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Everything posted by jna35

  1. It's probabaly nothing, but you should probably give your doctor's office a call. When you describe the problem to them they will know whether or not you should get it checked out. It's always better to be safe when it comes to your health.
  2. I don't see what the big deal is about you giving him a buzz to say hi. Besides, you say you've already been talking to him. It's JUST a phone call, not a marriage proposal. Be confident enough to give him a call if you want to. You CAN do it- REALLY!!
  3. You say your good at collages, so why not do a special one for him? Or you could put together a care package with some of his favorite things. Or could you make him a police dog out of clay? I think they are usually German Shepherds, aren't they??? I'm having a senior moment, lol! Another thing I did for my husband was fill a candy jar with Hershey's Hugs, so he could have "hugs" from me while he's at work.
  4. I was just thinking, if you REALLY want to make something yourself and aren't much of a baker, you could make krispie treats. Those are super simple and I've actually added choc. chips (or any flavor you like). They are so good and no bake!! Another idea, what about a nice picnic? You don't have to cook. You can pick everything up at your local deli.
  5. Heck, I've used store bought cookies before. Don't feel bad that you can't bake. There are a lot of great bakeries out there too! Maybe even a cute stuffed animal. My husband STILL likes getting those occasionally and he's 36!
  6. I would be worried too if my 17 year old daughter wanted to date a 23 year old. That would definitely send up some red flags for most of us moms. That said, I think it's probably just insecurities that keep you from trusting him. I wouldn't "test" him. I would take things slow. I'm sure if it's meant to be everything will fall into place. Good luck!
  7. Why not bake him something or take him out to a movie or dinner? How long have you known him? I guess it depends on how personal of a thing you want to do, but I think some choc. chip cookies or brownies would a sweet way to show you care. You could even attach some balloons to it.
  8. That would bug me too. I think it was rude. I always thought it was whoever did the inviting did the paying. I'm a bit old fashioned too. I have no problem paying for an occasional date though.
  9. I think that's a good idea. In the meantime you can still IM and keep in touch. Schoo will be starting pretty soon anyway. I can't blame her parents. I know I'll be "guy paranoid" too when my daughter, almost 11 starts dating. You'll probably understand our feelings better when you are a lot older and a parent yourself. A word of advice, always treat her with respect and her folks will respect you!
  10. I agree, he's not much of a boyfriend if he didn't let you know he was moving out of state and to top it off you can't reach him. I'm sorry he hurt you, but I would just let him go. He's not worth your tears!! There's someone great waiting for you. I always say that blessings can come in the strangest of places and times. Perhaps his leaving is a blessing in disguise.
  11. I'm really sorry this happened to you! What exactly did he do? It does happen more often than people think and it's VERY disrespectful. I would suggest if you get a drunken "friendly" customer you call your boss over if you feel you can't handle the situation on your own. I would let the old geezers know that you find their behavior degrading and unacceptable. Don't give them your power, stand up for yourself.
  12. By the way, make sure you let me know how it goes!! I'm sure you'll be just fine. Dating can be a lot of fun. Just get to know each other and go from there. Will you guys be going to the same school in the fall?
  13. Well, then why not just play it by ear. Have a couple fun dates and see how you are feeling about the situation then. I mean, there's no rush, right? Have some fun together and then if you feel there's something between you, ask her to be your gf.
  14. Well, that's entirely up to you. How long and how well did you say you know her? If you've known her for a while then you could both ask her out and ask her to be your gf. If you don't know her very well then I would suggest getting to know her a bit better first.
  15. You deserve the positive attention when you do well on your speeches!!!I wish I had the courage to do public speaking and I give you kudos for that! I am sorry you feel like you need to cut yourself. I know what it's like- been there done that. It doesn't solve anything and actually creates even more problems, potentially life threatening ones. I think you should check back with your doc since your pills aren't working and really dive deeper to get to the root of the problem. That's the only way to truly heal. What do your folks have to say? Your doctor? I hope you get the help you need and that one day you can respect yourself enough to stop hurting yourself and realize that you are a person of value!!
  16. I think guys are hard to buy for anyway. Does he have any hobbies or anything? I would keep it simple though where you haven't been dating for very long. Or why not treat him to a nice dinner and a movie? You could also bake him a small cake. The way to a man's heart is through his stomach, lol!
  17. I didn't have many friends when I was your age either. I was also ridiculed for studying, not smoking, drinking, or doing drugs. I understand that it's hard. I agree that you should find someone with similar interests. I know you can't be the only one who is feeling this way. Sharing a common bond is a great beginning for friendship. Do you have any hobbies or anything that you are passionate about? Put yourself out there. Yes, it's a risk, but no one will ever get to know what a wonderful person you are if oyu keep yourself shut away. Don't pay the mean kids any mind. They are just ignorant and there opinion doesn't count, how you feel about yourself does. I can tell you are a great kid and I respect you for trying.
  18. From what I remember the most fertile time is midway through your cycle, so I guess that's roughly a week or so after your period. But I could be wrong. It's been a long time for me since my kids are now 12 and almost 11!
  19. It sounds like your relationship isn't too stable and I'm sure that must be stressful for you. Have you ever considered letting him go or is this a relationship that you honestly want to be in? Also, I'm sorry about your previous miscarriage. I've been there and know how heartbreaking it is.
  20. First of all, I hope you didn't hurt yourself and that you will consider getting help for that. He sounds like a really good friend to be there for you and want to help. It's obvious he cares for you. It's nice that he is coming to visit you. I would take things slow. If you guys do truly love each other things should evolve on their own. I wouldn't push, but I don't think there's any harm in sharing your feelings provided you don't come off as needy. I wish you the best!!
  21. Many guys don't like to talk about their feelings. You are worrying about something that may potentially happen. The unknown can be a scary thing sometimes. I agree with Tigris, just focus on your baby. They do pick up on your feelings and it can effect them in a negative way. Be happy and enjoy your pregnancy. Your little one will be here shortly. In the meantime, start formulating a plan for your life.
  22. I think you answered your own question. I believe you are having doubts about your relationship and are worried that he's going to leave you a single mom. Have you shared your concerns with your bf? I would suggest a heart to heart.
  23. It sounds like he's a great guy! Don't push him though and let him have the space he needs. As much as it hurts to be without him, if you are meant to be together you'll find your way back to each other.
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