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Everything posted by QTpie87

  1. He didn't dump me I dumped him. Yeah a lot of girls feel like this when we get dumped. that's the thing though it hasn't been just one bad egg, it's been now 5 bad eggs plus guys that are in my family are all horrible too. except for my pa and uncle and that doesn't count cause im not dating them. I've never been in a good relationship. thanks for the advice cookie. Qtpie87
  2. try one more time to talk to him about this calmly. explain why you need to go, what she is going through, and that you will only be gone for that 7 days or so. Maybe make him promise to be nice and take him with you. if you offer a reason why and tell him he can go and still trys to make you stay, just go. Your friend needs you, and when you come back maybe he will have thought it over. explain to him how he is controlling .My best friends husband controls her every move. he lives in las vegas and we wanted to go barn dancing one night here in st. george in ut. and that's not like touchy dancing , whats gonna happen we weren't man hunting or anything just dancing. and he flips out turns around and starts driving all teh way back to vegas when he hears we did that. he hadn't even been home for 10 min. this guy will never stop controling her because she puts up with it. don't put up with it. good luck. Qtpie87
  3. ooooooooooooo he's making me so mad
  4. wow there. hold up. Im not trying to be rude but I wasn't hard on him. I wasn't hard on him at all, rrrrrr he makes me so mad, I told him we could continue talking and being friends right. well so we did, just about an hour ago in the matter of fact, and I told him that if that's going to work that he can't guilt trip me the whole time and throw things up in my face. but he did it anyway, he made me feel like the worst person on earth. I told him sorry for being selfish and I didn't expect him to move, but Im young and want to date other people. He wouldnt' have it so I told him I wanted to do NC. I don't want to spend hours a night talkign to him to be put down. I'm already depressed enough, I dont' need more reasons to feel like I'm a bad person and want to kill myself on top of the rest of my problems. I'm sorry cor but YOu're being selfesh too.
  5. ok...we're in a LDR and he wants me to sit here in Ut and wait for him for 2 years, and just date him over phone and the web.
  6. I've so had it with guys. I"ll never ever date again. He expects me to wait for 2 years. He asked me to stay friends so I agreed. but then he didn't stop about wanting me to wait and all this and he is acting freaking obsessed, and Im freaking out cause thats when You get abusive people, it's happened before and I don't to deal with it. I really do love him. I do thats why this hurts so bad. but IDK, I feel like I'm throwing a part of my life away waiting that long. I guess I'm not really askign anything. I'm just venting. I always hated the dumper but rrrrr, it's just as hard on them expecially when You know you hurt that other person.
  7. I would just ask her out on a date or even just to hang out and see how that goes, maybe then ask her on a date. I don't think there are suck thing as leauges, I think that that's just a way of people putting themselfs out of the question so they wont have to worry about asking someone out and being rejected or being asked out and saying no to someone. she sounds like she likes you, forget the leauge bull, just go for it. good luck. Qtpie87
  8. it really depends on how much the both of you wanna do it. There isn't a set amount on things like that. Just make sure that's not all you guys do and you should be fine.
  9. I think You are right....even though I really wanna go though, i can't though, it is litterally not an option to leave.
  10. I'm very sorry to hear that. I don't really know what to tell you to do because I haven't ever been married but If I was in that situation I think I would tell him how you feel about it, and ask him why he is being like this. Is is sex drive really low, or is he angry? If it's the sex drive there are pills he can take, my moms husband just started on a pill and she says it works really well, he's like a different person (I could find out what it is for you just pm me if you want the name of it k) um if he's angry then I don't see why you couldn't sit down and work it out. Is he really stubborn? have you been fighting? well I'm sorry, I wish I could help more. If you need anything else or wanna talk you can always pm me. love Qtpie87
  11. lol, It's not looking good. Neither one of us are willign to budge. Oh well.
  12. yeah I would move in with him if he wanted me too. If he didn't want me to Id be going to a dorm room this fall.
  13. I think if you really want her back that she needs to see you not dating anyone for a while and really acting like you want her and only her. spending the night at this other girls house isnt' really doing that. Girls are weird about things like that , trust me I'm one of them We can be the meanest people on earth sometimes, but usually that just means that we really want everything to just stop being so bad and be better and are protecting ourselves from getting hurt again and again. I would talk to her and tell her what you think, tell her you want to be with her still, but don't over bug her cause that will push her even further away. good luck. Qtpie87
  14. hmmm I would say that maybe during that time she realized she didn't really love you enough to go through times like that. That happened to me with an ex, he wanted help with his issues but didn't want anything to do with anyone elses. IT's normal for some people, I'm sorry that that happened to you. good luck. Qtpie87
  15. Ok now I wouldn't know from my own experiance because I have no sense of smell and never have, there for have no clue if when I get like that it smells. However My ex has told me before that after people have sex that someone could walk in the room and probably know if they were paying any attention to it. because both the male and female have diff smells down there and yeah so you could smell it. it's normal. But yeah it shouldn't make you sick smelling it, I've never heard of that before.
  16. that's the thing, Im confused. I do love him, but he evidently doesn't love me or he would be here right? I mean it's ok for me to have to wait that long and get hurt. he doesn't seem to care about how I feel about it, just as long as I don't leave. He knows how to get me back, he knows what he has to do, and why I dumped him, so If he wanted to be with me that bad would he do it. I don't want to be with someone who won't try their hardest to stay with me. I've always tried to hard in past relationships and gotten hurt ,Im done I want someone who loves me enough to try. is that asking too much. am I selfesh, or just young and stupid.
  17. eh mind games, that kind of girl. yeah hun I would find someone different. You sound like you are possitve, not all moody and stuff, so I don't understand what she is doing either. good luck. Qtpie87
  18. No sadly he really could leave. It's just a normal community college he's going to and the college down here that I am going to has a great thing going for everyone attending. It has job placement and not only deploma's but they certify you for just about what ever you are going for. or you can just do the normal deploma. HE says he loves me and wants to be with me yet he expects me to wait around for 2 years. that's a aweful lot of dating time tied down to one person that isn't even here.
  19. Just tell him what you told us, that you don't know how to tell him but you really think you are just as happy with him and wanna be with him. other than that it's up to him. good luck. Qtpie87
  20. OK well as some of you already know, I've been in a LDR for a while. well last night I broke up with him, and it was a really hard thing to do. The thing is that we are both really young Im 17 and he's 18. He lives really really far away from me and it would be like 2 years before he says he could be down here. He says he has to finish college there frist because people aren't allowed to transfer colleges, and That's totally bogus. I talked to my mom yesterday and she said you can transfer with your credits and all anytime you want. anyways He is really hurt over this, and I would have to say I am too, just not as much (YET) i've like totally built this huge burrier around any and all of my feelings for him not letting them out, thus this whole thing really hasn't sunck in yet. I don't want him to know that I think I made a mistake because Im afraid it will go back to never seeing eachother yet holding on to the relationship. HE is really upset over this and I didnt' want to hurt him like that, but it's hurting me waiting for this long and Not even knowing if it will for sure work or not.HE begged me not to do it last night, but he knows why I did it and He knows how to change it, am I expecting too much. should I just let my self finish letting go, or keep holding on, cause he doesn't seem like he's gonna be letting go anytime soon.THis sucks. I couldn't sleep at all last night, I kept having really bad dreams that I made a huge mistake over this. IDK what to do, please someone help.
  21. are you in austrailia, it sounds like you are, thats sweet if you are. well anyway, I think you need to confront her calmly, tell her if she is going to want to date you then it would be nice if she wouldn't hang on other guys, and if she continues to totally ignore you and hang on other guys the whole time then you should prob just be friends. good luck. Qtpie87
  22. it's not horrible for you but it really isn't good for you. I know this because Im diabetic and can't have sugar so If im gonna drink soda it has to be diet, and the DR.s reccomend just not drinking it at all because of the aspertain, it's like artifical sweetner. If you drink diet soda make sure it is made with splenda (all splenda is is sugar your body wont absorb,) tastes a lil different, but better then just diet soda and easy to find, every where has it, just go to the soda Isel and find the soda with the word spenda in it, they make name brands with it too. so if you can't find it just as the sales clerk or someone.
  23. I have heard of that before, and I am pretty sure it's normal and girls wont have a problem with it. You should ask your gf about it, if she has a problem with it then she is a waste of time anyways, cause you don't care about things like that if you really love a person. good luck. Qtpie87 P.s. if you want a 4 sure answer on if it's normal or not ask a Dr.
  24. I can't really help but I do want to wish you good luck and let you know that no matter how bad it seems it will get better someday. whenever you start feeling down, just remember that and the fact that you don't need anyone else in order to be happy. You have to be happy and love yourself before you can have a healthy relationship, and don't look for one, it'll come to you. good luck. Qtpie87
  25. I've never broken up with anyone. And tonight I had to break up with someone I really do love. I hate this. He doesn't understand why I did it but I spent over 2 hours trying to explain. He is too far away, and so am I. We are so young and have so much dating life ahead of us, to wait around and wonder if anything will actually come out of this LDR. I don't trust men at all, and I feel like I broke this off partly because I was afraid of rejection. I feel so horrible, he doesn't realize that it was hard for me to do what I did. I hate myself.
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