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Everything posted by jna35

  1. That sucks and I am sorry you had such a bad experience. If it was at all possible, it would have been a good idea to let her know that you were running several hours behind. I'd probably be fairly upset if I had been waiting for someone that long and they were a no show. Also, you left her several messages, so the ball is in her court. I wouldn't continue to call her or you will appear desperate and may scare her off. Give the situation some time to cool and go from there. I hope it all works out for you!!
  2. You shouldn't have to change the way you look for someone to love you. A "nice guy" is respectful, considerate, senstive to the feelings of others, etc. I think the majority of people would prefer to be with someone like that. If they prefer people who are going to treat them like garbage then they have some issues with low self esteem. It sounds like maybe you are not comfortable in your own skin, so I say in order to attract people you have to be confident in yourself, at least to some degree. How do you feel about yourself- honestly? If you want to lose weight or change your image because it will make you feel good then by all means do it. But if you are only doing it in hopes of pleasing someone else, then more than likely nothing will change. Be true to who you are. I hope you can become happy with who you are and all you have to offer people.
  3. I think that until he lets go of his anger towards his ex you really don't have a chance for a healthy relationship with him. I honestly believe that he needs to deal with his issues with her before he can be any good for you or anyone if you choose not to stay. As for the things you mentioned that he says "jokingly," it sounds to me like it's hostile humor and said to hurt you. Personally, I woudln't want to be with someone who made me feel like that and I hope that things work out for you.
  4. A BIG definite no on that one! Don't allow yourself to be used by him like that. You said that he has treated you badly in the past, well.........using you for his plaything is a bad thing too. You will end up feeling poorly about yourself if you allow him to do so. Keep your self respect and find someone who will value you for who you are.
  5. We all make mistakes. Is this something you can rectify? If not, then learn from it and move on. I know it sounds simplistic, but you can't change what happened and there is no point to beating yourself up. You are human and it's O.K.
  6. I think darkblue said it best, definitely remember The Golden Rule and treat others like you wish to be treated. My mom always said, in order to have friends, you have to be a friend. Just remember that even in the best of relationships feelings are bound to be hurt at some point, but that doesn't mean you give up. That's the wonderful power of forgiveness. I hope you are able to open up and share yourself with others. Good luck to you!
  7. Candida is yeast, but that is weird that it doesn't burn or itch. Do you smell an odd odor? A yeasty kind of smell? I would call your doctor and ask them for an appt. It's always better to err on the side of caution.
  8. Well...... my husband always knows when it's on its way because I usually get a 'nice' case of PMS. He has learned to be very understanding about it over the years. Speaking from experience (I've been married for almost 17 years), the guys REALLY would rather not discuss the details of a woman's cycle. I guess if you don't feel comfortable having sex during that time then I would just tell him it's that time and leave it at that.
  9. I agree 100% with darkblue. A marriage built on lies will not stand a chance. Your husband deserves to know what happened. The truth always finds a way of coming out anyway. If you love your husband then I would suggest forgetting about this guy at work and getting to work on your marriage, even if that means finding a new place of employment.
  10. bball, there's no need to apologize. You didn't do anything wrong.
  11. Yes, I agree with shes2smart. Also, a lot of women experience a clear discharge around ovulation time, but since you said it's uncomfortable I would make an appt. with your Ob/GYN. Let us know how you make out.
  12. If it still bothers you that much to see him I would definitely recommend avoiding him. I hope you are able to move forward with your life soon. I know how much it hurts, but it will get easier with time.
  13. The other posters gave you sound advice. I would suggest making an appt. with your doctor asap to get checked out. I also questioned why you would be having unprotected sex if you are not ready for the consequences. I would hope that if you are going to continue to have sex that you will be responsible and get some birth control. But keep in mind that the only 100% form of birth control is abstinence. Good luck and I hope everything works out for you!!
  14. Please do ignore Tweaks post, that is way off base. I am sorry you are feeling this way. Depression is VERY real!! My sister suffered from deep depression and she got some medication which has helped her a lot. I would start by talking to your folks. I'm sure they would want to help you through this and that they love you very much. Don't worry if the doctor doesn't diagnose you as clinically depressed. They are there to help you as well and may be able to offer you some alternatives to medications as well. A therapist may be something to consider or aybe even a small group. Just find someone you trust, but the important thing here is that you get the help that you need, so that you can be happy again. I wish you the very best!!!
  15. A HUGE deal breaker for me!! That is one thing I would not be able to tolerate and just think if you married him, his views would be imparted to your children. If you ask me, freedom of speech is one thing, but thinking one human superior to another is a whole other ball game. As human beings, we all have equal value and people need to understand that.
  16. As a mom myself, it's hard for us not to worry, but they sound like they may be a bit overprotective, just remember that they love you and have your best interest at heart. That said, you sound like you have given your parents no reason not to trust you. I admire the respect you have for them and your maturity as well. Would they mind if you saw him with a group of people? Sometimes that helps to relieve some of the fears since you wouldn't technically be alone with him. Then once they got used to that idea perhaps they would allow you out on a double date and then finally solo. Good luck!
  17. Yeast infections are no fun, but Hope75 gave you really good advice, especially about the yogurt and acidopholus. If this is your first bout with one I would suggest seeing your doctor first before trying to self medicate. Then if indeed it is a yeast infection he/she can prescribe the best medicine for you. They even have some OTC (over the counter) meds like Monistat and some of them work very quickly and even come with a cream to help with the external itching. I would also suggest avoiding sugar as much as possible because yeast thrives in it. Stay dry and definitely wear white cotton underwear!! Good luck and I hope you feel better!! Oh and if you are sexually active, abstain because you can give it to your partner.
  18. Everyone gave you really sound advice. I have a tongue scraper and it works well. I would add one more thing. I don't know if they still make them, but there used to be little pills called Breath Assure. I have used them in the past and they work really well, especially if you've eaten an offensive food. I would definitely make a dentist appt. first though to rule out gingivitis or leaky fillings. Good luck to you!
  19. I remember you asking this very same question or one similar earlier this summer. I see you are still considering this. I happen to agree with Dark Blue and Jinx. But....... if you are going to do 'something', which I would seriously advise against because of all the consequences that can come with becoming sexually active too young, then please be safe!!!! I still can't even begin to imagine doing something like that at such a young age! I hope you will at least consider some of what others are saying from before and now. We all have your best interest at heart.
  20. You are not ugly!! The young lady in question was very insensitive to say that to you. You look like a very nice boy, sweet and clean cut. Don't change yourself for anyone. If you want to change your style, even though there is nothing wrong with what you are wearing, then wear what you like and what you are comfortable in. Be true to yourself! When I was your age, way back in the time of the dinosaurs, ha ha!!, I always liked the clean cut type and I know a lot of young ladies who do. Trust me, you will find a nice girl who will accept you just as you are.
  21. Wow, I am sorry for what you are going through!!!I can't even imagine what that is like! Any ideas on why she is lashing out at you like this? I don't think you are wrong for loving your wife, but on the same note, I don't understand why you would want to be with someone who is putting you and your children through hell. I'm sorry to say that it doesn't sound like your wife wants things to work, so it may be best to let her go and try to regain a civil relationship for the children's sake. Have you considered counseling? It just seems like a lot for one person to deal with and it may help to talk with someone. I would also get a good lawyer to fight for your rights. The best of luck to you!
  22. I think it starts with self acceptance. That can be hard for some people, especially those who really never felt valued or heard. As for what other people think, try to figure out why it is so important to you. I mean, why would you care what a stranger would think of you? Does their opinion 'really' matter? My mom always told me that not everyone is going to like you and they don't need a reason because people are going to think what they are going to think, whether we like it or not. Now that I am older, I understand that, but I do feel where you are coming from. Dark Blue is right, everyone wants to be liked and feel like they fit in. I think you can consider yourself blessed if you even have one true friend that will back you up and be there for you unconditionally. Dark Blue gave you some good advice when he said to just be yourself. Your true friends will accept you for who you are and don't expect you to be perfect. That's the nice things about friends, they love us despite all our faults and occasional bouts of silliness.
  23. I totally agree with Beec! Who cares how old you look???? You are only 13 and just a kid!! Don't rush into things! Focus on school and your friends. You have 18 years to be a kid and the rest of your life for adult responsibilities!! Enjoy your childhood while you can!!
  24. jna35


    Flowers would be a very sweet idea. Personally, I love roses and loved it when a guy would bring me just a single one, even if it was one he picked himself. But there are lots of beautiful flowers to choose from. Daffodils are pretty and I like daisies too.
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