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Everything posted by QTpie87

  1. Well my reason would be because I never really stopped caring about them and just wanna make sure they are doing ok, and it's fun to stay friends, you can never have too many.
  2. My first and most serious relationship ended a little over two years ago. We still e-mail eachother and everything, and are cool with eachother. Now I have gone out with other people sense then and I have even developed feelings for others. I thought I was totally over him, no question. But just recently I have been missing him again, It hurts to think about how we used to hang out all the time and how much fun we had. I messed things up for that relationship so bad. But I can't seem to get him out of my head. I want him back so bad, and don't know what to do about it. Should I just keep this to myself? I'm hopelessly lost in this mess.
  3. You can stand up for yourself and not be walked all over and still be a nice guy. I wish I was nice like you, I have the hardest time even keeping my mouth shut about dumb things if I think they're wrong. I think it's cool you are nice! really! I just think that you can stand up for yourself in nice ways. YOu don't have to go off in a yelling fit to stand up for yourself, just state your opinon in a respectful matter, or as for the walking all over you thing, say when enough is enough. don't be mean just say look, I want to help, but I can only do so much for you, you need to do things for yourself too. good luck, Qtpie87
  4. I read somewhere on the internet that there is not normal amount of sex for couples. I mean...ok let me refrase that. THere isn't an exact amount one should be having, everyone is different, and have different sex drives. there is a quize on link removed that you could take, that tells you how there is not wrong or write amount. don't know if I helped, but I tried. good luck, Qtpie87
  5. I used to have the same problem, What you need to do is just remember she is just another person, and relax. It's hard to do, but If you just think of how you talk to other people and don't focus on every little thing you do (as in don't worry if you say something dumb or do something to embarris yourself just keep on with the convo like nothing happened and so will they). I bet you that she doesn't even know you are turning red, That's what I was always told, they don't notice until you bring it up and bring it to their attention. good luck, Qtpie87
  6. My brother is dating a girl that is 15 and he's gonna be 21 in a few months, but she just turned 15. I used to think it was wrong, and they can get into a lot of trouble, well he could. If she ever got mad she could turn him in for rape, Cause weither she was willing or not she's a minor. So I would be careful. Even if you don't do anything she or her parents could still say you did, and that would be BAD real bad, My mom works for animal control and knows the judge and cops up here and she says that when people get charged with that that it isn't pretty. I'm not saying it'll happen, It's good you like eachother, but I'm just saying I would definetly be extreamly careful. good luck. Qtpie87
  7. Ok I totally know where you're coming from. I play the guitar and write my own music. It's frustrating cause like you already said you have a million feelings you would like to put into a song right. Well here's my suggestion. choose one thing that you want to write about and only write about that one thing. When you try and mix different subjects it gets difficult. Also about the making it sound good thing, you should have your guitar music done first and then just make the words go along with the rythem, or even the other way around. don't try to do both at the same time. Have you ever heard anything from my chemical romance? I just got their cd and if you actually read the song before you listen to it, it sounds and looks just like a poem. thats basically all a song is, A poem put into rythem. good luck. Qtpie87
  8. Ok so My problem isn't huge, it's not like it's a serious thing but I am constintly being told to stop slouching, stand up straight, sit straight in your chair. I don't stand up straight, it's a real bad habit, and I can't seem to change it. I want to stand up and sit straight, but If I was actually going to accomplish that I would have to be thinking to myself ok stand up straight 24-7, no kidding! I don't get it, there are a few people I know who say, oh yeah I used to do that too, but now I stand up straight cause I practiced. Well how do you make it a habit to stand up straight with out only thinking about that? has anyone here ever tried that? well thanks. Qtpie87
  9. That's pretty, but it makes me kinda sad. nice poem. Qtpie87
  10. I don't really know how to say how I feel right now. I don't think there are words. See I Have the strongest bond between my uncle and My cousin. And this might sound funny to some people here, but they are moving to Texus and The fact that they are going to be so far away and I wont see them as much anymore makes me feel like I'm dead or dying whichever It's all the same. My uncle is like my father, He raised me, He was always there no matter what, He was there when my father left my mom and me, even before that when my dad just didn't know I was there (drugy). He was there when I had no friends and was a total geek in school. He was there Even when my mom chose my step dad over me and made me leave home when I was 16. He's my dad, and I'm so used to him being close when I need him. He's my hero, I look up to everything about him, everything he does. And Now he's going to be so far away, it's never been like that. And my cousin is one of my best friend ( I only have two best friends). And we tell eachother everything and keep eachother happy and safe. I keep her out of trouble and she keeps me from killing myself every day. I feel so scared now. Maybe none of you can relate to this but It's just a venting post.
  11. I say maybe just go eat lunch by him and start a convo. (this one for during class)It alway helped me If i acted like I had a problem with homework and needed help (even if you don't ) and then start talking to him about other stuff. ask him how long he has gone to the school that type of thing. good luck. Qtpie87
  12. oh, well are you sure she is ready to be kissing then, are you ready for real? just asking, MY cousin was kissing by then but I wasn't so I don't know. There isn't anything wrong with it, I don't think. Just be careful not to go too far. good luck, Qtpie87
  13. Just ask her, but don't get upset if your friend did or does after or before you do k. Do ask her if you want to just be careful not to get in a fight over her with your friend, Friends are important. good luck. Qtpie87
  14. Ok well Im bad at telling weither she is interested or not, Just not my specialty sorry, BUT.... I would def go for it, just ask, what can you possibley lose, the worst that could happen would be her saying know and the best thing that could happen would be her saying yes. You'll never know unless you go for it, i've lost so many opertunities because I never went for things, If you wanna then Please go for it. good luck, best wishes. Qtpie87
  15. Well Usually you only have to take it at the exact same time a day only if you are tring not to get pregnant, but even if It's just for bad periods you should try to take it at the same time everyday, or you can confuse your body and it will start it's period. the pills trick your body into thinking it is pregnant so you don't have your period until the end of the pill cycle when you start taking the ones that make you have your period at the end of every month (every three months in some cases). Try either taking it when you wake up in the morning (first thing) or if you go to bed at a certin time at night take it then.Make it a habbit, or it can mess your cycle up. I would still call your dr though k, cause it is possible that you could need a higher dose, a diff medication or a number of different things. Good luck Qtpie87
  16. Yeah that's a good point, don't fudge around with the idea, just ask her. And I don't know about most girls but the first my ex kissed me I wasn't expecting it, not even facing him and It freaked me out and humiliated the both of us, so If I were you I would think about asking her if you could at least be looking at eachother when you do it, don't just grab her and swing her around out of no where, thats a huge no no.
  17. did you forget to take a pill maybe. I did that once and It started me on my period, what are you taking, Im taking yasmen. Well if there is no possibility that you could have missed a pill, I think you should call your dr. You don't even have to make an appointment yet, just call him or her and tell them what happened, then if they want you to come in take it from there. I'm sure you are fine, but im not a dr. You really need to call whoever perscribed it to you. good luck, Qtpie87
  18. dang, I really wish I could help you, My ex always wanted me to do that for him too. I never did though, didn't feel like I knew how. It's really not an esay thing to do for anyone, At least in my opinion, so don't feel bad, just give it your best.
  19. Actually thats how my mom and little sister lost all their weight too. I have tried and tried to do that. Im still trying, it's just that I don't know what kinds of food I can eat that I will like on that diet. Well im not picky, it's just that i like to snack a lot, and it's the worst at night, uhg night. well I'm not going to weight watchers anymore cause my mom doesn't wanna pay for the meetings but im still doing the diet. I have my little point counter. and im allowed to eat 22 points a day. I just like to eat a lot of food and what i like to eat has a lot of points. What are some of the things you eat?
  20. Well i just got a job that I think i get to start this week so maybe that will help me too. SO you said you lost all that just by basically staying buisy and walking a lot? I wish It wil work for me too. Im 5'5 and i weigh 160. I wanna weigh 130. OR less if possible, but no really I would be very happy to be 130. well thanks. QTpie87
  21. I bet you will get a lot more help if you type your problem on your post instead of just pming one person. NO one here will judge you in any way. every one here is just here to help eachother.
  22. ok, well I know you want to get back at him. who wouldn't. But don't tell the girl because of that, not just to make him suffer, that would be mean and lower you to his leavel. ONly tell to save that girl a little (well a lot in the long run) of hurting.
  23. well Yeah go for it. Just be yourself, don't try and act overly social or outgoing if you're not. but Only go for her if You really might be interested in her, not just cause she's close and doesn't have a bf. Make sure who ever you go for is someone you like, not just the first person to walk by. good luck, Qtpie87
  24. WEll sorry if i offended you. that wasn't my intention at all, I just used what you said to get a point accross. YOur opinon matters too, but thanks for respecting my opinon too. Qtpie87
  25. Ok, I have so had it. I have tried and tried to lose weight. I'll lose a few lbs and gain them all back if not some more to add on to my fat butt. I can't seem to lose weight. and when i don't lose i get depressed and just want to eat more (it makes me feel better.). well I need to lose it. My mom says if i can lose 27lbs and get back to were i was before i started gaining weight she will pay to get my belly perieced. she doesn't think I can do it. NO one does. I don't even think i can do it. Has any one here ever gone and lost a lot of weight for a bet or just to feel better about themselfs? if you have please tell me how you did it. YOu know the funny thing is I wrote down a lot of things to keep me going to look at when i wanted to give up, but I don't even remember I have them. rrrrrrrr. I really need some help please. Qtpie87
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