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  1. When i said punishing i just meant that he was teachin me a lesson for not being courageous enough. Its not like i was scared to ask her, but I seriously didn't think for one second to ask her when we talked! It didn't hit me that that was my opportune time until after she already decided to go with my friend. Plus I'm Jewish. We respect God enough to capitilize his name, too.
  2. So, my friend was goin out with this kid, until i convinced her to dump him because he was a jerk. He really was, and I like her. She started showing interest in me as more than a friend, or so I thought. She invited me to her house a few times, and kept telling me how funny I was and complimenting me. Then she fell for the kid from the dance again. He acted like a jerk, because thats how he always acts to girl, and she still liked him. Last saturday night, i talked to her for 2 and a half hours until 4 in the morning. i was planning on inviting her to homecoming, but little did i know this would be my last chance. The next day she wanted to hang out with me and a few friends. My best friend and another girl. She was talkin and was like "I'm sick of waiting for ------- to ask me, I need a date. ----, you're taking me. The second person is my best friend. He knew that I liked her, because the week before we talked about who we liked. He didnt' say he liked her, he said someone else. Well, he decided that hey, "I like her too" and he is goin with her. Now, as much as I like her, If i knew he liked her and had the chance to go with her, I wouldn't because I'm not a bad friend. He doesn't even see anything wrong in this! Anyways, It really screwed up my whole week, I mean i'm so emotionally drained. I feel sad alot because he would do this to me. Then it hit me. I am not the real religious type, but I seriously think that by doing this to me, God is saying " you should have asked her the night before" and punishing me. You know what they say, nice guys finish last. I really just need some comments/ advice. I'm not that sad anymore, I've adjusted to it after tellin a few close friends the situation, and all of them saying how bad that is of him. Anyways, thanks for listenin. By the way, at first she was joking, and then he took it seriously so she did too. For you're viewing plessure, and so that i don't get any boring comments about how I should talk to him... *********** (5:58:41 PM): im going with victoria --------------- (5:58:45 PM): haha *********** (5:59:01 PM): yea i thought that to but shes serious *********** (5:59:19 PM): so ill go cause i kinda liike her anyway --------------- (5:59:27 PM): f*ck you dude *********** (5:59:35 PM): haha --------------- (6:00:04 PM): thats not too cool ************ (6:00:34 PM): why --------------- (6:00:44 PM): cause i told you that i liked her last weekend *********** (6:00:53 PM): o well i like her also --------------- (6:00:58 PM): you said emily *********** (6:02:38 PM): well not really cause she has a boyfriend --------------- (6:02:49 PM): yeah i know, but knowing that i like her you should --------------- (6:02:51 PM): not ***********(6:02:51 PM): and i liked victoria before that ***********(6:02:54 PM): ive always liked her --------------- (6:03:03 PM): its just a shi**y thing to do *********** (6:03:10 PM): and iim sry but i cant pass it up *********** (6:03:47 PM): i mean she wanting to go with me is just mnd boggaling to me cause i never thought something like that was gonna happen *********** (6:03:52 PM): sry --------------- (6:04:07 PM): w/e The stars are him, the lines are me. You can tell how livid I am, by the internet abbreviation at the end. If you ever talk to me online, I always spell things out. I never use W/e or lol. Ever. Unless I'm so mad that i don't feel like typing things out.
  3. My friend, the same one who hooked up with my best friend at the dance, was just dumped by him. Im one of her best friends and talk to her daily. She was at my house yesterday and we were hangin out and she asked me to ask her ex if he still had feelings for her. I, being a good friend, did this...one of the dumbest, most stupid things I have ever done... and it turns out he doesn't. I asked her if she would care if his answer was no, and she said no... WHY'D I BELIEVE HER, GOD IM STUPID... so i told her. she got really mad at me...ME, NOT HIM, ME... WAY TO KILL THE MESSENGER! Now her away message is "shut up eric" and the first words in her profile are "eric sucks". Shes one of my best friends and i really don't like to hurt her, or when others hurt her, but i really don't know what to do. I need help!
  4. What grade are you in? Because I stopped having recess back in elementary school. And relationships aren't important in elementary school. Trust me.
  5. I am really into this girl. She is one of my best friends. My other best friend whos a guy has known i've liked her this whole year. For some reason he likes her now, too. They're not nearly as good friends as me and her are, but are still friends. I usually do something with her on saturdays, like the movies or something, and i was talking about it with her when he was there so i invited him to. When we went to sit down, of course he came up with a reason to sit in between us and flirted with her the whole time. She flirted back a little, so i was kinda pissed at him. What should i do?
  6. She's one of those people thats always gettin new boyfriends, and that never bothers me. Its just that my friend knew I like her and he goes and likes her anyway. He's a procrastinator and stuff so I don't even think he'll ask her. But if he does I'll be pissed.
  7. I have liked this girl all year. She is a good friend of mine and we get along a lot. We have so much in common. My best friend has known I've liked her and now he likes her, too. I plan on inviting her to homecoming. One day, she made this joke that she was going out with him. And she came up to my locker and was like, "oh I want to go to homecoming with him!" I asked her if she really did like 3 days later and she said she was just kidding. I want to ask her before he gets a chance to, so how do I bring it up. I want to do it as soon as possible so it will probably be online.
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