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Everything posted by QTpie87

  1. whoa, oK um this will sound dumb. but what is the difference? I have no clue what you guys are talking about and well I wont be able to stop thinking about that word until I know what it means. (mediation) that one.
  2. Are you still living with him??? If you are you need to get away from him. does he still ask you to do things? You need to tell your mother, If you don't have a mother (just in case) then You need to find another relitive that can go to the police or take you out of there and know how to handle things. How old are you? It isn't right that he would do that, I think there is definetly something wrong with him if he tells his daughter it's ok, He could have done or still be doing this to other kids too, you need to speak up to a relitive about this (or a friend, adult of course). I wish you the best. If you ever need to talk you can always pm me. I've been through similar situations (prob not as bad, but similar) and can be here for you if you need. good luck!!! Qtpie87
  3. Ok just to straighten something out in your question for me, are you pledging absidence for life, or until you are married??? that would be awefully hard for life. Um I don't know if that's normal for everyone to orgasm that fast, I don't, but I haven't been doing it for very long. I guess if you know exactally what you have to do and you do it it would be normal to orgasm that fast. but I'm not sure.
  4. I wouldn't just stop relplying. I would but not jut out of the blue. I would reply the next time she texts you and tell her you are not going to answer the texts anymore cause she is doing this (the be my friend/now I hate you thing). A-Then she will either realize how dumb she is and stop. B- realize she should leave you alone. Or C- ignore what you said and continue to text you until she realizes that you aren't going to reply. good luck. Qtpie87
  5. you need to play with your cliteros more maybe, It's hard to have one if you don't, Probably couldn't unless it was stimulated in one way or another.
  6. No I never wanted anyone to know when I used to cut, It would really embarrass me, I would just do it to make myself know, sounds weird but yeah. about this cutting though, I know it's hard to stop, but please try to. I had to find something else to do when I got mad like that. You should go find something to do and do it weither you want to or not, if you ever wanna cut just go do it instead. For me it's either my guitar, drawing, or even writing, but the writing can make you even more upset so I would be careful about that and make sure you don't let it get you down even worse, use it as a venter, not a dweller. good luck. Qtpie87
  7. yeah I think I'll look into that personal trainer thing, I wonder how much it would cost. Hmm, well I'll look into it. thanks. QTpie87
  8. Ok I know this is like a way weird question which Im not even sure if we have ever seen on here before, but I'm gonna go for it and ask anyway. alright, Now I've been really chubby (little girl chubby ) and have a little poochy(belly) and well I even had the poochy a little when I used to be skinny. Ok the thing is that I never really had the will power (or at least didn't use it) to get in shape how I used to be. well I wanna be in even better shape then I used to be. I really look up to this one actress angelina Jolie and I want my body to look like hers. I mean I know my boobs wont and all cause I have small ones, but I'm talking about like her arms and her stomach and legs. I wouldn't ever go have surgery to change my face or anything I just want to make my body like hers, and not by surgery. I mean to me she has the perfect body, she's not all muscely but she's toned. I want that, but I dont' know if that is possible. How much would I have to work out and diet, and what kind of working out do you guys think I would have to do? sorry I know it's silly but I'm not gonna ask my mom cause she'll say i'm silly and have expectations that I wouldn't be able to get.
  9. I'm going to bed now, I only pray my theory is right and I'll wake up where I should be. thanks everyone. Qtpie87
  10. No experiance here so I can only offer two points of veiw. hope it helps. A- you or who ever this is happening to is just going through a rebound and looking for someone to be with. happens a lot. B-maybe possibly you really do love that person. I don't think that could happen to everyone, but no one can say for sure it couldn't happen to a few people that soon.
  11. well You could go have it straightend at a salon, but it is really pricey and very bad for your hair. Whats wrong with curly, curly is cute on guys and beautiful on girls.
  12. yeah I think that you can find someone out there that wont cheat on you let her go, don't let her walk all over you like that.
  13. k thanks everyone, expecailly annie24 and DN. I'll be sure to check out that site. thanks. Qtpie87
  14. one of my old really good friends, well not old as in age, old as in a while ago. I never really dealt with it so I guess that's why I'm freaking out now. He died 2 years ago in a car crash. And when I lost him, I lost another friend My ex who is one of the best friends I have ever had (and still have a lot of feelings for). And I guess I didn't totally lose this one, my mom. She is hardly ever around and I can't go visit her even though she is only a few homes down from me because her husband hates me and he used to abuse me, yet she kept him and made me move around for a year maybe longer. Ok and this one is going to sound dumb to people that haven't ever had a pet they have loved, but the only animal I ever really cared about is gone and has been for ever now. He died 2 years ago cause, well i wont go into that. but I miss all of this. the things that are bothering me the most is my mom, and My 2 friends. I just don't wanna go into detail about those two situations, but they were really hard on me and no one was ever there for me, I didn't/ don't know how to deal with either of them (the issues) and It is killing me. I used to think I could just put up this huge wall and it would never bother me, but It came down hard around a month or two ago and it's really bad right now.
  15. the things that made me happy are gone now. that's why I know this isn't real. other things that used to make me happy don't anymore.
  16. Yaeh I think I may just do that. I have tried to ba happy, I have felt like this forever but it hasn't gotten better so when I woke up this morning I decided it's not real, none of it. I may as well spend some of this wasted dreaming time learning some good ol pholosophy hmm, sounds good. thanks.
  17. I think you should do some more catching up and then ask her on a friend hang out date sort of thing and if it goes well then maybe a real date (are the two of you allowed to go out yet? if so go for it, just take it slow). good luck. Qtpie87
  18. I woke up this morning and thought to myself, what if none of what I think is real really is. I mean What if this is hell? I just can't believe that any of anything that has happened is real, I keep hoping that im in some sort of coma or something, maybe just dreaming this nightmare and one day I'll wake up and realize it's all ok. It's possible you know, I could be in this huge coma writing to a bunch of people I just dreamt up . I could probably do anything I wanted, Maybe if I killed myself, Id end up right back where I am now. am I the only one who has ever considerd this possible?
  19. OK, I really am sick and tired of having a B cup, I want bigger breasts but don't know how I can get that without surgery, and that is definitly not an option, I've heard of too many people where that went wrong. I just want bigger breasts, I don't like how small they are. IS there anything I can do to change it? Qtpie87
  20. If you wanna avoid making a mess then I would suggest taking a few paper towels or something and cumming in that, you can throw them away or flush them so you don't even have to wash a towle, plus that's kinda gross to think you'll be using that same towel someday after a shower (washed or not, just the thought of it kinda grosses me out). Yeah I would definitly use paper towels.
  21. People with really bad depression change their minds like that, Maybe he has depression or is manicdepressant? All I know is that when I start to do that it means my depression is getting really bad. good luck. Qtpie87
  22. well in weight watchers you get a certin amount of pts according to how much you weigh and as you start losing weight you start eating less. It's not a good idea to just go and start starving yourself, IF your not hungry that's one thing, but if you are you can eat something good for you and something with protien so you wont get hungry as fast again. running is fun for exercise too. And if you drink all of your water it really helps you lose the lbs fast. to know how much to drink, just take your body weight, divide it by 2 and drink at least that much in oz a day. good luck. Qtpie87
  23. hey I think that you shouldn't be with her if you don't wanna be, and you definetly shouldn't stay with her only because you are afraid of what she might do. that's a tough situation, I think that you need to just be honest with her, the longer you put it off the more attatched she could become to you which could make it a lot harder on her. I think that you should tell her how you feel, that you just want to be friends, and that you don't want her to do anything stupid, there are other people in the world she can date, and she shouldn't try and end her life over something like that, it's nothing major, it happens to everyone at least one in their lifes (getting dumped) and it would be really dumb to kill herself over. good luck. Qtpie87
  24. that sounds like fun. I'm looking for a new sport maybe I'll try it.
  25. wow If you think you need to lose weight you would think i was a cow. lol. Um really 117 is fine!!!!!! Im on weight watchers right now and I'm also 5'5 and the lowest we are suppost to weigh and still be healthy is 120. So you're basically in a perfect weight right now. I'd leave it alone, people that don't need to lose weight and think they do can develop eating disorders which is not good. If you are worried about your belly, do sit ups and run a little. Other then that you are plenty skinny. Qtpie87
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