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Everything posted by nenez

  1. To cheer you up. (But dont actually do it) Plan some horribel aerious revenges on your ex like blasting all his clothes off itn public. make pictures of these awful events and laught about them. We say Wipe the s*** off your shoe and walk on. hold your head and go out there and show them all you dont give a damn.
  2. Its usually caused by fitness levels. If you sweat at low temps its because the body is trying to raise body heat a bit and sort of goes about it wrong, a bit like what happens when you suffer from hypothermia. Also when you exercise you may get very very hot but not sweat. The cure is to improve your cuirculation with regualr exercise. try swimming as it makes you fir but does not over heat you. Also the kind of sweat it it is not the same kind as underarm sweat is usually. Having your underarms botoxed youst seals toxins inside your skin. how vile.
  3. She sounds interested, try it on for size by organisisng a snmall group thing and making sure she gets invited, ehg small crowd from the office. If she comes she's interested. If she doesnt but makes the ffort to taell you in person she is interested. If she doesnt show and doesnt say why to you personally then in general she is not interested. However in that case havea really great time , it will get back to her, (of course) and this may spark her interst. or Ask her for coffee, or lunch at work, toatally as a workmate. See how it goes from there and as abit of general advice, try paying abit more attention! Who knows how amnt lovely women have slipped thru your fingers. Good luck Love as always nenez
  4. Some answers, yes i have dumped havent we all so my answers are Did you still love that one that you dumped? I did for a while but the reason i dumpe was because the relationship did not work and i was looking to leave for a while how long did the new relationship last? Irrelevant, mine was four years but it could be 4 days, dumped means over. If in the future you get back it should be a NEW relationsghip, if you just rehash the old one it will go wrong all over again Did you even try to work things out with the first one before you dumped him/her? Yes for about two years. It didnt work How long were you thinking about it before you actually dumped that first one? About twp years. Did you tell the first one about the other person right away? I personally did not have an overlap altho i did take up with the new guy very quickly. About 2 weeks. i had known him a while. About N/C , keep it up and rememeber over is good, why be hanging on waiting for the slipstream of someone elses regard. Among my g/friends we always say 'Wipe the S*** off your shoe and walk on.' Its not a cure but it adds a little perspective, hold your head up and get out there. No man on the planet is worth even one of your tears. My mum used to say that. Be happy Love as always nenez
  5. Its a relationship as is every mutual interaction between people. And one of the best things about a good relationship is being able to be yourself , so it sounds as tho these guys have it right. Would you Really want them to be all over each other in public?
  6. DN is right, sweet tho she may be to you in private she is clearly a player. If you want any chance with her at all. keep your distance but in honest truth id say stay away, save it for someone who appreciates it.
  7. Of the purging! Sometimes talking and going over it all again and again is not cathartic, it merely embeds the feeling deper. The reason one attends therapy is to have the purging guided so that does not happen. alone it happens all too often, Instead of rethinking all these problems you have had, wrong lifestyle choices you have made etc, cut loose from the whole thing and reinvent yourself. describe in BRIEF (not a noevel!) the person you admire. Fleash them out with some of your experiences but these can pnly be the good ones. Anything you hate about your past' leave out. Take a phootgraph of yourself and someone you admire physically. Compare yourself (be ruthless) Analayse what about them you can have easily (haircut, style of clothes) with a little work (weight, muscularity) and what you cant (height, ethnic group etc). Set yourself a reasonabale target to achieve some of your physical goals. Looking how you want to look always helps you to feel more confident. Education - you spent money on school/ is this now a debt? if so put in place a slow debt recovery scheme that you can reasoably achive. And look at the benefits eductaion has given you. What can you do/ is your job good/ If not think about moving on. Agaian make a list, choose an ideal job, what is the shortfall, will you need to take 2 or three steps to get there. If so go for the first one. Relationships. Forget them for now, focus on loving you and being fabulous. When you are fabulous everyone will be drawn to you. Freiends if your friends drag you down they are not good for you (however well meaning they may be) so look for aquaintances that build you up. And dont say but i find it hard to make niew friends NO the old you might, the new you is confident and sociable. Write a mantra for yourself, three things you want to be (mine was Young, strong and beautiful) say it every day as you look at yourself in the mirror. And above all rememeber this small rule for living Everyone is not thinking about you, everyone is thinking about themselves. So be yourself, for youyrself. They will love you fr it. Quite purging, start making the changes you wan to make . tiny step at a time. Good luck , be blessed Love as always Nenezxx
  8. If he isnt calling you back he may be just adaopting typical male beahaviour, ie not realisisng that in dating terms to a man a week is not a long time and the failure to call is not an issue, However "nd date is too early for you to have a problem with it. if he calls fine if not Fine!! At least you know what sort of man he is. If he leaves it more than 2 weeks to call back dont date him again . Good lucj Nenez
  9. Ive been broken up just about a year and to honest im yippee de doo most of the time. it was hard but i am happy happy jst to be alive these days. Nxxx
  10. Hi Try three simple things. 1. Change your number and dont give it to her or her boyfriend. 2, try going to different places so that you and your girlfriend can have some space 3. Be totally open and honest with your new girlfriend about all of it. In time she will give up. If she tries to contact you or give you her number or get yours resist it. Make it completely clear to her that you wish to have nothing to do with her and stick to it. I assume part of this is because you are all in a similar group ie schol or social group that you cant change. This can be very very hard. But rememeber, this matteres very little to any of your friends, its emotional and social wallpaper. it only matters to the three or four of you in the main frame. So keep it that way, don'tt ry to get everyone else involved. If she tries this, they will think less of her and more of you. Good luck Nenez
  11. Talk to the others. You may find they are all behind you, or some not. Its good to know where you stand. Bear in mind that as soon as you propose making a stand some of them will shilly shally about. But talk to them first. By the way, just looked up on google and I found a site AKRON. Is that it? Love Nenezxx
  12. Firstly well done to you for starting something. Its not easy to do. You must talk to the other members of the group and see how they feel. If they agree that she is dominating and overwhelming the group. you mut talk to her and say this, as a group. If necessary, be rude. If she backs down and says she wishes to remeina point out to her that she must abide by the group ethos. You should insist she removes the false information on the website, and backs down. Incidentally you may find on consideration that not all her ideas are bad, just the steamroller way she did them. You also say the group has no leader but you clearly feel some ownership or responsibility for the group (rightly so as you started it). Her behaviour has attcked you in a very vulnerable place (mothership) so you must deal with this or if she continuews to remain in the group and push it her way, you will become increasingly unhappy. However, you may find not all the memebers agree with you. You may have yo split into two groups (of course all members can belong to both if they wish bar her.) Since you feel a responsibility and ownership for the group you may wish to formalise this in some way to stop this happening in the future. Again Im sorry she's made you unhappy but you can win if you stand up to her and push your corner. Find your inner Goddess!! Love as always Nenezxx
  13. FUNNY but not a clown. Witty and wise. And Diggety I like green Nenezxx
  14. You need to consider carefully. If you confront the guy you have broken the privacy rule and he will have something to attack YOU with. You will end up being in the wrong and ahaving to apologize. If you ignore it you will worry. The fact that he has done all this is neither here nor there, as has been pointed out we all have lines, we all have favourite places etc and we all pretend that the person we are with is the only one we have done all this with because it our hearts we are all searching for THE ONE. And its virgin princess syndrome. Nothing unusual and nothing to worry about. What is a concern is the no g/f nights. You do need to address this. Not because he is necessarily doing anything he shouldn't but because a) it relects a single frame of mind and b) it worries you. If you feel strongly for him you should set your mind at ease before you embed yourself any deeper. Good luck With love as always Nenezxx
  15. Go out on your own to bars and all kinds of places. However rememeber that women rarely want to meet men who are always in the boozer. If you want to meet women, go where they go...... Then.. 1. Smile at them 2. Say hello The rest usually happens. This si because women all do the same thing as you, they go places hoping to meet people but are then too shy to do it or they act out and thats not great either. Ive been all over the place on my own, and always always meet nice people. Good luck nenezxx
  16. Get a new lawyer. If yours is allowing your ex to tie up your rights in this way they are not acting in your best interests. Does all this mean you have sole custody and no visitation for your ex? Also, apart from the financial aspect. divorce settlements arent worth the paper they are written on because either party can go back and try for changes. If you can stand to, why not wait until the dust has settled before divorcing. I had a shocking struggle with my ex at the time, over custody, money, the house, my future status etc. Im sure it was all much worse because we did it when we were both raw and angry. Its been 10 years, we have a child in common, we get on fine now, to the point of being friendly (if not actually friends) and we can both behave sensibley and in our sons best interests without any grief. Also , a side issue, is it not in your childrens interest to see their father, or is there a reason why not? You dont need to answer. I hated my ex and never wanted him near our son, also his new wowmn who he left me for (who, by the way, i now get on with quite civilly) but in the long term it has been better for us all to have the contact kept up. Never apologise for venting..its good for you. With love, as always Nenezxx
  17. Thats fairly true about divorce. Love is the only reason for living together or being married. Its a hard enough road without the love in the first place. Nenezxx
  18. Keep up the no contact. You wont feel the same if you get back together. You should feel better about yourself now, knowing that she made a mistake and is not happy in her nrew relationship (sounds mean spirited but it isnt really) You have a lot more to offer so dont waste it on someone so shallow. Good luck with meeting new nicer deeper women With love, as always Nenezxx
  19. That doesnt sound right to me at all. If you are employed by the same person whatever the specific tasks then the total hours should count. However look it up on the net or check with citizens avice or free legal aid etc. However if this company is doing this to you i suggest you look for another job because if they are cheating you and you claim backpay, they arent going to like it. Good luck With love, as always Nenezxx
  20. Hello, welcome to the forum. There are lts of cheaper ways to get married but you are right to wait. You are both young and want to have a big wedding to celebrate your love. Quite right too. There is no reason why you shouldnt live togther for a while, you may find you hate living togther (unlikely from the sound of it) or it may be the best thing you ever did. Either way its worth a try out. If you want a big wedding that doesnt cost too much look for alternatives to the traditional wedding. You can get nmarried abroad and only take a few guests. It sounds expensive to start but can be a lot cheaper in the long run. Or have a small formal wedding and then a big informal party. Check out your options. If your parents are dead set against you living together why not try a part time arranagement. That way you can try out living togther part of the time while mainataining separate establishements, perhpas sharing with a girlfriend. Whatever you decide, it is for you and your boyfriend to make the decision, dont be browbeaten. With love , as always Nenezxx
  21. I never stop looking for Mr right but men always seem to want everything on their terms. Unless you are a tad doormatty which i am not, it lways ends in tears so i tend towrds less committed people who wont get hurt. I have been in love , several times, just cant do long term relationships. the most i managed was 10 years. After that was 5, 4 1 and then we're into months. (Whoops) It is mostly me. Most wowmen find most men accepatable. I just cant find one that I respect. Unlike woman who I tend to find delightful pretty much all the time. Sadly i am not inclined sexually towards women! Never mind Men are like buses, always another one just around the corner With love, as always Nenezxx
  22. Its always harder when there has been a child involved because that relationship didnt break down. Well donr for keeping up no contact. It will get better and in time you will be able to look back on the whole thing with fondness and without pain. Try and find the happy placs in your life and turn to those when you feel down. Ane remember that all of us here in cyberland hold out our hands in friendship accross the blue. With love, as always Nenezxx
  23. Your boyfriend is very smart. Be there for her. Tell her you understand and reinforce her with love and support. You have a good relationship with your mom and your sister. Use that strength to help her see that everyhting is not all bad. Sadly she does not have an outseide party to offer that support which is often so helpful (ie your boyfrind) so you need to help her to find that with friends and outside relationships. Sending her to a psychiatrist will at this stage reinforce that there is somethjing 'wrong' with her and she will not feel better for it. Monitor how she gets on and keep up the tlc. Good luck to you all, there is light at the end of every tunnel, no matter how long and dark it seems With love, as always Nenezxx
  24. PS There is no scientific benefit to the woman. Sperm is fattening as it is basically protein in fat. However you dont have benefits or otherwise from swallowing it. Do's and don'ts. Dont expect her to swallow, it can make a gag reflex and takes a bit of getting used to. Dont push too hard, same reason, in general let her go at her pace and depth. Experiment with licking and sucking, there are many pleasurable ways to have oral sex, its not all about sucking. And don't forget to return the favour. With love, as always nenezxx
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