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Everything posted by sophie274

  1. She will probably be fine. There is NOTHING more you can do right now, so try to relax. Have you two discussed what you would do if she were pregnant? As you have just learned, condoms can be unreliable. Think about an additional method of birth control. I personally am on the pill, and my boyfriend and I use condoms every time: much better for peace of mind.
  2. I'm pretty sure Cornell early decision is a binding program, i.e. you are REQUIRED to go now that you are admitted?
  3. So you're worried for the guy who cheated with you because you think his girlfriend doesn't care about him? Ironic ... I really doubt he's getting the short end of the stick on this one. Are you wishing he would break up with her for you?
  4. Laughing is a often a nervous response - I have seen people laugh when they heard about someone's death, NOT because they thought it was funny, just because of the shock/inability to think of something proper to say. More importantly, why did you tell her? Also, I don't think you can absolve yourself - it takes two to tango, and I don't think you can expect her to have a lot of respect after what you did with her boyfriend, regardless of whether or not he initiated.
  5. I just wanted to add - you may consider getting Gardasil (the HPV vaccine). It doesn't protect against all strains of HPV ... so you shouldn't get it in lieu of using condoms, but it's good to cover your bases. Best to discuss with doctor first though.
  6. Sounds great. I had to post because I just saw your pic in the off-topic forum and ... you don't look fat to me at all! You're beautiful, sincerely. Honestly, I wasn't expecting what I saw. You look great to me, so enjoy being healthy!
  7. I'm sorry you feel that way, though I guess I understand. You should remind yourself though that the most incredible part of what you're doing isn't the weightloss, it's your motivation and self-discipline and soon-to-be healthy self. Are you seeing a doctor/nutritionist for this? Or a trainer? One of the above might be able to make up a really good exercise plan for you - I know running can be a bit hard on the joints, especially when you're starting. Good deal on the ballet - that sounds like fun. I'm sure as you lose the weight you will become more confident, and then maybe you can join a ballet class... it's helpful when you're trying to be healthy if you can meet other people who are similarly motivated, you know? Good luck for everything!
  8. Sorry, typo: Is it more acceptable (in your opinion) for men to have pre-marital sex than for women to do so? Is it more acceptable for a man to be a non-virgin than a woman?
  9. Ok, I get that you think virginity is the most important gift someone can give to someone else, and that (apparently) unlike most gifts, it is one that (in your opinion) must be reciprocated in order to have meaning. My question to you is: why are you focusing so much on women? Is it more acceptable for a man to be a virgin that a woman?
  10. I am sorry for your loss. I am younger than you but could not imagine losing my mother, especially so young. I'm sure you have heard about this method already, but to potty train one of my cousins, her mother made a sticker chart. The girl would get a sticker everytime she went all by herself, and then a certain number of stickers would add up to a prize/present (something small). The child was really excited about it! Maybe something similar would work?
  11. Well, I have an exercise bike at home, and I find it's really helpful to have it right there. You can work out any time of day in the privacy of your home, and you can watch TV/DVDs while working out, which really helps with the boredom (in my case).
  12. I think you are Christian, correct? I really don't think the idea that a woman must be entirely submissive to her husband is coming from your faith, but from your insecurity in dealing with women and from your lack of dating/relationship experience. You seem really caught up in the idea that dating is a game, that someone must have the upper-hand ... and that you must find someone as inexperienced as your only way to win this game. It's not about winning. I think most people on this board accept partners who are not virgins because they view dating as a learning experience, and a relationship as something in which they can learn and be taught and grow, rather than a game with a winner and a loser. I think you will have trouble finding a woman who fits your bill, because a lot of virgin women don't equate their virginity with a desire for submission, and your attitude towards non-virgin women (which seems really disdainful) seems to betray a lack of respect for women in general.
  13. I think the only benefit of Sunday start is that your cycle goes from Sun-Sat (one week) so keeping track of the pills is easy. If you do First Day start though, there are often stickers to put on the pill dispenser so you can keep track of which pill is for which day. Also, for MY pill - Ortho Tri Cyclen Lo - if you do Sunday start, you must use protection for 7 days before the pill is effective, for First Day start you are protected immediately. However, this varies for each pill, and I would still use protection anyway. (I don't know if this is even an issue for you). However, I doubt the pill will help for you period right now. The first two days I started my pill I felt really yucky and nauseous, so it might make you feel even worse ... My vote is for Sunday start, although I don't think it makes a big difference.
  14. OP: I think a lot of shorter guys have some hang-ups about their height, which is why they might be disappointed to be shorter than their date, especially if they are naturally taller. However, I don't think a guy with the right amount of self-confidence would care, unless you were completely towering over him. I don't think 5'7 ish is that tall. I'm 5'5, I wear four inch heels when I go out, and I still don't tower over most guys. Dako: Once I went on a date with a guy, and ended having to walk through some snow with 4-inch stiletto heels on. I made a comment about how not-so-bright an idea those shoes were, and my date said "It was worth it though". I guess for a lot of men and women, heels = sexy
  15. Hi He might just be a little overwhelmed by the situation, in a good way. It's a big step to take, and it sounds as though he wants everything to be perfect for your wedding/the start of your new life together, hence the new exercise plan. Since marriage is a life-long commitment, he may be envisioning the rest of his life and taking steps to ensure it's as great as he hopes it will be. He might also be nervous about the proposal. If I were you, I would give him a bit of space so he can sort through his rush of feelings (i.e. don't try to embark on any long discussions about planning the future, wait a bit for that), but I seriously don't think you have anything to worry about.
  16. Funny, but I probably would not have replied either. Next time, how about a "Hey it was nice seeing you in X class, I'm going to X place with my friends tonight, want to join?"
  17. Hey that is awesome! Congratulations! It takes a lot of strength to get yourself going on a good diet/exercise plan, so good for you. I think maybe the guys you have been friends with for a while will always see you as one of the guys because they are used to you, they have confided in you, they have told you about past dating experiences etc ... I think once you are a "gal pal" it's hard to get out of that. However, I'm sure there are tons of men out there who don't know you exist but wish they did. Has the weight loss made you feel any better? Is there an "activity" that you've always thought seemed cool? You might take that up, to add some jazz to your life. Or maybe get a new haircut or some new clothes - switching it up a bit might make your outlook a little more rosy.
  18. Hey Whenever there is surgery/anesthesia involved, there is always a very small risk of death. BUT I really don't think you have to worry about that. Your mother sounds like she is in very good health, and if anything, even minor, goes wrong, she is in the best place she could be: with a team of specialists whose attention is completely on her. I'm sure she is going to do very very well. I remember being nervous when my mother got surgery when I was little (general anesthesia), so hugs to you, good luck, deep breath and don't worry. Everything will be fine!
  19. Hey I just wanted to add - I would certainly not want to be treated that way, and hopefully your mother will do something about it, but I don't think you can make that decision for her. What I'm trying to say is: I totally understand your concerns, and how bad you feel about the situation, and I really sympathize. If you can be there as a friend and support I think that would be the best. Hugs. Hang in there!
  20. I would definitely not call someone my boyfriend if we had not kissed. However, good news: I'm pretty sure she likes you! Next time you are alone with her, go for it. I'm sure if you start to lean your head in she will meet you halfway. Good luck!
  21. Hey I'm sorry you had such a bad experience. Spend some time pampering yourself! I would try to refrain from leaving him a voicemail, because I don't think it will make you feel that much better, especially if he ignores it. Maybe after a bit of time has passed, you should examine this "objectively" and see if it can teach you anything for the future. For example, maybe your willingness to go over to his place all the time, whenever he wanted you to, taught him that he could treat you as a booty call without you saying anything. I think people often unfortunately treat us the way we will put up with being treated, not that that means we deserve the way we are treated, of course. I think you might find that if you are a bit more selective - i.e expect that the guy will call you ahead of time to plan things, be willing to meet halfway with you - then you might have a better experience. Feel better and good luck!
  22. Well I disagree. You don't seem to have any hard evidence that she is being abused, and she said that she is happy with him and loves him. She is an adult, and you can only help her if she wants to be helped. Make it clear that you are there if she wants someone to talk to and would help her out in a heartbeat if she needed it, and leave it there.
  23. Hey I'm sorry about that bad chain of events. I've never broken off a serious relationship, but I'm sure it must be devastating. Are you in school? If you are, you might feel better once that starts up again and you get busy. Other than that, re: the lack of sleep, I would recommend exercise - makes you tired and produces endorphins! Good luck with everything
  24. Hey Galaxy I saw your photo in the photo thread, and your face is really pretty! I also agree with everyone here that I see people of all shapes and sizes with boyfriends, girlfriends, husbands, wifes, etc ... However, it seems that your weight is making you very unhappy and insecure. Might it be possible then, for you to try to change that and lose a bit of weight after consulting a nutrionist or physician? Not because you have to be a certain size for people to like you, but because it seems that this issue is making your life miserable, and it is (most likely, barring a few disorders) something that you can change. I'm saying this totally candidly, because I have no idea what size you are, but if you are medically overweight, then perhaps this would be a good idea. Also, feeling secure and confident about your body will be a huge turn-on. Or, if you can find yourself beautiful at the weight you're at, then DO. You are beautiful. Moreover, you sound like you have a really interesting job. And you're sensitive and compassionate. That's already a lot of things going for you!
  25. It depends on the pill. Maybe you can call the doctor/clinic you got the pill from and make sure, and depending on what they say take the morning after pill or not? Once your pill is effective, it may seem annoying to use a condom every time, but once you get into the habit of it it will be really mechanical and easy. I am on the pill and my boyfriend and I use a condom every time, and honestly it makes me feel so much more relaxed about pregnancy.
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