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Everything posted by jna35

  1. Well, PR and marketing seem to go hand in hand. So that's probably the combo I would choose. Have you considering speaking with a career counselor? You could always add a psych course to your work load if time and money permit.
  2. Hmmmm....... a year without sex gives us back our virginity huh? That gave me a giggle!!! Anyway, part of the problem you are having could be emotional stress. You say you feel "dirty" while having sex. That could actually cause some physical problems. Check out this site for more info. on something called vaginismus. link removed I hope you are able to find someone to help you. I would suggest going to a different OB/GYN.
  3. I would have a major issue with that girl calling!!! She is waaaaaay out of line. Did she call him at work, home, or on a cell? The reason I ask is because if it was at home or on a cell, I would make him change the number and if it was at work, I would tell the receptionist to not accept calls from her. I wouldn't let him move back in until I was satisfied that he had made a clean break. I would also get to counseling asap. I have been there, minus the whole pregnancy thing, so I know what you are going through. Things can work out for you, just take it a day at a time and on your terms. Good luck to you!!
  4. Dunno, but it sounds like she may be regretting the break up and is trying to get back in your good graces so to speak. The only way you are going to find out her true intentions is to ask.
  5. Could it just be that it was a hug between friends and nothing more? If you are that worried/hurt by it then you should talk to her about your feelings, but in a nonaccusatory way.
  6. Oh, I know. I didn't mean to imply that you were judging anyone. For the most part I actually agree with your opinion. I think in "most" cases, you are absolutely right, because it is a rarity to make that kind of connection off the bat, but it does happen.
  7. But......that's not necessarily the case. I was engaged to my husband within 3 weeks of knowing him and we've been married for 17 years. I think it depends on the individual situation and the connection you have with that person. I don't feel like I sold myself out at all. I certainly wouldn't advocate people having sex so soon into dating, but I also won't judge them for doing what is right for them.
  8. I'd say take care of the baggage from your previous relationship before getting invovled too seriously with another. In other words, take things slowly. I think a lot of times we just continue to carry baggage from each relationship into the next until we need a cargo plane to carry it. I don't know how much you really need to tell your new girlfriend at this point, but letting her know that you need to take things slow would be a good place to begin. Let her know that you enjoy being with her. And then definitely let go of the past. If you don't it will continue to weigh you down. Good luck in your new relationship.
  9. Since you are asking for individual responses, my personal answer is yes, but I wouldn't have had sex within the first three dates to begin with. For me, that would be moving waaaaaay too fast. That said, hypothetically speaking, if I did have sex within the first 3 dates it would have to be because I REALLY cared for the guy, otherwise I wouldn't even think of being intimate with them.
  10. Personally, I would delete them. That's your past and to move forward you need to leave that behind.
  11. Live your life for yourself not for anyone else. And by all means don't compare yourself to anyone else. I hate it when parents do that. It is very wrong as you are not your sister, you are you. Everyone is different and has their own aspirations, so go for yours! If you aren't happy with the course you are taking, switch to something you want to do. If you're not sure, speak with a counselor at your uni and see if they have any ideas. I'm sorry about your job. Work on those communication skills. They are important not just in the workplace, but every day life. My husband has communication issues at his job and has to constantly work at it. He's a very private person and kinda shy and just prefers to work alone, but he is getting better at it and so will you. It takes time.
  12. I agree. If he is already feeling anxious about things then pressuring him will only make it worse. Take is slow, you're only 19 and there is plent of time for you to get married. Make sure it's what you REALLY want. I think Beec's advise of being a bit more independent is a great idea too. I got married when I was your age, but there are times when I wish I had lived on my own for a while. I think it's very important to have that independence before making that huge of a committment.
  13. Well.....it could be muscle weight gain if you've been working out, but I would be concerned of the sudden weight gain too and have some bloodwork done to rule out Diabetes or maybe a thyroid problem. A woman's weight can fluctuate by more than 5 pounds on any given day so it could just be you are retaining some water too. Do you drink a lot of water? If not, you should, it can help flush things out, watch your portions, but by all means don't starve yourself! Also, exercise in moderation. YIou don't want to over do it. Too much of anything is not a good idea.
  14. I agree, relax a bit. Your comment on never having a relationship in your "whole Life" made me chuckle, but in a good way. I mean at 13, no one expects you to have had a "real" relationship yet. Are you actually interested in this girl? If you are then just take it slow and by all means be yourself. You should stop with all the negative self talk too. Labeling yourself as shy and stupid isn't a good thing. You may be a bit shy and that is fine and normal for that matter. As for you being stupid, I personally don't like that word. I believe people make "stupid" decisions, but they are not actually "stupid." Anyway, I wouldn't make fun of her or anyone for that matter, especially since you don't really know her or her sense of humor. Joking around can be fun though once you get to know her a bit better, so long as it's not as someone else's expense. Keep it light and get to know her and go from there. I think things usually progress naturally, so hang in there.
  15. I agree with RayKay. Another thing to think about if you give them a fake number is what if you happen to run into them again at the same club or another. I'd say it's much more hurtful to be dishonest than to just say I'm sorry, but I am unavailable. Otherwise you are giving someone a shred of hope and that's unfair.
  16. I agree with RayKay on this one.
  17. I agree with the other posters. I don't see why she was mad at you to begin with. P.S. Are you O.K.?
  18. I agree. I would try to speak with the guidance counselor if you have one. If that doesn't work maybe your parents can intervene on your behalf and talk with the principal for you. Good luck!
  19. First, congrats on all your hard work and welcome to the stressful world of adulthood. There never do seem to be enough hours in the day to fit everything in, but it sounds like you are doing the very best you can. If you are regretting your decision to work full-time, maybe you should consider reevaluating your situation. Money is great, don't get me wrong, but you know what they say about all work and no play! Just make sure you are truly happy with what you are doing and if not make the appropriate changes so that you can achieve the balance that you would like to have. Good luck to you!!!
  20. Ouch! I am so sorry for what you are going through! I think a lot of times we tend to put our parents on a pedestal so to speak only to become extremely disappointed at the realization that they are human too. Your feelings are perfectly normal though. Perhaps they will manage to work things out or maybe they need to be apart in order to be happy and healthy. How does anyone know what "real" love looks like? Sadly, there are no guarantees in life, but we put oursleves out there and give it all we've got. For me, pure unconditional love endures all things and can withstand all the ups and downs and in betweens. How do you know if you've found it? I don't really have an answer for that except to have faith in the one you choose to love. Afterall, love is a choice we make every day. Not all love fizzles out. I don't believe the "real" thing does. Sure, it may fizzle a bit at times, but it's always there. My parents just celebrated their 51st anniversary in May, so yes there is hope for everlasting love. Let your boyfriend help you through this. Tell him how you feel and what you need from him. In time, things will get better.
  21. You seem like a very nice boy and it sounds like she enjoys talking with you too. You can talk about anything; classes, hobbies, etc. Don't overthink it, just be yourself. You already said you made her laugh and smile and that is a good sign. As for her being allowed to date, it seems that the age is getting younger each year, but ultimately that will be up to her folks. It can't hurt to ask her though. You could always go out in a group or just invite her to the school dance. I wish you the best of luck.
  22. I think that's a beautiful idea! Having those memories close to you will help you heal. I still miss Wiener in immeasurable amounts and always will, but I surround myself with his pictures and as silly as it may sound, I say good night to him every night. You know, even if he had lived to be 100, it still would have been too soon for me to let go and I'm sure you feel the same way about Snoopy.
  23. jna35


    If she is with someone else, I would definitely advise waiting.
  24. I think that is a very sweet memorial to Snoopy. I am glad youa re starting to feel better. Just remember that she is always with you as you are with her.
  25. Personally, I wouldn't see why it would matter unless it is too uncomfortable for he physically to have you keep going. I suppose a "breather" would be O.K. as long as you don't stop cold. You gotta keep the flames burning so to speak. You really should discuss it with your girlfriend and find out how she feels about it though.
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