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Everything posted by jna35

  1. It sounds like you have a lot of inner turmoil. I'm sorry for the pain and confusion you have. I honestly don't know what to tell you except to seek help from a professional that deals with those specific issues. Perhaps they'd be able to offer you the support and guidance you need or direct you to a support group in your area if you're open to it.
  2. You can't force her to have a relationship she doesn't want. If you really like her than I would remain friends if you can handle it. If not, then I would let her know that it hurts you too much to do so and leave the ball in her court. Hope it all works out for you!
  3. I would be careful if it is a rebound relationship. Does he want to get back together with this other girl? I would have a heart to heart with him and just be honest with your feelings for him. Maybe he just needs some time to sort out his feelings. You shouldn't stay in a relationship when you are "second best" to an ex. You deserve to be "the best" for someone.
  4. I agree. I defintitely wouldn't clean up after him or bail him out of his messes. All that does is enable him to be dependent. He needs to learn how to take responsibility for himself and his actions. I would get my own place as well. You have your own life to deal with and shouldn't have to worry about your mooch of a brother. I can undertsand your bitter feelings, but hate is a pretty strong word. I prefer to separate the person form their behavior. In other words, hate the behavior not the person.
  5. Thanks RayKay. I will give your advice a shot and take baby steps. Yes, I am tremendously embarrassed. Part of me is afraid I'm going to sound silly. I had grown up being told that only porn stars did things like that and unfortunately it stuck with me all these years. I feel so ridiculous to be like this. I mean my gosh, I'm going to be 36 years old and have been married for almost 17 years!! I drive myself crazy with this. My husband says I think too much, lol! Oh, and I do have orgasms and it takes a lot for me to keep quiet, but sadly I do!
  6. Thanks for the quick replies. I have always had trouble with sex. Part of it stems from my childhood and my upbringing and in part it's how he was in the beginning of our relationship. I would go to therapy if I could afford it. Unfortunately out here it's $100+ per session. My husband accepts it, but I know he wants me to be "free" because he has told me that's the one thing he would change about me.
  7. I'm actually quite embarrassed to write this, but figure I have nothing to lose! I am quiet during sex, as a matter of fact, I don't utter a peep!! I don't want to be like that, but I'm really afraid to lose control. My husband is super patient, but he deserves so much more than I am able to give him. How can I overcome my inhibitions? Please don't give me a simplisitc answer like "just do it." For me it's much easier said than done. I REALLY want to change!! Thanks for any advice you have to offer. I feel extremely alone in this.
  8. I would rather have a conversation like that in person. Just be honest with her. I suppose it wouldn't hurt to give her a little hint as to what you would like to talk to her about. It sounds like she's comfortable with you which is a good sign! Take things slow and see what happens. If anything is meant to happen it will. Good luck and hang in there!!
  9. I haven't ever said that to anyone, but have had it said to me once. It didn't last long because we were able to work out the misunderstanding and it would have been silly to throw away our friendship.
  10. As far as herbs, I would recommend Valerian or St. John's Wort, but I would check with a doctor or even someone knowledgeable at the health food store.
  11. We like to use Tums Ultra.Also, gingerale is great for stomach woes. Hope you feel better!
  12. S.F. is an awesome city with tons of culture as you know since you live there. I haven't been for years. I actually live in San Jose. What about one of those cruises in the bay? The biking actually sounds fun. Don't let the whole generation gap thing turn you off to it. Just because someone isn't in your age bracket doesn't mean you can't connect socially. You may be missing out on some great fun with some great people.
  13. I'm obviously not a guy,but I can give you my husband's thoughts though. Hope that counts. He wouldn't be caught dead down there at that time of the month, for ANYTHING, unless it were a medical emergency. He's totally grossed out by it. Personally, I am too so it's a non-issue for us.
  14. I don't think so. If you honestly ove someone that doesn't just go away simply because someone's not around you. I think sometimes people use the term love very loosely. If you love someone unconditionally that love will be with you always.
  15. I would suggest you guys take a shower or bath together. A little extra cleanliness never hurts. Have fun!!
  16. I agree with Elveden. Also, it doesn't seem like you've been dating very long, so perhaps she's not ready to "turn up the heat" at this point in your relationship. I would be honest with her about your feelings, but don't push. She does have a 6 yr. old and perhaps she's afraid to get too serious because of that. It gets a bit more complicated when kids are involved. If you like her then my suggestion would be to take it slow and let her gauge the speed.
  17. It's obvious that she's interested in you since she wants to know more about you. Share what you're comfortable with and go from there. Good luck!
  18. I'm glad you recognize that it was inappropriate to break into his account. That said, he is being very disrespectful of you and your relationship. I am sorry that you are hurting, but honestly I would let this one go. You deserve to have someone who treats you with respect. Of course, he "can" change- will he- not if he doesn't want to. I hope you start feeling better and find the happiness you deserve.
  19. I would still recommend going to an OB/GYN. Sometimes those home pregnancy tests are inaccurate. I had that happened to me (a false negative) and it turns out that I was indeed pregnant. It's usually advised to visit an OB once you've become sexually active anyway.
  20. That's a hard one. Some say what you don't know won't hurt you, but I'm not sure I agree with that. If you guys truly love each other then you can get through anything, even your minor indescretion. I would urge you to be honest with her and accept responsibility for what happened. In the end, if she really loves you, she will be able to forgive you and move on, if not, it's better to know now rather than later. A relationship based on dishonesty doesn't stand a chance. Good luck.
  21. Only you can decide whether or not you should go out with her. If you like her and want to keep it casual, just be up front with her and let her know your intentions. That will leave the ball in her court. It sounds like her ex is a real "winner!" I hope everything works out for you. Good luck to the both of you.
  22. It can be really hard to share feelings sometimes, but it's easier to do with someone you can trust. I didn't particularly want to share anything with my folks at that age either. That's completely normal. I hope you are able to find someone who you can open up to. Leaving feelings bottled up isn't healthy. If you really feel you are not ready for that then how about just writing your feelings down?
  23. Have you ever seen an OB/GYN? I would advise going in for a check up. It could just be a hormonal imbalance. Sometimes they prescribe a low dose birth control for irregularities like that. Also, did you have protected sex? Just because you are bleeding and got a neg. from a pregnancy test doesn't necessarily mean anything. I would go to the doctor just to be safe.
  24. I don't think so, but I guess it would depend on the reaons for abstaining in the first place. Personally, the longer I go without it, the more I want it!
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