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Everything posted by jna35

  1. Do you have any other hobbies or interests? I would just get out and explore different possibilities. Take some college courses, but get out there and see what you like. You may just find your true passion and I hope you do!
  2. It seems as though you are having a rough time dealing with this as many of your posts relate to this very topic. I was also an only child, at least for the most part. There is a huge age gap between me and my siblings, the closest being over 9 years. By the time I was 9 I became the only child because we moved and my sister stayed behind. Also, both brothers had been in the Navy for several years already. Most kids think they are more mature than they really are. I think we all experience that, but there is ALWAYS more to learn. Age is not a sign of maturity. I know plenty of people who are my age and even older that have the maturity level of a 2 year old, lol! Sad, but true! So, is it normal that one should be more mature growing up around adults? I would say in part yes. I mean, provided they are mature adults and you are able to learn from them. Another important ingredient in that is how you were raised. Being around adults doesn't automatically make one mature. I also think it's normal to like guys a bit older than yourself. For the most part, guys do mature more slowly than girls. However, that being said, there are ALWAYS exceptions. Don't rule out a guy based solely on their age. Look for a quality person who treats you with decency and respect.
  3. It sounds like a case of premarital jitters and is completely normal! That said,I want to add, that after reading the other posters' ideas, I think they are offering you sound advice. It would definitely be better to postpone your marriage if you are unsure than to jump into something you don't truly want and can't give your heart completely and without hesitation to.
  4. You are a very good friend and they are lucky to have you! I have also been on the other side and also in your position. Neither of which is a fun place to be!! In addition to being there for them, I would urge them to seek some professional help. They may not be trying to kill themselves, but it only takes one wrong slip of the knife or whatever they are using. For me, it wasn't because I couldn't feel pain, as a matter of fact, I tend to feel things more deeply than most. It was that the physical pain temporarily masked the emotional pain I was in at the time. I managed to stop and have been free for about 18 years now. Counseling can be a huge help as is the loving support of family and friends. When my best friend told me she was cuttting and was also on drugs, I actually spoke with her mom after speaking with my friend. Some would say it was not my place, but I knew that I wouldn't be able to live with myself if she had died because of my silence. It's a very personal decision and I'm not saying that you should do as I did. I just wanted to offer you things from a different perspective.
  5. If you are not comfortable then don't do it!! You are awfully young and have plenty of time to make out with boys, there's no rush!! Don't let your "friends" or guys pressure you into doing something you are not ready for. Not wanting to make out or not having made out yet does not make anyone a loser. Take things slow and they will progress naturally.
  6. There's a whole world out there and so much more to do and see than sit around on your hiney all day playing video games. I agree with the others, take some college course, take up a hobby, just get yourself out there. RayKay is right, you aren't going to meet anyone sitting at home with your Playstation or whatver it is.
  7. I agree with Max. You don't always need to pick in depth topics.
  8. I agree with Tigris also, that's great advice!
  9. There's a saying about "good intentions." I think this is all a matter of trust and that takes time to rebuild. It seems as though he has hurt you in the past too, but I wouldn't push him on the issue. Give him some space to process everything.
  10. I understand that he lives next door to your boss's son. I guess I was under the impression that you had his address. So, I meant that if in fact, you already know where he lives, then it doesn't matter that he lives next door to your boss's son. I can see where there may be a problem if you don't have his address and have to approach your boss for the info. Sorry for the confusion.
  11. I agree, even if you have to call a cab, a friend, or an ambulance- get to the e.r. now!! I hope you are feeling better soon!
  12. I'm glad you are feeling better. Sometimes it helps to vent. I wish you well with your real estate. A friend of mine got into it last summer and it took her a while to get things going too, so hang in there!! It sounds like the perfect job for you, but I can understand how hard it must be as well, especially with some of the picky people!! I do believe your perserverance pay off in the end.
  13. It could be, but it doesn't have to be. I think the fact that he hasn't brought it up yet, probably means it won't be a problem for him. I would think that if someone only wanted to date within their religion that would be one of the first topics of discussion. I like your friend's ideas of asking in a round about way.
  14. It's good that you can list some blessings! Are you happy with your job? Perhaps you should change careers and do something that brings you fulfillment. As for God..... I believe that God is ALWAYS there. Sometimes we need to touch bottom before we can climb to the top. You are in a "depressive rut" right now, but keep plugging away. Don't give up, if not for yourself then for your kids. You are stronger than you think!! Take it one day and one step at a time. Write out a list for the goals you wish to accomplish, both short-term and long-term. Work on them one at a time. Don't be so hard on yourself. You are doing the best you can. Have faith and hang in there!!
  15. Well, I see your mom's point of view, being a mom myself. I wouldn't be screaming at guys and embarrassing you however. Maybe let her know how she is making you feel by doing that. In her defense, it's hard to watch your daughter turn into a woman because our first instinct is to protect! Something you will realize when you are a mom yourself. Hopefully not for a long time. Show her you are responsible and she will trust your judgement more. As I said before, don't rush to grow up and end up with regrets. You have plenty of time to date and experience the world. Do be careful with who you choose to date. Again, age is one of those things that can pose a problem based on the individual's maturity level.
  16. There are clinics too. They offer low cost health care. If I were you I would also check into getting some kind of aid. These days you can't afford not to have some kind of insurance coverage. Bottom line is your health is too important to ignore.
  17. The joys of adolesense!! Also, I think in part it's about how you chose to present yourself. Don't grow up too quick. You only have 18 years to be a kid in the legal sense and a whole lifetime to be an adult! What is it that your mom is doing that bothers you if you don't mind my asking? More than likely she's just worried about you!
  18. I think it sounds like funa dn takes the pressure off the both of you. Have a GREAT time!!
  19. From a female perspective, I would want the guy to just be genuine and sincere. Just be yourself.
  20. You are far from dumb!! I think sometimes doctors want to bandaid the problem with drugs. You could always look into something alternative like herbs or something. My brother took St. John's Wort, but I would get a consult before trying anything. I don't know when your tidal wave will end, but it will-honest! You should be proud of yourslef for being able to pull yourself through all this thus far!! I send nothing but happiness your way!!
  21. I am so sorry for your loss!! You have definitely had more than your share of hardships. My mom always says that once you hit rock bottom, there's nowhere left to go except up!! I hope things turn around for you soon!
  22. I agree with DN on this one. If you wait too long you may lose your chance. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
  23. I think 1899 has a point, but I also think there are "subtle" ways to approach the whole feelings issue without making someone too uncomfortable.
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