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Everything posted by QTpie87

  1. yeah Moving is probably really hard if you're moving that far away. But at least you have a reason to go right, and you're not just leaving for nothing. I hope you like it where you're going. Qtpie87
  2. I used to be that way with my ex. It's not something easily gotten rid of. He didn't know I was ever jealous cause I never said anything and Now im glad I didn't. One of the people he would go out with was both or our friend (michael) and I felt really bad I ever got jealous about him because he was also one of my best friends and he ended up getting in a car wreck and dieing. I'm not saying that would happen to any of your bf's friends, but he does need to spend time with them too. Plus if you get too much of eachother you will end up getting tired of eachother and it wont be as fun anymore.
  3. I want to join a sport but all I've ever done was dance and gymnastics, I was really good at dance, but really bad at gymnastics, I don't wanna go back into dance, because I've already done it all my life and I usually go dancing on the weekends anyway. So I was wondering about any fun ideas for someone who hasn't really been into sports but wants to try something new that is fun, and will help me stay in shape. Any ideas? thanks. Qtpie87
  4. IDK i don't think it is fair to the other person to be used to make the rebounder feel better. But I don't see if you two really did like eachother why it couldn't work. It all depends on why you are askign the person out, A- because you really like them and wanna get to know them better. Or B- rebound. good luck. QTpie87
  5. I like to have really simple birthdays, although this year was really cool, they took me camping for 3 days, so that was really awesome (but other then when I was like 6 that's the most I've made out of my birthday). I usually just have my family and we cook whatever whoevers birthday it is wants to have for dinner, and then we open gifts and eat cake, visit and that's about it. It's fun though, it's usually just the family, no friends or anything. However my cousins family (lol) they go all out. My aunt and uncle ceibrate my uncles and both cousins birthdays at the same time and they go get these huge pizzas, invite like a bunch of people, and swim the whole time, It usually goes on forever. so I think everyone is different with how they celibrate birthdays, but no matter what you should try and have fun. see ya, Qtpie87
  6. Ok so I know all of us have if not are at this moment going through this very same thing so I would like to ask everyone with some ideas to help out. Ok I just recently discovered that I don't really know who I am, Sure I know what I'm into and what I think about (duh) and even what I wanna go to college and graduate with. But that doesn't actually tell me who I am, there are lots of little things that I just need to make up my mind about and know why I did it or why I feel that way, and well who I am. My basic question is how did or are any of you out there figuring this out for yourselfs? How do I find out what kind of person I really am/wanna be, and who I am now?
  7. I also like being alone a lot. I usually don't come out of my room much because Im too wound up in playing my guitars or listening to music, or even just thinking. I don't like to be around a lot of people everyday. Once in a while it is fun, but for the most part being alone is nice. I do go to town with my mom and I hang out in the family room when she is over ,or if my relitives are over. I go outside a lot and walk, and Hike too. I am really picky about who i hang out with (don't know why) so I don't have a whole lot of friends but I have 3 really good friends that I know will never not be close. I could though start a convo with anyone I chose to or had to with, and I'm good at making friends, it's just a matter of liking them enough to keep hanging out with them and staying friends. I don't think there is anything wrong with wanting to be alone, as long as you can socoliz with people, and as long as you don't let yourself get way depressed. Trust me It could happen, I ended up in the hospital for suicide because I spent too much time alone and didn't keep myself intertaind, Just keep yourself buisy, and there isn't anything wrong with what you are doing. see ya. Qtpie87
  8. exactally, to help people out when they are stressed and confused or just need to know about something. That's exactally what this site is for. I think that it really helps people when they don't have anyone else to go to and ask.
  9. I don't think you were really in love, I think that you really liked her a lot and wanted to be with her all the time, maybe even thought about her constintly. But not love. LOve is such a strong word, trust me when I say never take that word lightly, only say it when you are for sure and comfortable with the consiquences. It can totally distroy a relationship if you use it wrong. trust me.
  10. when I think about being in a serious relationship it freaks me out bad. So maybe he's like me, He want's to date and everything but the thought of commetment for a long time scars him. Maybe he was afraid of getting hurt. Just the thoughts of a commetment phobe. good luck. Qtpie87
  11. they probably want to know others thoughts first because they don't wanna ask that other person a question that would be like offensive to them or something. they probably wanna find a good way to ask so they don't mess it up.
  12. Unless the both of you are willing to take the chance of pregnancy you need to wear that condom. I had a friend who was on BC and her bf used condoms and she got pregnant anyway and they couldn't keep the baby. really sad situation if you ask me. I'd wear the condom. good luck, Qtpie87
  13. I think that if she doesn't like this girl you were talking to that she may have a past history with her and the girl may also have something against your girlfriend and be trying to mess it up. I would talk to your gf first, don't take one side of a story until you get both parts, then make your mind up. just tell your gf, that you want the truth that you talked to this other girl and that it is wrong if she is lieing to you and doing things she knows isn't right. then you have to decide weither or not to believe her. I really hope everything works out for you. Good luck. Qtpie87
  14. ok. Well a few days ago I broke up with my bf, because I don't really love him and he is tring to move too fast in the relationship. I feel really bad cause I told him I was breaking up cause I couldn't do LDR and if he wanted to be with me he needed to be here. I said that knowing he wouldn't ever go for it. Hoping he would stop guilt tripping me I continued to talk to him cause he said he wanted to stay friends. Well He didn't stop guilt tripping me and I started having these horrible dreams that I was too mean and that I shouldn't have broken up with him, so I went back into the relationship 2 or 3 days ago telling myself it would all get better and I would eventually like/start to love him someday. Well I was going to use this weekend to think things over, cause I'm miserable in this relationship. I'm not ready to be with anyone right now, not just one with him. So I pmed him and sent him my reasons (and I have to admitt that dragongirl724 posted a post which really helped me out, and I want to thank her because if it weren't for that post I would still be in something that makes me unhappy, so thankyou) and I'm hoping he will get the hint that Im just not happy and leave to be single. I wont go back again if he trys to guilt trip me into it, HE can't really love me as much as he says he does If he didn't respect my decision and realize I wasn't happy right? Am I being selfesh? Qtpie87
  15. wow you just like saved a big part of my life, REALLY. see I broke up with this guy because I don't love him and the LDR is way too hard, but I went back because He didn't understand why I broke up with him , and I He wouldn't lay off and just leave me alone, so Now I'm all mad at myself for going back. But You actually gave me reasons I wanted to give him but couldn't find how to say it. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!!!!
  16. Hi. Um well first of all, no you don't need a lot of money to go out on dates or have a gf, not all girls are into all that, and if that is all they care about you shouldn't waste your time on them anyway. there are lots of free things you could do, like go swimming at a lake, go hiking, go have a picnick, um...go sk8 (if your into sk8boarding and that sort of thing) or just even stay home and watch a movie. about the experiance thing....I don't like it when guys have had a lot of sex already and all cause that usually means they are going to want to have sex and I'm not into that until I've dated the guy for a while (like 8 months or more) about the kissing thing, im sure that it doesn't bother everyone, but I would prefer a guy who knew how to kiss. But as long as you don't tell them you don't know how and you just do what feels natural to you I'm sure they'll never know. good luck. Qtpie87
  17. ok im turning 18 this september and am going to be attending college in late august, so technically (well at least legally) I'm almost an adult yet still have no privecy. I understand that my grandpa, and grandma are conserend about me and what I do, but it should stop at a certin point right? If im on the phone they want to know with who, If I go out they want to know every single thing my friends and I are doing and when I plan on being home (and when I go out with my friends we don't have plans, we just do whatever and I come home whenever and my mom is ok with that) When I get on the internet they want to know what sites I'm on, who the e-mail is from, what did they say, what am I gonna say. IF they ever found out I was dating corey and had a LDR with him, they would flip out and try to stop me. Does anyone here think that I'm old enough to have my own private life just to myself, like they don't have to try and control everything I do. They don't pay for anything for me, it's not like they buy my things, and have to change my panties for me, I'm not a baby. My mom pretty much leaves me to do what I want to a certin extent (which is understandable, and not annoying cause she doesn't snoop around everything I do) but my grandma and pa go through my room and have tried to get onto my aol and chat with my friends. Am I the only person who thinks there is something wrong with this? thanks. Qtpie87
  18. don't put up with it. Just pack your bags and leave. I've stuck around with abusive men before and so has my mom (dumb genetics I guess) and it doesn't get better, it gets worse. they stop for a while and they seem to be all better but the next time it happens it's bigger and a lot worse, and it keeps getting bigger and worse. don't stick around this guy, leave. And if you are afraid he will come after you then get a restrainging order against him, if he breaks one of those then you don't have to worry about him doing it again for a long time. good luck. Qtpie87
  19. eh I get really relaxed but that usually doesn't stop me from going on...Never heard of that from a female. I did have a male friend that had that problem, My other friend (a girl) would complain cause he would get really relaxed and fall asleep,lol.
  20. yeah I probably should, I just didn't wanna go if someone here had had this and new what to do about it and or what was causing it. If i still have it tomorrow for the 3rd day in a row, I guess I'll be having a little visit with a dr. I just eeeh I don't like dr.s.
  21. Well if you think about it like that then yeah there aren't any nice guys, OR GIRLS, lol. But I think that what makes a nice person is to learn from your mistakes and not lie about them. Let yourself learn and don't hate yourself when YOu mess up. We are all only human.
  22. No That's why im weirding out, I've had those before and those usually make it so you can't be in a lot (well really any) light cause it makes it worse. it's not like that. It started out just being in my throat the other day and (not like a sore cold throat though, like achy) and It just moved on up to my head. IDK what it is, but I need to get rid of it, it's making me misserable.
  23. Ok, I never really get like flu or cold or anything like that sick so I don't know if this is normal or not. For the day everytime I swallow MY whole head starts hurting really bad. It's not like a head ache cause I've had those before, I wouldn't be asking , but it's just been gettting worse and worse all day and IDK what to do about it. I've taken tylonal, and everything like that and it isn't working, I can't sleep or eat without getting more sick. it's not like I would ask if this didn't really weird me out, but I know it isn't a migrane and I don't know what it is but my whole head hurts really bad, everytime I talk or swallow. Has this ever happened to anyone here?
  24. I'm gonna wait for him I do love him. I just hate myself.
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