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blue as can be

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  1. i was more wondering what the general feeling was out there for getting back together, wondering in people thought it was more likely sooner or more likely later after people have healed... or if the longer it goes, the less likely it is things will work out
  2. do you think there is a better chance of getting back together sooner after a split or after a few months or a year?
  3. its very difficult for me to stay away from him - i still do love him - ive imposed the no contact for a while, have told him to contact me when he misses me or wants to talk to me - but im having great difficulty in actually sticking to it - i want to call him every day - its only been 4 days but im starting to think that maybe what he said was true.. and although he has told me time might heal the wounds and make him love me again, im starting to have doubts. Does it really take months for a person to heal and decide they love you again? or is that impossible, once the connection of love is severed does it have the chance to be reestablished? i dont want to be his friend, i still want to be his partner, i dont know how long it is going to take for me to get over him, assuming i do, im still holding out hope that things will get better - i dont know how to stop hoping.
  4. i just cant understand why he thinks we can be friends almost immediatley, he doesnt understand my need for space - maybe thats the answer to my question, if your ex wants you to be friends immediatley they have moved on already and no longer find it painful to be around you and not do the things you used to do together.
  5. hello, i have a question for anyone who can answer it, really looking for some male advice if possible but would be happy to hear from anyone. My boyfriend and i broke up about a month ago, i had been pretty horrible to him for about 6 months without realising it, taking him for granted and just always believed he would be there for me - through thick and thin. Eventually he had had enough and told me that it was over. Now he wants us to be friends - almost straight away. We where together for about 2 and a 1/2 years and i still love him so its not really that easy for me... what does it mean if your ex wants to be friends with you straight away? does it mean they still have feelings for you, are afraid to lose you from thier life, or just want the best of both worlds? hes told me that he doesnt think he loves me anymore becuase of what ive done but that he doesnt know if time will heal his wounds, he says that im the person who knows and understands him best in the world - and its true. so does he just want to be friends or does he want more? i keep asking him if he wants to do things with me and he is non-committal but then always keeps the plans - rings me and says we dont have to do these things if i dont want to - and i keep telling him isnt that what im suposed to say? would time apart fix this and make him realise what he is missing or will it just drive us further apart and let him find someone else to understand him? At the moment ive stopped talking to him to try and move on... will this help him realise what hes lost?
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