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Everything posted by AwdreeHpburn

  1. I second that emotion.... eerrrr opinion.
  2. Ya know what ALS - I have been there sooo many times I feel I can speak somewhat authoritatively on this. Tread lightly. Bring your bf along OR - clear the air immediately with your new friend. Make sure he knows you like him as a mate ONLY. I'm not at all saying you're reading the situation wrong - but you're a cool - hot chic and you said yourself he's a cool, good-looking guy. Even if there IS nothing there, right now, something could very easily develop given the right circumstances. As long as you are both aware of where the relationship is, no worries. But if the chummy thing is an unspoken assumption.....talk about it instead.
  3. Hey Bruce - Sorry to hear about your struggles. You first need to get a handle on the issues you already have - the alcoholism first and foremost. Honestly, until you fix the reason you rely on alcohol, you will never have a normal, healthy relationship with anyone who is healthy. And if you are in the beginnings of anger flare ups...that can only spiral downward. Get yourself some treatment of help of some sort before you even THINK about contacting this woman again. - That's MY advice anyway.
  4. awwww....thanks you guys! You're right DN - I've been telling my husband I need to see someone....I really do. Thanks Bendy...no, not nearly enuff T time! Caldus - thanks for summing that up fo rme. I tihnk that is my new anthem. "Hell is other people" - Ta-rue Dat! Thaks Mo - Inner circle - got it. RQ - Love you too! ALS- Screw the machete - I had a fully automatic machine gun with unlimited ammo - I was ready to take out MANY at a time..... But if coffee with you is on the table as an alternative, Coffee it is! Thanks everyone. I really do hate everyone but you guys....
  5. d - I have absolutely no idea at all but if you feel better....or just good - who cares, yeh??
  6. angeleyes - relationships DO get in ruts, and you have to do a boat load of work sometimes to get them out. I think RC's right..may be time to sit down for a chat....
  7. Hey ElithePi - I suppose there are times that wil be more difficult than others....sorry about that. But the flipside of that is that there's gotta be times that are good then too, yeh? Hang in there! We'll all still be here in the morning!! g'night
  8. I had a super crappy day. Since this is a relationship forum - I just wanted to come on and complain about all the relationships I find myself in and how I don't want to be in them. I feel like I can't deal with people at all. I have a hard time dealing with my husband sometimes and how much he works, plus I work for him sort of...so I have to deal with him in that capacity... I HATE our other employees most of the time I can't at all deal with kids - not a kid person - yet I have like 6 of them (Ok - 3 - fine whatev) I have the crappiest communication style, I have NO fuse so I get frustrated sooooo super easily....I have really high expectations of people professionally and when they don't live up to them, I can't believe it and I get all weird and frustrated and p-o ed... I have no coping skills and that makes me angry. I guess anger is an emotion I too readily identify with. arrrrghhhh I hate people!! I ALWAYS slow my car down so people can merge. I ALWAYS stop for people who are in the cross walk. If I see someone sitting at a stop and the traffic is non-stop whizzing by them, I will stop my car and hold the line of traffic so they can go - so they don't have to sit there all say waiting. NO ONE EVER stops for me when I'm in the crosswalk! Even if I'm with my kids and it's the law!!! I feel like becoming a hermit! I HATE dealing with people. I hate it. I feel like my head will explode. I hate everybody (OK - not EVERYBODY - I don't hate YOU!!) How does one be a person who hates other persons in a world full of people??
  9. Southern girl - I hate to sound harsh - But I gotta. I totally (but respectfully) and completely disagree with you here. Kids go thru periods - they say usually in 6 month cylces - where they eat everything around them to store up for a growth sprut, during which, when it comes, they have virtually NO appetite. Punishing a child for not liking a certain food or for not being hungry seems a bit odd to me. BUT as a mother of three, I know how wearing and taxing it gets to feel like you're a 24 hour diner. I'm sorry for your frustration but there are soooo many battles to have, eating, the most natural thing in the world to us, shouldn't be one of them. He's not going to starve himself, his body won't let him. And if his hormones are changing, so may his taste buds be - so he may not like the chili anymore that he's loved 100 times beofre... Be patient with him...... And good luck!!
  10. Hey James - I kind of agree with Robo .... ...sounds like things are nearing an end for her. Maybe you could just straight up ask her if she's done with the relationship...
  11. Of course that's normal Into TheFire....and it will get better. Then"when" is so different for everyone but what's important is that it WILL get better.... Hang in there!!
  12. I mean - the side of a road, under a tree in a park, a back alley behind a dumpster....sure, a seedy motel here or there, OK, but come one people!!! Convenient store restrooms and boss's desks, right under the noses of parents???!!?!
  13. Hey Robo - you're steppin' on my toes here - I'M the resident ENA pessimist - OK? Kickedin - {{HUGS}} to you. I'm sorry things are so hard for you. You're doing well, time is passing. Let it. With each passing day, things WILL get better. Don't assume she is doing better or worse then you...just focus on you. I think not hanging with her brother for a while IS a good idea. Hang in there! It'll get easier soon....
  14. Hey Lost - Hmmm...well, to answer your question YES....a true male friend CAN exist. But at the same time a huge resounding NO. I'm am as perplexed as you are. His behaviour is that of one who truly likes and cares for you but his lack of intimacy is that of one who intends to not get too close. Maybe he looks at you as a really close friend, one that he has had forever and holds very dear, but isn't the least bit romantically interested. I guess I vote for you to just straight up ask him too. Keep us posted will you? I'm curious about his response....
  15. I'm starting to feel lame, unadventurous, and prudish.....
  16. Hey Third Wheel - I think I know exactly what you're talking about....and I gotta say - i think it's kind of common. Who was the person? What was your mood? What were you talking about? I find I get this feeling a lot during obligatory conversations or others where I am sort of forced to be the "fake" me. Like socially polite or whatever. I can totally relate to the feeling of being outside yourself - but like you said, not in a spiritual - your spirit leaves your body kind of way.... Does this make any sense to you?
  17. Wow - well, that's where our similarities end then Paisley - cos my mom is a FA-REEK!
  18. Hey flashzip - Track her down. If I were you, I would find her and make it up to her. Don't wait until you run into her again, but find her and take her out right then and there. As you're walking with her, just tell her how sorry you are and how crazy busy things have been for you at work lately....
  19. hey bambina - ok ok calm down.... I think you should call him. if he is going to go to the trouble of saying something like that, he deserves a call back - in MY opinion. If its fake - well....cross that bridge when you get to it.... I say call him and see what the story is...
  20. why the mass marketing? To get massive amounts of people to buy it. They're a company trying to make money - not a company trying to make a health drink for athletes....
  21. hmmmm enigma huh? WOW..... well, best of luck to you - keep us posted, yeh?
  22. Hey onlyme...... Sorry to hear you're thinking of checkin' out. I for one - whilst I DON'T understand - sincerely hope you'll reconsider. I don't think people need to fully understand to care about you. I'm sorry you're in pain. I don't know what can help you, but I know that suicide is NOT the answer. I hope you will check yourself into a hospital before you really do something to hurt yourself....
  23. NO Dude - lol Whitetrashistan is the weirdest place I've ever had sex!!
  24. Whitetrashistan??? HEY - That's where I grew up!! AND - coincidentally - that's also the weirdest place I've had sex....
  25. So...MrKadash - What's next? Will you two be seeing each other again??
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