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Everything posted by sophie274

  1. I can't sleep unless I'm on my stomach, so I just can't fall asleep spooning with my boyfriend. We usually end up sleeping side by side in his twin bed with his leg on me or his arm around me, or him slightly on top of me... but I don't think our relationship is on the rocks! We snuggle before we fall asleep and in the early morning.
  2. Don't know exactly how old you are, but if you are in college or high school, you might be able to get condoms for cheap or for free. At college, I can buy 10 for 3 dollars from the health center, or get 5 per week free.
  3. Hi He sounds like he's sincere. I think you should just go with the flow. You may change your mind about having sex - ie. you may find you feel ready a lot earlier than you expect to be now - but most importantly wait to have sex until you WANT to. Some people want it to be with someone they love, some people could not care less, but make you sure you do it at a time you will not regret later. If you start feeling pressured to have sex with him when you're not ready, just say NO. If he continues, dump him. My first boyfriend dumped me a month or so after I turned seventeen because I would not have sex with him. (This was after 6 weeks of dating). What a loser. I don't regret my decision at all.
  4. Hi I took several APs in high school. I took the tests for chem, german and latin junior year and the tests for physics and calculus senior year, although I also took what could be considered AP classes (but did not take the actual test). I think it will depend on what sort of academic standard you're used to. If you go to a challenging high school and take challenging classes already, then it probably won't be that much different that usual. If you're used to coasting in classes that are a bit easier, you will have to adjust, and it might be harder. I did not find taking several APs to be that bad, but I was at a tough boarding school so all the classes assigned a lot of homework everyday, so it was sort of more of the same. If I were you, I would start out with the AP classes, and then if after a month or so you can't stand it you could maybe drop down a level in one or two of them? I don't know what sort of options your high school offers. In my opinion, it's better to do very well in one or two AP classes than to get mediocre grades in 3. If you're going to need to put in a lot of work but are not willing to do it, just pick one and excel in it!
  5. Hi I don't have an eating disorder, but I sympathize with your feelings. I am also of healthy weight but can't help thinking that if I lost about 10 pounds, I would be devastating! I really hate shopping because I find that the lighting and mirrors make me look as unattractive as possible, and the whole ordeal just really depresses me. I only have a few stores that I shop at, so I know my sizes really well. What I like to do is order online! Ok, you have to pay for shipping, but for me it's worth the price. I know my size (or I'll get two sizes and send back whichever does not fit as well). I get the clothes. I try them on in the comfort of my own home. I really enjoy trying them on as opposed to hating it in the store, and I usually end up finding a lot more stuff I like because I feel prettier in them than I would have if I had tried them on in a store. I recently ordered some bikinis from Victoria's Secret. I personally think they have some cute stuff - of course, when looking at the models, you have to try really hard to imagine how the suit is going to look on a real person and not on some airbrushed model with her boobs taped so she has ridiculous cleavage. But I've been buying suits there for a few years now and I find they always fit me well. and you can just order several things to try on, and send back what you don't like.
  6. I think of a good kiss as a kiss in which the kissing styles of both people mesh well. So in my opinion it's not about you and him being good or bad kissers. It's about cueing in to signals, responding to them, him matching your rythm and you matching his, etc ... Next time you're kissing, try going slowly and paying attention to how he moves, what he seems to really enjoy. If your teeth are clashing the two of you must be at least moving your heads quite a bit, no? Try keeping your head still. I also don't know if this is french kissing we're talking about (although since your teeth are clashing I would guess yes), so you could try scaling it back to just lips, and then take it from there. Either way first kisses are often awkward! It should get better!
  7. Oh and let me add, your apologizing probably just showed him how much you care. I don't think you've convinced him the ringing cell phone was your fault, and if you have, well he's just silly.
  8. I think you have nothing to feel guilty about. It's his responsibility to turn his phone off. Don't worry about it: I'm assuming you don't know yet if he's gotten the job, maybe he'll get it, and if not, who's to know it's just because his cell phone rang!
  9. Well, not exactly. What I meant is that it's not a period in the sense of the 28 day cycle degrading the lining of your uterus because no egg was fertilized. A period while on BC is basically withdrawal bleeding, and theoretically, if you have missed pills in the week leading up to the sugar pill week, you could get pregnant (which is possible while not on BC but very unlikely). Sorry, I meant condoms (or other barrier method such as cervical cap, diaphragm (although not as effective)) in addition to a hormonal method of birth control or IUD.
  10. Hi Kevin My boyfriend is almost 6'2 and 155 pounds, and I think he's gorgeous!
  11. I don't find it degrading at all. It's just something else to do that he likes. I know some people think that handjobs are a poor man's blow job, but I know my boyfriend enjoys them as well.
  12. I can understand why you're upset. I do think it's a breach of trust, and it's a bad habit for him to get into of making promises he can't keep. I also see that he might have been with a group and been if he declined. In that situation though, he could have called you, explained what was going on, and asked if you were OK with it. I would definitely talk to him and tell him how you feel. Regardless of how petty the issue may seem to him, saying one thing and doing another is NOT ok, and not a good way of building up your trust of him.
  13. Also, it can help to avoid drinks that you did not see being mixed, since for these you do not know how much alcohol was put in them, and you could end up consuming a lot more than you think you are. Mix your drinks yourself, drink something from a bottle, or watch as your drink is mixed. Also avoid shots/chugging.
  14. Is there any reason why you should "know we're not doing that"? I don't quite understand why all of a sudden he's decided you two are not having sex anymore. I find that very disturbing.
  15. I agree with Hope. I asked my current boyfriend out and I'm pretty sure he values me. I think some men - and good ones too - are shy, and need the woman they want to show some interest, or they will give up on her. And that would be a shame if you really liked him.
  16. Can't he wait a bit to celebrate his birthday? You two could have a joint party with all of your friends.
  17. The pill works by preventing ovulation, and by thickening cervical mucus to form a barrier for sperm, in the case that you should ovulate. You are protected against pregnancy (with a 1 to 5 % failure rate) during the entire cycle. There are no safer times than others. While on the pill you are not on a regular cycle, so missing a pill any time is risky, regardless of what day of the 28 day cycle you are on. When you miss a pill the level of the progesterone and estrogen hormones that are in the pills and thereforeeee in your body decrease, and it is possible to ovulate. If you miss a pill you should use back-up BC (condoms usually) for 7 days. If the pill you are taking is working correctly, you are not ovulating. Women who get pregnant while on the pill get pregnant because the pill did not work, they ovulated while having sex with no other method of bc (apart from the pill), sperm met the egg, etc, etc. The period you have is not a "real" period, as you would have one during your regular cycle. You should really talk to your doctor about these things! (And you should have known this info BEFORE going on the pill). Also, if you really can't afford to get pregnant, best to use condoms.
  18. If I were her, I'd rather be dumped than be pressured into having my first time with someone who could not care the least bit about me.
  19. It seems fair that a man could chat with several women online - sort of like going on many first or second dates?
  20. DO NOT USE CLOROX. You can buy hair bleaching kits at places like CVS, which should not be as hard on your skin and hair as a household bleach such as Clorox. If you have someone who would be willing to shave your chest regularly, then you could do that. I would really recommend waxing though. Chest might be pretty painful, but back would probably not be, and it would last a long time. Might your parents be willing to pay for it? Those girls are really immature. A lot of guys have hair at your age: they better get used to it! If your hair is making you feel self-conscious, then you can go ahead and remove it, but don't do it just for them!
  21. I bet you can find a nutritionist who doesn't charge that much. You could just even go once to lay out a general plan and then see where it goes from there. I didn't see how old you were. If you are a student: my college has a nutritionist you can go to for free.
  22. Originally Posted by Mrocza You're 30, not 13. Your mother doesn't have a say in what you do or don't do. Get a job, move out on your own, a key to self confidence is independance. You can afford your own internet access and do what you please. SA is something that you can work past - you need to go out and FACE it or you'll just get worse. The more you hide away, the scarier it seems, the more impossible it will be to face it. It's a vicious cycle only you can stop. You can meet new friends, anyone can, you just need to put yourself out there. No offense, but it sounds like you're just making excuses for yourself. Ross_K: I know I'm not 13, but it's hard trying to get your life together to get your own place when you have SA, the last thing I'd want to do is to move into some dodgy small flat in a rough area This is an exchange on one of your other friends "What does it feel like to have a girlfriend?" I wasn't exactly quoting, just that sort of attitude. I would follow the advice Mrocza gives.
  23. Mmm, I think you were also making excuses like "I can't just move out, I have SA", "I can't just get a job, I've never had one before". I think it's good that you're trying something new and joining a dating site, but "taking the plunge"? You're still sitting in your house thinking that you are totally undesirable and expressing that on the internet: not all that different - yet - from what you've been doing on here. I *think* what everyone has been telling you on your other threads is that you have no reason to feel unattractive and that you should work on building your confidence. I think you're going to have trouble finding a girl if you're relying on her to make you confident. It's an chicken and egg thing. IMO, first you're confident/feel attractive, then you get the date/girlfriend. Not the other way around. That's why I think you should take the plunge by working on yourself. That will probably be a lot scarier than putting a profile up on a dating site, but it's a necessary step.
  24. I agree. You need your life before you can share it with someone else. And you can't rely on finding intimacy with a woman to make you happy and confident. I think you need to find some independence before you get involved in a relationship. And having a job, going to school, improving yourself by joining some activity will also allow you to meet people in a neutral setting and perhaps ease your SA.
  25. Like many of the other posters, I think by "you're too shy" that she'd like you to put the moves on her a bit more. 10 weeks seems like plenty of time to move on to some up the shirt action to me. It depends how you feel about it. She sounds fine with it. Are you uncomfortable with the idea?
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