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Everything posted by sophie274

  1. Hi - Sugarbaby, I'm slightly surprised by your post. Although being a teenage mom is clearly very difficult, and the OP's pregnancy was obviously not planned and/or desired, she had to make a choice once she found out she was pregnant. It's a little late to be lecturing her about the evils of having sex. From all her posts it seems like she has really stepped up to the plate since she found out about her pregnancy, and taken all the responsibilities associated with having a baby: if she keeps this up, she should do absolutely fine! Why are you lecturing her about having sex at a young age? You yourself are about to give birth and not that much older. I understand that you have both the financial and emotional support of a husband. Nevertheless, you made the same choice to be "tied down" at a young age that she made by deciding to have her baby - why are you so surprised?
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