect and I know I certainly wouldn't like it if my friends go out with my ex's behind my back . . .
  2. I think it's a bit strange that she would want to break things off with you even if you guys aren't having any problems that might've added to her stress. I could understand that she's getting drained from school and her family issues, but I think personally I'd like to have someone there for me and helping me get through it instead of me dealing with all the stress alone.
  3. He told you that the girl just randomly texted him and he replied? I don't know about you, but that story sounds kinda fishy to me. And no, I don't think you're being abnormal for getting upset, if I were you I'd be pissed off too. I really think there's more to the story than what he has shared with you. And you guys just got married about 12 weeks ago? Are you guys having problems in the bedroom that might make him want to do something like this?
  4. was it one of those "phone sex hotlines"? Or was it somebody he actually met??
  5. Seriously, I think you should just sell her the car to shut them up. It was very nice of you to warn her about the car, but if she's not gonna listen to you, then let her deal with the problems. I don't think keeping the car is a good idea especially when you said that it has been giving you problems. If she regrets later about purchasing the car, then let it be a lesson learned by her . . .
  6. Ewww hickies are soooo tacky!!! If I were you I would make him stop!
  7. I didn't gain any weight or had any other side effects from birth control, but I think it varies between each individual. You should make sure that she gets tested first before you guys start having unprotected sex.
  8. He asked you to send him dirty pictures of yourself? ehhh . . . I'm personally not a big fan of that . . . in case things go sour between the two of you, there might be a possibility that the picture might show up on the internet!! haha
  9. Well I think you need to give both the running girl and your ex some time. I mean, you just broke up with her friend, I think it would be kinda messed up for you to pursue the running girl right away. She probably feels guilty as well. So maybe give your ex some time to cool off first and see what happens.
  10. I'm on the Nuvaring and I haven't gained any weight and haven't had any other side effects either such as mood swings. You should also look into that as well . . .
  11. My first job when I was a junior at high school was being the hostess at a restaurant. I think you should be able to get a regular sales/minimum wage job fine. I don't think they would really require you to have any prior experiences. Some larger department stores will give you training on how to conduct sales transactions as well.
  12. It says you're currently employed . . . is it related to your major? If so, you might want to list some of the things you have worked on for that job. Employers are always looking for someone with some prior experiences in the field.
  13. I don't think you're being controlling at all! She crossed the line! And the worst part is that you're bf is not even backing you up. I CAN'T believe that she actually touched ur man's private part in front of you! That's just flat out disrespectful. If I were you I would've given her a piece of my mind right there and then You need to put your foot down and let your bf know that you're not cool with that and it makes you extremely uncomfortable.
  14. Someone that demands you always being there for them, but when you needed them, they are no where to be found . . .
  15. Hmmm that is weird. Personally I'd prefer the opposite Did your ex say that to you or something?
  16. lol I hear ya sister!! I HATE my nipples too! They are just so . . . nasty looking! Good thing my bf doesn't care though
  17. While I think it's ok for her to have guy friends, it is NOT ok for her to flirt with those friends in front of you, that's really disrepectful in my opinion. If my bf were to have girlfriends like that and does the same thing, I think I'd get paranoid too. I think you need to let your girl know that you're uncomfortable with this and see what she says. I don't mind my bf dancing with his female friends, but I told him that I don't like it when he *grinds* with them and so he has stopped doing that. You just need to let your girl know what you're thinking because she might not be aware of the problem.
  18. At this rate, I dun think she's gonna be willing to back down
  19. Hi Annie, Thanks for the quick response. I actually live with a couple.
  20. Not sure if this is the proper forum for this . . . but I just need some opinions on the situation with my roommates. I just had a screaming match with one of my roomates over the utility bills. Just to give a little bit of background on this, I live with 2 other roomates in a two bedroom apt. They are strangers I found over the internet. When I first moved in, we've established that all the bills will be split three-way every month. Since their names were on the bills, they usually just leave me a note each month saying how much I owe for the month. And I never checked the billing statements. The amount has been pretty consistent for a while but for the past couple of months I noticed that it has increased. Didn't really think too much of it until I got the amount for this month and it was unbelievably high. So I asked one of them to show me the billing statements. A quick calculation showed that she has been splitting the bill two-ways instead of three. So I asked her why she did that and she gave me a nasty reply "well your bf is always here, so you'll need to pay for that, nothing in this world is for free you know!" I was like, um, ok. My boyfriend is here maybe like 2 weekends out of the whole month, I usually visit him the other weekends. And so they are gonna tell me that just because he's here two weekends out of the month, that I would have to pay for his portion of the utilities? Does it seem a bit reasonable to you guys? Anyways, I got pissed off and we started screaming back and forth until the other roommate calmed us down. Am I being unreasonable??
  21. When I was your age my parents wouldn't let me dye my hair or let me get my ears pierced or get tattoos, but I did all of those things anyway. I don't think you're getting treated like garbage, that's just the way parents are. You'll understand it when you're a parent yourself. They are just looking out for you. Honestly now I look back at all of those things I have done when I was younger, I'm like, what the heck was I thinking anyway?
  22. Man I can't believe he broke up with you over the Vegas trip. I mean, ok, it might've been a little bit weird knowing that your gf will also be in vegas when your having a bachelor party, but I don't think that's a reason to totally freak out over. That just seems really shady, like he knows he'll be doing some stuff that he wouldn't want you to see or something. If he REALLY didn't want you to go, he should've have a talk to you nicely, and not like freak out on you, I think that was unecessary!
  23. U were def not being a b*tch! If I were you I'd be pissed too! He knew you'd be waiting for him and he should've called to let you know that he's going to be late. That's being inconsiderate. And he has no reason to get mad at you for that! He should be the one apologizing!
  24. I was very lucky to have a group of very caring and supportive friends that were there for me when my bf and I first broke up. Being around them made me take my mind off the relationship. But like everyone else said, keep yourself busy, go out and hang out with your friends and have fun,
  25. She's craving for your attention. Stop giving it to her but just ignoring her calls. And pray that she'll go away
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