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  1. I have been dating my current gf for about a year she lives with me and has a past history of suicidal attempts. When we first got together I really was uneasy because I had just gotten out of an 8 month rollercoaster. But things started ok. I feel now that i have changed for the worse my family tells me that i am depressed, I really dont know i think Im pretty good at clouding it over. My gf and I are always arguing about stupid stuff. I care about her like no other I just feel our relationship would be better on a just friends level. I just dont know what to do how do I let her go easy and without felling guilty if she were to do something to herself? We just had another argument last night she went out this past weekend and lied to me about where she went, and then told my friends wife about it, we argued and she kept telling me she was done, (with life), so i drove her down to the hospitol and told her that she can come to her senses or i would take her inside. i just wish it could be easier
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