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Everything posted by QTpie87

  1. Um well being someone who was born so white you could blinde the DR coming out, and can tell you that being white does get really old, BUT, if you don't use those fake tanners, and you don't let yourself get burnt then you will look younger when you are in your 40s, 50s, 60s and up then other people that age, because our skiin is so fair, and if we take care of it then we will always naturaly look younger.
  2. well I wouldn't worry about it so much yet. I know you probably hate hearing that but you are only 16 and you have so much time. I know people who haven't dated until they were almost 19 really hun, it's ok. a lot of people wont start dating until they are a little older. when will you be 17? cause even being 17 and haven't dated yet isn't bad. I think you are looking too hard maybe. If you like a girl then ask her out, but don't let dating be your life. You need to be able to be happy by yourself before you can have a healthy dating secen anyway. so good luck and just be happy with yourself for a while, that is unless you find someone to ask out, lol, but you still need to be happy being alone too, cause really besides god the only thing we can really rely on is ourselves. good luck. Qtpie87
  3. Garenteed student loans. You get however much you need, every half a year, and you don't pay it back until you graduate from college completely. and you make payments for whatever you can offord each month after you have graduated and can ask for extentions. also go for grants (pel is good, im going for pel because my family would be dirt poor if it wasn't for my grandparents and even with them we couldn't afford college, so pel gives familys without a lot of money the grant.) I hear you on the job thing, jeeze everyone down here are complete pot heads except for me and a few other people (ok not everyone but dang) and they all have jobs, why can't we get them? I don't know, but don't give up.
  4. It means get in the car and go to the DR. don't toy with that. Ive never ever heard of that, but um I wouldn't be messing with it.
  5. Don't take this as a put down, but yes It was mean, awefully mean. Im sorry I just have to tell the truth. It doesn't make you a bad person,at all, it just means you made a mistake and need to apologys. seriously say sorry, or she might not like you at all ever again, even as friends. I went through this with a friend I am close to now, I just talked to him today and we are still friends, but only because he said sorry for doing the same thing to me as what you did to this girl. yes cuddling is nice, lol, but not if you don't like that person. that's called leading them on. IF you want to stay friends with this girl then I would tell her why you were actign like that and that you are sorry. whatever you do don't tell her that it had anything to do with how she looks, cause in my opinion it is really vein and now if someone decides to or not to date someone because of their looks, that's not the right reson to accept or turn anyone down. well good luck. Qtpie87
  6. that is exactally what I was trying so hard to remember. lol. you did a much better job though. thanks for giving her the real story. . Qtpie87
  7. ok.. I also believe in god, but you need to understand that god isn't here to punish us for being bad. He's not that kind of god. He is here to help us, He forgave us for our sins and died for us, He wouldn't punish you. Yes there are consiquenses when you die for things you have done, but no matter what you do god will always love you. NO MATTER WHAT!!! I think that he does give us hard times to go through to test us and to help us grow spiritualy, But he doesn't give us more then he knows we can handle. I get extreamly suicidal somedays, and think it's all over, and then I have to remember that god is here and he wont put me through anything he knows I couldn't handle. There is this little poem or verse thing. and I can't remember exactally how it goes, but I'll give it a shot for you ok. it says something about how this person is walking on the beach and they notice a second pair of footprints in the sand next to them following and there isn't anyone there and they realize it is god. then later in the story this person is going through a aweful time in their lives and they look down into the sand next to them and there aren't any second pair of footprints. the person stops and says to god something like, you have always walked beside me, why aren't you here when i need you the most, and then god says "my child you only saw one pair of foot prints because I was carrying you." so basically god is always with you and just because it may seem like he isn't and like he may be punishing you and not getting you out of the mess you are in, and it may seem like well if there is a god why is he letting me go through this, well he's really there and helping you the most during those times. In church one day I learned that sometimes god wont tell you he is there, and it could be for days,weeks, months, a long time, and he is testing your trust for him. well anyway, I just want you to know you aren't alone, and if you ever need to talk you can always pm me or talk to me on aol. I hope it helped. bye. hang in there. Qtpie87
  8. as a girl i would find it kinda odd sometimes. I would always wanna be under the covers so he couldn't look at me, lol. that is until I got comfortable with him. if it's only your 3rd or so time, then I wouldn't be worried about it, he's prob still a little shy about it.
  9. I have been living with my grandparents for about a year now because I can not live with my mom cause my step dad is sexually and physically abusiv and she would rather toss me then make him leave. That isn't the problem now, It still hurts a lot, but I am learning to just not think about it and have given up trying to talk to my mother about it (she doesn't listen and thinks Im being selfesh by making her feel bad about it when all I really wanna do is go home). The current problem has pretty much been going on most of my life. My grandma acts like she hates me. She puts me down and she talks horribly about me behind my back and in front of me (according to her, if any one is in a fight or anything goes wrong, It's gotta be my fault). she acts like she is this all rightous, holly, god worshiping saint. But then she does this to me. I don't know what to do anymore. I thought about writing her a note and telling her how she makes me feel. Telling her how misserable she is making me and How I just want to kill myself. But is that a bad Idea? She knows she makes me feel bad, she trys to, and although I don't ever tell her or make it obvious how hurt I am, she knows it. But If she knew how bad it really did hurt me do you think she would stop. I don't want to tell her to her face, because I would get too emotional. I don't like people to see me cry, and I don't like them to know that they hurt me because then they will know that what they are doing is affecting me and may keep doing it and feel like they won. Tonight My uncle got all up on my case because she told him all these horrible things about me which weren't true, and tells him I don't do anything and I am worthless and Need to be lectured (I didn't fight back, cause I knew that my uncle loves me and that he didn't know the whole story and well it wouldn't have done me any good anyway.) she lays on her big butt all day and then blames me for everythign when Im not even here half the time. I wanted to kill myself today, I was the closest I have ever been to just taking a whole bottle of sleeping pills and before being totally passed out cutting my wrists to make sure I wouldn't wake up. I want to kill myself. NO one loves me here. No one. My mom wont even take me. I don't know what Im doing wrong, but other then my grandmother, I love all of my family and It hurts me that they hate me so much. I love them and am willing to kill myself to make them happier.Trust me when I say they wouldn't take a second look at my dead body. it's either suicide or finding a final way to end this. What am I suppost to do? I can't move. I don't want to go into that whole situation cause it's a whole different story, but I don't and won't have the option of moving for at least 2 years and I can't take this anymore.
  10. it all depends on what happened. what happened? and how long have you been broken up? who broke up with who?
  11. yeah it helped only thing is i don't have a bf anymore. Thats how the whole thing started. I broke up with my bf like 2 years ago, and we all started to have to hang out with eachother behind eachothers backs to stay away from eachother (my ex and I wanted to stay away from eachother). Then when my ex and I started talking again he said that monica had said those things about me. Well it's over now, so I'll just call her today and make up and see if she still wants to be friends. Well thanks for the help guys. Qtpie87
  12. Yeah you are right, Im just worried she is going to be mad at me. I wanna call her and just stop living with the rumors from back then (it was a while ago) and start over being friends, I am just nervous she maybe really did mean those things and doens't like me and wounldn't wanna be friends again, then I would have embarrased my self for nothing.
  13. Ok I used to have a friend here before I moved and she was dating one of his best friends. Well my boyfriend and I broke up and me and my friend only hung out when it was either just me and her or her, her bf, and me. because My ex and I weren't getting along well. So as the story goes I ended up moving to las vegas and My ex and I started talking again and he told me My friend said some pretty nasty stuff about me. Including that she didn't care if I moved and didn't like me anymore. Well I've been back for about a year now, and Have seen her around a few times. both were accward but Now I think it was just me. I saw her at my little sisters concert tonight and she told my little sister she wanted to come say Hi to me but I was giving her bad looks so she decided not too. NOw that isn't a lie, I was def. giving her bad looks, I felt embarrased though, cause I thought we were friends and then heard she said those bad things about me. And my mom also said she was giving me bad looks all night. But if she was mad at me then why would she go up to my little sister and tell her to say Hi to me for her, cause she thought I was mad and didn't wanna come say HI to me for that reason? I feel aweful now. I wanna call her and say Hi and sorry for giving her the bad looks and explain what had happened and ask her if it was true or not, or just drop it. well Should I just contuine not being friends, or suck it up and take the risk of calling and embarrasing myself? I don't know what to do.
  14. What are some exersices that anyone here has done to burn fat and keep it off? I already know about running and biking. is there anything else? thanks. Qtpie87
  15. yeah I would just sit him down gently and tell him the truth. You shouldn't drag him along, I learned that the hard way. It gets harder in the future to dump them so do it now, before it gets worse. good luck. Qtpie87
  16. I would just let it go, Your bf was obviously not interested so you have nothing to worry about. maybe she was nervous and just looking around for someone to talk to (I have a friend that starts acting goofy like that when she is uncomfortable) or maybe she's just rude and really does think she has a chance, but I would let it go, if she isn't coming up and flirting with him or touching him and he is paying attention to you then I'd say you are gonna be ok. If she does come up and isn't just being friendly to both of you (just flirting with him) then I would nicely tell her to please stop, and maybe have your bf tell her he isn't interested. that should take care of it. good luck. Qtpie87
  17. If he isn't ready for a relationship don't try and make one, cause that will end up bad and make even the friendship you had before totally vanish. Some people need time and need to feel like they are totally ready to be in another relationship (trust me I'm one of them). I would maybe tell him how this hot and cold thing is bothering you though, but don't make him choose between a relationship or nothing, and I wouldn't do the NC thing just to get him missing you, those are girl mind games and most guys look down on them and don't want anything to do with them. (so I have heard from a guy friend)
  18. yeah she is right, it is really tender, and not enjoyable is you are rough with it.
  19. well have you done oral on this girl yet? if so and she didn't complain and acted like she enjoyed it then you'll probably be ok. But you could tell her your problem and ask her to tell you when you are doing something she likes or to tell you when you are doing something she doesn't like. All girls are different so it bascially depends on what she likes. good luck. Qtpie87
  20. I don't really know what is going on with me lately. I think my depression is getting way out of control, I've been taking my meds so I don't understand why it would be acting like this, I take wel-B XL and It always worked for me as long as I was taking it right. My ocd is getting out of hand and I am getting paronoide. I am too young for any of this, and it doesn't make sense. Has this ever happened to anyone here?
  21. you know, I know exactly how you feel. But we can't let ourselves get worse and continue to feel like that you know? I mean yeah, You could keep thinking what's the point of everything, why bother doing anything cause it's for nothing. OR you could think hey you know if that's how I feel I should do something about it. Make your life have a point, have goals, go out with friends, Find hobbies. There is a point in life, it's just different for everyone, and everyone has to find it out for themselves.
  22. what's OOBE??? well thanks for the site, i'll look at it asap. I have really vivid dreams and some of them I feel like I need to be able to work with. really bad nightmares.
  23. Well about that guy saying you are taking things to seriously that was way messed up, you know? cause if he said he loves you that's serious. sounds to me like he's a player who only wants a little something. As for the kissing, eh. Guys and reading girls, yeah right. I was almost dating a guy for around 4 months and then he finally asked me out and it took him 2 more months to kiss me. I would so be obvious about wanting to too. He would hold my hand but he wouldn't ever go in for the kiss. I think the only reason he found out that I wanted to kiss him was cause I told his friend to knock some sense into him and realize when I was being suggestive like that. so he told him to kiss me. he told me later he never knew I wanted him to kiss me and he was afraid to. so I think us girls need to start being the kissers, not the kissies.
  24. ok my uncle told me about this guy he knew who bought a book on how to control your dreams. Like if he was falling he could stop it all and be somewhere else. I also read an article on this that actually told you steps you could teach yourself to take while in a dream to control where you are and what happens. Has anyone ever heard of this besides me? have you tried it? does it work? just interested. thanks. Qtpie87
  25. so that's what it means huh. phew, don't have to think about it anymore. Well now I can help sense I know what it means. I would definetly do the mediation. why spend all the time in court when You could possibly work it all out just between the two of you? And if you don't like it then you could go to court. So either way it's win win, cause if you do like it then great, if you don't you can change it. good luck with all of it. Qtpie87
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