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Everything posted by QTpie87

  1. o honey when I was 16 I was with a guy around that age, 23 actually, and he made me feel like he really loved me, and he wouldn't hurt me. and he lived close but I met him on the web, but guess what it was all a lie. he hurt me, he raped me, he did a lot of things to me. Get out of his life before you get hurt. he could be some sort of a freaky web stalker. Stop talkign to this man, block him from your aol and everything. It's a mistake. Everyone makes mistakes, and what sucks is that sometimes we don't listen to those who have already been there and done that, My mom warned me and I didnt' listen and It messed up a huge part of my life that will never be fixed, so please listen to me and get out of this while you still can. if you need to talk just pm me. good luck. Qtpie87
  2. she might not be leading you on, she may have just had a change of mind. people do that a lot, It does suck when it happens and Im sorry it happened to you, but there are lots of other girls. If this girl is leading you on/or if you even have a feeling she is then get away from her. it's not fun to be played with, ur right it does hurt and people don't deserve it. good luck. Qtpie87
  3. yeah thanks both of you. I'm just still so nervous, but i shouldn't be cause he was the one to start the flirtign in the first place, but I feel like I get boring and make him feel like he's dumb, idk, maybe it's just me. thanks. Qtpie87
  4. being around people who speak it. that's the easiest and fastest way to learn any language. You don't have to go to another country to do that either, just find people near you. at work, at places that help people when they move to this country, im sure they could speak it. yeah my friend is about to move to mexico in a few months with some people that are his same religioun but speak spanish so he can learn. I think it's a waste to move though, just find people near you. good luck. Qtpie87
  5. im too gullible I guess but I thought he was being serious lol
  6. well you have all of highschool and beyond to get a girlfriend, look at it that way. some guys and girls don't date until they are into college and some start when they are 12 lol. It doesn't mean anythign is wrong with you, all it means is that it's not time yet. so hang in there, go have fun, and maybe you will find that girl to like who just might like you back . But I agree with the words don't go looking for love, cause you'll never find it, it comes when you least expect it. People say that a lot here, well everywhere really, and it's so true. Learn how to love and be happy with yourself and your friends and before you know it you'll be in the dating scene. good luck. Qtpie87
  7. I applaud you (he he spelling sorry, I meant im clapping lol.) good job!
  8. omg nb I hope you were joking telling him to put a sock on. that will not work for protection at all, and yuck no girl wants a sock up there u know. Not trying to sound rude but if that was a joke then tell him so cause eh no one should do that and what if he takes you seriously??????? that must have been a joke it must have been, there is no way, I've never heard of one that big in my life. Im not disgusted or anything that's just shoking...are you 4 real. Man if you are and you are using socks STOP!!!!!!!!!! that's germy, most likely not pleasent for the girl/or you, and it will not protect you from getting her pregnant. wow I just um ok im gonna just leave this post now, that's just mk, stop using a sock please.
  9. I know it sounds lame, but I am just so worried im gonna make an beep of myself infront of this guy I like. . I don't really know how to flirt that well, I mean I do, but I don't. I haven't really wanted to flirt with someone for some time now like probably 2 years or so, I was depressed and not really interested in gettign attention from who ever at the time I liked. I would just like them and pretty much keep it to myself and act with them like I do every one else. but now I like this guy, and I want the attention, and to be noticed by him. How can I do that? My ? for guys is what do you like for girls to do when flirting (like big time flirting, obvious flirting, so obvious that you would have to be like stonned out of your mind to not notice them). ? for girls is what do you do to get the attention you want from guys. and How can you play it cool, like you want the attention, but eh it's ok if you don't get it. what im really asking is how do you like pull a guy in? Well I guess that the ?s shouldn't be separated lol, I need to ask both genders the same but o well. thanks guys. Im sorry I sound like such a dork but I am and I just need a lot of help with this. thanks. Qtpie87
  10. mk well that's good to know lol. So just out of wondering a lot is there anythign esle that really gets guys going? thanks for everythign. smiles.
  11. Yeah I think it's self esteem issue too, I am that way until I have hung out with the people like 2 times or so, and if I don't like them cause they are rude or idk just dull I usually stay that way. could that be the problem?
  12. U know what would be really really funny? if I did the winking thing and he stood there thinking whats wrong with her eye and whys she smilign so big lol. just a funny thought.
  13. o mk sorry im using kayla lang. um the butt thing, u know when you shake ur butt when ur walking, ok not shake lol, u know what im saying now right?
  14. good point I prob am flirting with him lol, actually I noticed I was walking away from him kinda doing the butt thing lol. but eh idk, I just wanna leave a huge impression on him that will last for a while maybe the next few days lol.
  15. man if he knows you are scared/uncomfortable to be doing that right now he should understand, eh I hate it when people only see things from their point of veiw, at least you are tryign to see his jeeze.
  16. yeah I agree, idk im not old enough to really have a strong opinon on that cause i've never been married however when I broke up with a guy he was really nice to me until I was over him and then he pretty much left the friendship, so it could be what he is doing, but that doesn't mean that we are right, he could be having second thoughts and not really know what he wants. idk. but hey live it up lol.
  17. you always have good ideas annie24 I never really thought of doing it like that, ur right I still do things like that with family and friends and it works, so why wouldn't it with sean right lol. well thanks so much, lol, you just took a whole lot of nervous off my shoulders.
  18. Yeah I like to drink but only when my family wont find out about it and eh Idk lol if I got pulled over driving home drunk from the dance factory they would know lol. Also actually im really not drinking anymore, im too young and diabetic so it's not good for me. thanks though. does anyone have any other suggestions. Like how do you flirt with guys, and guys how would you liked to be flirted with, what do you think is cute for a girl to do? thanks.
  19. This is just what I've learned from a bad break up, it might not apply to yours, but I'm pretty sure it's the smartest thing for you to do at this time. Mk so ask him to listen to you once and only once, or just write him a letter. get everythign out you want to say and leave it at that. If you hunt him down too much or try to talk him into getting back together with you you will drive him even more away. so keep it short, sweet, and to the point, and then just leave it at that. good luck. Qtpie87
  20. what happened if I may ask? I'm sorry you are so angry/down right now, I hope you feel better. yeah people like to fight too much, I hate fighting with people, I wish everyone on earth could just want peace. everyone should turn into hippy's the light side, or the dark side dependign on how you look at it. then it would be peaceful.
  21. ok I know im a fun person, but i'm a little out there when people get to know me well. Ok as those of you who may have read my last few posts know, i like this guy and finally got the balls (well um nerv lol) to go talk to him. the last two times i've talked to him were good. the first time it was me starting the convo and I had to leave a little fast (my ride got there) the second time my cousin started the convo with one of his friends asking for a cigarett (no i didn't want one) and sean was like what you guys didn't come to ask up to dance and paige was like o hey sean ask kayla to dance lol, so he did and he kept coming over and flirting all night. Now my problem is that I'm ok for about 30 or 40 seconds of the convo and then I totally freeze, my belly gets butterflys and I totally am like o no what do i say now, do I sound dumb, o did I mess up lol. And it's like unhelpable, i've only ever been like that with one other guy, it's usually when i really think someone is really really super cute and they are flirting with me lol. I don't know how to just let my nervs go and get in my head that I wont mess up. I worry too much about what he thinks of me, I shouldn't because then I wouldn't be nervus, but he is so cute, and funny, and I've thought that for like 3 years now and am just now talkign to him. I was too shy to get his # myself ( i feel like a dork ) so paige (my cousin) go it for me, so i mean If he thought i was dumb, or didn't like me he wouldn't have given it to her right???? O please someone out there with any help tell me how to just calm down when im around sean and relax and just be me. Also I wanted to know if there were any cute things (flirty) that guys like girls to say/do to them. thanks. Qtpie87
  22. O wow you should ask her out seriously, Im gonna aska guy i've liked for a long time (3 year crush) out on a date in a little while lol, notice I don't know when he he. If you know that she likes you, even if you don't just think if you don't go for it you've lost chances of a yes, but if you do go for it wiether she said yes or no you've lost nothing because you took a risk and for sure know the anwser, it's starting to punch me in the direction I want to be in at this moment, maybe it'll work for you. good luck. Qtpie87
  23. Ur right about the boring thing, lol. The main thing that attracts me to guys is when they are out going and well have a sense of humor. I'm having the same problem as you (only with a guy not a girl) about how to flirt and get attention more with a guy. He's paying attention to me and flirting, I just don't want to as you said become boring and have him stop paying attention. eh I wish I could help you out, sorry. Qtpie87
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