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Everything posted by QTpie87

  1. yeah you're right. I don't know what else to say, maybe she doesn't wanna leave home. maybe she thinks that if you love her as much as you say you do that you'll go to her. Maybe there is a lot more involved then you really think. IDK, I think someone else should help with this, I don't know what else to say. but if she's made up her mind then she's made up her mind, end of story and if you want her that bad then you should be willing to fix whatever it is she is so upset about, that's what love is and it's usually up to the guy to make distance work. all is said out of me, Im sorry if that sounds harsh but it's only what I think. good night.
  2. I think if you really love someone it's possible to take them back.
  3. I think she doesn't want to wait that long. I think she is afraid of waiting for this guy and him never showing up. You are both really young and are prob really confused right now. I think if a guy really loves a girl, he would find a way to be close to her a lot sooner then that.
  4. well you have a good point. Im gonna try my hardest and be a little more mature about this whole thing, cause I really like him a lot, and he seems to like me. I just hope he really does and isn't confused. well yeah im gonna give it a little more time and just go with whatever happens, it would be dumb to break up cause he or I couldn't move right away. thanks for all the help guys, you all gave me a lot to think about . Qtpie87
  5. I really respect that you feel that way. wow. a lot of guys and girls start dating and wanna go to bed the next week. I think that it is a lot better when you know that person and you don't have to be that shy around them and defenitly the caring about them. dang I mean it would be weird to have sex with someone who you didn't care about. Good for you. Don't ever stop thinking like that. bye, Qtpie87
  6. well I think it's fun to go to the mall and pet co and stuff. but if you're looking for something new to take up a lot of the day, think about going to a lake and swimming(way fun) or like you said fishing, but I bet sense she's a girl and young like me she would rather swim. Um hiking is fun. find a really pretty place around where you live, pack a small blanket and a few snacks, hike for a hour or so maybe more if you wanna find a nice spot to put your blanky and just chill and talk. about the kissing thing, Cuddling and just little kisses is always fun...or are you looking for like a major change in action?
  7. that is exactally the same situatiion I am in with the long distance and really caring for someone on the web. He asked me to be his gf last night and we have been chatting for 2 months maybe more???? IDK. well I think you can be gf and bf yeah, but dang is it hard. I mean it too. the long distance thing sucks. but if you really care about someone enough you can make it work, I think......although i could be wrong, i don't know a whole lot about it other then how I feel, thats why im on here right now too. I also have a very similar post. well I really hope it works out for you really . good luck. Qtpie87
  8. yeah it is the same guy. the thing is that no one here likes me. NO ONE. and he does. and he's really nice,and i like him too. I do worry about it though. maybe you're right. IDK. Im real confused.
  9. huh, well I remember being like that with my first bf, he would always give me hickys and I couldn't ever do it. way to shy and worried I would do it wrong. don't put her under any pressure. JUst be like well I want you to start things sometimes to ok. that's what my ex did and it worked.
  10. ok I am in a long distance relationship and I don't really know if it's gonna work out cause I want him to be here and he wants me to be there and he says he can't move until he finishes college in 2 years. and I don't wanna and well basically can't leave for at least that long either. Has this ever worked out for anyone here. I really really care about him a lot but It almost seems like it is a waste of time. and that makes me sick to my stomach to even think like that. IDK what to do.
  11. Yes she did make a huge mistake, but all humans do, the question is do you love her or did you love her to give her a second chance, everyone deserves a second chance. You can't completely get her out of your life with two kids in the picture, you don't wanna lose them too do you? My mom and dad have been devorced foramost 14 years and still have to communicate. I don't want anything at all to do with him, but for some reason you can't totally disconnect one part of your family and hold on to the other part that might be closely realated (for example I hate my dad, but If I totally disconnected him out of my life i wouldn't ever see my big sister or my nece because they still have a lot to do with him and I may have to see him once in a while when I visit them) make sense? well good luck. Qtpie87
  12. similar thing happened to me 2 years ago only my bf at the time actually started to hang out and smooch the barbie doll before he broke up with me. People can be really low, both girls and guys. I hope everything starts to get better for you, try and let go of him I know it's hard it's a whole lot easier said then done, trust me, but find someone else after fully healing yourself k. good luck hun. Qtpie87
  13. Her attitude may quash his desire for sex. It's non of my business I know, but I thought that that would totally get a guy off, how come it turns you off if You don't mind me asking.
  14. K yeah cause I didn't wanna sound rude, really. It's just I had sex at a really early age like that and It upsets me so much now. I wish I still had it for the right person when i get married and I'm real lucky I never got pregnant. so all I'm saying is think about it k. good luck Qtpie87
  15. it's possible for her to like you and not like you. Maybe she just likes you as a friend and doesn't wan't to hurt your feelings. What you need to do is be calm don't put her under any pressure for a certin answer and ask her why she is doing this and if she really does or doesn't wanna go on a date. Maybe she likes you, wants to go on a date and isn't allowed to date yet and is shy to say so cause she thinks you will laugh or not like her anymore, or maybe she just is so nervous that she just wants to hang out as friends first and then go on a date later. good luck, Qtpie87
  16. K im not trying to sound like your mom or anything but STOP HAVING SEX, YOU'RE TOO YOUNG! weither a girl is on birth control, you wore a condom, or even if you didn't cum she can still get pregnant and Neither one of you are old enough to take care of a baby, and it would be aweful for her to have to give it up or have an abortion, You need to just not put yourself in that risky situation to begen with. My sister is 13 and If i or anyone in my family found out that she was having sex already, I would have a serious talk with her and wanna kill the guy, the dude would not be happy when I was done with him, so You might wanna think about getting caught too. sorry if that sounded rude, but you really need to be careful with your life, you're only 14 and she's only 13 you both have plenty of time for sex later in life. good luck, Qtpie87
  17. ok im really really lost. is she nervous about going out with you or what. I mean does she not wanna go out cause of the whole dubble date situation or what? You should go on a double date, she's right about that, the first few dates always go smoother and are more comfortable on double dates. but I don't really understand what you are saying is going on with her, does she not wanna go out and keep making excuses or is she nervous or what?
  18. ok, thanks for clearing that up for us, We were real confused, expecailly me. Thats exactally what my friend said, but I didn't know for sure, so that's why I posted here. well thanks. Qtpie87
  19. I'm so sorry that that happened to you. sadly if she does want to meet this guy there really isn't anything you can do about it though ,and you really shouldn't cause that could cause more problems. She doesn't sound like she really loves you if she did that, I mean you love her, and you wouldn't ever do anything like that would you? I think you need to just chill out for a few days and decide what you want to do. A- you could just let it go and take the chance that she might still be doing that behinde your back. or B- fess up and tell her that you know, and tell her you want to try again if she wont do it again and still take the chance of her possibley lieing and still doing it again. or C- fess up and don't give her another chance. I or no one else can tell you what you should do because it is your choice and your life, we can only help so much. Whatever happens I really hope everything works out for you. God bless you. Qtpie87
  20. QTpie87


    Jealousy is like when someone has something that you don't or is dating someone who you want to be dating and you can't have that thing or person and you want it real bad, so you just keep wishing you had it and it can even go as far as really not liking that person just because they have that thing or person you want.
  21. Ok, you know how girls can cum once in a while, just not the same as guys do? well If you do then does that mean you had an orgasm? also, when is does it become bad to masterbate, as in how often is too often for a girl, Im embarrassed like a lot for asking but me and my friend are both wondering and we don't wanna ask someone we know like a parent or something cause that would be like the end of the world . well thanks. Qtpie87
  22. Don't even think about playing around the idea that it could only be a cyst, It could but even cysts can be canceris. You need to go to the Dr. asap. There are lots of free clinics you could go too if you don't have health insurance. I hope everything works out for you. Qtpie87
  23. Ok, so there's this guy on the internet right now that I have been talking to for a while and last night he really hurt my feelings and didn't know that what he said would upset me so much. well he spent for ever apologizing and I just told him to drop it and just forget about it, but what he said still kinda hurts. Well all the sudden out of no where he says I love you, then he says well I think I do. I was all like don't say that if it's just cause you feel bad. so he's all well I don't know a word better then like and less then love, but I think I love you. So that made me even madder but I didn't tell him that. And I was all well im gonna go but you just think about it k. so I just got a pm from him and He says I thought about it and I don't love you. So It turns out he's just one of those guys that say things to get themselvs out of a mess. Well he doesn't realize how bad that freaks me out. I mean that's how all the guys I have ever liked started out and It all went down hill from there. What should I do
  24. actually I can imagin what It would feel like having your mom say that. My mom actually tried to but my grandpa wouldn't let her, that was like a year ago though she's a lot better now, it's just what she says and how she acts. It sucks! I feel bad that your mom had to go through this too, cause it hurts.
  25. this is a really really long post but I needed to vent and I really need some advise badly. thanks. Today, I made a really big mistake, but I keep wondering if it really was a mistake. Maybe I needed to listen in and know how they really feel about me. I have always known my mom loves me, she just has a difficult time showing it, but my grandma has always made me feel like she hates me. Well today I found out at least one of those thoughts were true. It turns out neither one of them really love me very much at all, expecially my grandma. She kept going on about how she wishes I would get hurt or just disaper, and she said that I don't treat her with respect. When I do. I do everything she askes me to do , I dont' back talk her, and I really don't talk to her unless she is in a good mood and starts the convo herself. My mom kept saying that I was a bitter person, that I didn't love anyone, and how no one would ever love me. she said that Im mad at the world cause Im not normal, what does she mean by that, I got a great grades in highschool, I have friends, and I generally like people. I try and spend time with my mom, and we usually do go to walmart and spend time together at least twice a week, but she acts like its a hassel, and she doesn't really wanna be there with me, I thought moms wanted to spend time with their daughters. Yesterday, my grandma had made a joke and my sister and I were at the table, and my sister joked back, well my grandma thought it was me and was gonna smake me or hit or something (I don't know really what she was going to do , she just started at me and was swinging). My grandpa got up and stopped her and said it was my sister who had said it, and later He had a long talk with my grandma about how she treats me different and now she's also mad at me and blaming me for that. I don't understand what Im doing wrong, why do they all hate me so much. the only people who(adults) treat me like they love me(and I really mean that, they really do love me a lot) are my papa (grandpa) and uncle. I try to change whatever it is im doing wrong and it just makes things worse. what am I suppost to do?
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