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Everything posted by jna35

  1. I think that was really inconsiderate of her, but I don't know as if it's worth losing a friend over. If you guys are REALLY friends, you will find a way to work through this. I would sit down and have a heart to heart with her about it. Let he know exactly how her actions made you feel. Maybe you could find new ways to spend time together since neither one of you seems to enjoy the same kind of club. One of my bf's really enjoys clubs, but that's not my scene, so she goes with her other friends. She knows I don't feel comfortable there and respects that. When we get together it's for flea markets, shopping, festivals, lunch, etc. Things she likes as well, but that her other friends generally don't. Good luck and I hope things work out for you!
  2. You are very wise for someone so young. I wish I'd had that wisdom at your age. I appreciate your offer as well. It goes the same for you. You can reach me at email removed I can't stress enough how important good communication is. I think it's a major key to any healthy relationship. It can be very hard sometimes though. We've been together for as long as you've been alive. Gosh that really dates me doesn't it? lol! I know what you mean about wanting to take care of him. I wanted to do the same for mine, but remember it's not your job to take care of everything. It's a joint venture. I think as women we are more prone to want to fix things and make everything better. That's the nurturing qualities in us. Just make sure your needs are met as well. He's really lucky to have you! I think everything will be O.K. so long as you are honest with him and keep those lines of communication open. Have a wonderful Saturday!!
  3. I think you should write it. It would mean more coming from your heart. It would also be a good outlet for your feelings. Is there a reason you don't wish to write it yourself?
  4. I am so sorry for what you are going through!! I would highly recommend getting a restraining order against him. It worries me that you have a young child. He has NO right to hurt you or intimidate you! Take care of yourself!
  5. That does sound really embarrassing! I would think it's probably normal to some degree, but..... I've heard you should make sure to use the bathroom first. If you're truly concerned about the leakage I would consult a doctor.
  6. Well, ask yourself why you broke up in the first place and if you truly want to be with this person. I once heard that an ex is an ex for a reason. Only you can decide if this relationship is right for you and worth giving another try. Good luck!!
  7. We prefer to choose any porn together. We don't like the hard core stuff, but prefer something with an actual stroyline, like Red Shoe Diaries. I wouldn't want to use it all the time, but every now and then it's kinda fun.
  8. I personally haven't, but one of my closest friends has. I think it can really complicate things, especially if the divorce has to go to court. I really hope things work out for you. Good luck!!
  9. You're welcome. I'm so proud of you!! It can be hard to stand up for yourself. I honestly think you handled that VERY well!! I'm sorry to hear all the things that are going on in your boyfriend's life right now. He's lucky to have you for support and I think he knows that. It's good that he realizes he can live his own life without being attached at the hip to them. His family really shouldn't "expect" him to be there all the time. I think what you told him is right on. Good luck to you and hang in there!!
  10. I definitely believe in true love. For me, it's an unconditional love where you are accepted and valued for who you are despite your faults. It means compromise, but not compromising your integrity. It means working through whatever comes your way and doing it together. It's a lifelong committment and well worth the effort.
  11. O.K. I had to chime in. I hope you don't mind. I personally like strong, smart, sensitive men. I don't like mama's boys or pushovers. I like a man who is kind and gentle and treats people with respect. I like a guy that doesn't take himself or life too seriously, but takes his responsibilities seriously. Ultimately, it all boils down to how he treats me. As long as he values me as a person he has a chance to win my heart.
  12. Firts off, I'm really sorry for the pain you are experiencing. I know it's hard, but you will get through this. You are certainly not alone. No one can say whether she will come back or not, but I think the best thing you can do for her right now is give her the space she needs. It sounds like she is under a lot of stress and needs time to take care of some things that are going on in her life. It may sound cliche, but if it's meant to be it will be. Hang in there!!
  13. I think it's kinda unhealthy that he is 23 and still jumping through hoops for his mom. It's fine to be close to family, but at some point in time he needs to sever the apron strings. Be honest with him and let him know how you feel. I have to say that I went through a similar situation with my now husband of almost 17 years and everything ended up working out just fine. You are lucky that his family likes you. That is a blessing!! My mother-in-law didn't like me at all and threatened to break his legs if he married me and spread all kinds of nasty and untrue rumors about us in our church! We survived and he cut those strings. I basically told him he was an adult and needed to take control of his own life. I wish you the best and hope it all works out for you!!
  14. I think for me it would depend on how the relationship ended as to whether or not I'd be hurt by being ignored. If you really value that person as a friend then I believe you'd be doing yourself and that person a great disservice by ignoring them like that. On the other hand if things ended badly then it's probably best to keep your distance. But always try to remain respectful regardless of how things ended up. You'll be a better person for it in the end.
  15. I thank God that I have been 18 years without cutting myself. It hasn't always been easy, but it is possible to heal.
  16. Why do you want to hurt yourself? I used to do that too, many many years ago. Why don't you want to stop? I did it because the physical pain was much easier to deal with than the emotional pain. I stopped because I realized that it was only masking my true pain. I hope you are not feeling alone like I did all those years ago and if you need someone to talk to, I'm here. I do understand. As far as it being legal, that I really can't answer, but I do believe that if you are having those thoughs and tendancies they could very well hospitalize you for your own safety.
  17. It kinda worries me. Are you O.K.? It's a beautiful poem, but a little on the dark side. It sounds like you have experienced a lot of loss.
  18. I'm so sorry you're not feeling well!! Have you tried ginger ale? Ginger is really good for quelling the quesies. Talk to your doctor too and he/she may have some other ideas. I'd also recommend checking into some alternative things, just be sure to check with your doctor first. I wish you and your baby the VERY best!!
  19. Unforunately his feelings will probably be hurt no matter how you say it, but I would recommend being honest. Tell him that you value your friendship and don't want to lose that. I definitely wouldn't stay with him out of guilt and it's best to let him know sooner rather than later. He may need a while to accept that nothing more than friendship will/can happen (at least at this point in time), but if he truly cares about you, he will come around and honor your feelings. Good luck to you!
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