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Everything posted by sisterlynch

  1. Ask her to lunch or for drinks after work. If she misinterprets your feelings tell her you want her to remain your friend if anything should occur. Don't make a lot of false statements about how pretty she is -- she has heard that before. She sounds like she is a caretaker, let her fulfill your needs. It should be ok to touch her hand lightly during drinks and observe her body language. Most likely she will want to keep it on a casual dating basis. That is ok. Most relationships start out as friendships. Eventually she will make a move or you can start dating other people and see if that causes her to become more interested. As you develop confidence in this one relationship, others will come out of the woodwork. Be Patient and try looking at her eyes to she how she looks at you.
  2. Everyone is different look for differences not similarities. Don't feel like you can read every situation. Let yourself be free.
  3. Her parents are trying to control her too much. They are jealous and are teaching her not to trust others. Has she spoken to a conselor about this. It may help.
  4. What does love mean to you? You need constant companionship. Find another...
  5. Why don't you redirect your life. Take this oportunity to take adavantage of help in your area. Babies need lots of support. You obviously lack such support, so ask for help! Some one will help you.
  6. Ask her to do something very casual, like go for a coke or coffee. In the conversation with her find out if she is seeing someone in the other city that she just came from. Ask her to go to a popular movie that is not too romantic or sexual. You don't want to make her feel uncomfortable. If that works out ok, ask her if she'd like to do that again. On your second date smile and look into her eyes. If she looks away immediately, she isn't ready for this. If she holds your gaze say something nice like you look so pretty today! In the movie put your arm on her chair like a brother or father might do to make her feel secure, don't get to touchy right away. If she is on the rebound or feeling uncomfortable, she may be frightened off if you are overly forward. If there is some chemistry, put a little kiss on her hair or on the side of her face. She'll let you know when she is ready for more. Look for physical signs that she is interested, touch her hand when you are talking, stroke her hair very coyly. See if she looks interested. You can tell if she is looking at other people or moving away from you physically, she may not be ready. By the thrid date see if she is open to talk about past relationships, why she moved there, her family. Keep things as open and uncommitted as possible. People get so compulsive about relationships that they cannot be patient and let a good thing go...
  7. Just because he has a girlfriend, it doesn't mean he is married. Give him a call, he said it is OK. Maybe they have a very open relationship. Or maybe he isn't very serious about her. Show him that you have changed. Maybe he has moved on, maybe he hasn't, you cannot really tell from the letter. One thing I have noticed with men is that they are very non-committed. Sometimes they pretend that they only want a friendship when they are really attracted to you. Maybe he is with this other girl and doesn't care that much for her anymore. Only time will tell...like he said in the letter. You could probably hasten the end of his relationship by persuing him again. We all make mistakes! You needed some time off, now you have it together again. Go for it.
  8. Anybody who says "you really blew it!" isn't worth it...you cannot have that sort of obsessive compulsive relationship with people. Ignore her! She sounds like she wants her cake and is still eating at your place too...She is using you like a hotel....get over her she is no good!
  9. Love does die of starvation. That is the only way that you can get over people and things that capture your attention! It takes three weeks to start a new habit or extinguish an old one!
  10. Why do illegal drugs? Or be around those who do...They are illegal because they aren't good for your brain...that is why you feel depressed and lack energy! Exercise and eat right...Use protein and vitamins! Don't talk to those who use drugs.
  11. You appear to be well-spoken by the language that you use in your letter. Use your time more wisely than pining about her. Move forward...don't look behind you soo much! Think of the qualities that she didn't possess! She must be very inmature to give up on a true love relationship! Or look at what you can gain in a new relationship! Try to do things that are incompatible with thinking about her...move to another city...take a vacation...go to single clubs! Do the things that she wouldn't do...maybe she will return or not. Don't allow all your feelings to be caught up in her whims. You are selling your self way, way way to short! Take a college class. Join a cood team. There are lots of ways to meet people. Call up old girlfriends...maybe they could set you up or remind you that you are worth more.
  12. Didn't you say that you were HIV+? You cannot date at all! Don't you realize that you are carrying around a loaded pistal in your pocket! How did you get HIV any way are you a needle user or are you very promiscuous!
  13. You should let her boyfriend know that she is seeing other people. That will encourage him to take care of her needs better. If they were truly in love she would never tell you that she was attracted to you. Is a three year engagement normal in England? We in the US normally don't go more than a year! I would say go to that boyfriend and somehow let him know that you are in love or attracted to his girl...If that emitts a punch in the nose, then that is what you get. Maybe he will be a man and back off! You aren't really David Beckham are you? No Beckham would never have these sorts of difficulties! Maybe you are some guy inlove with Victoria! Then you must wait in line...Yes! Wait, all good things come to those who wait!
  14. First of all why did you tell her that you wanted to be friends and then give her a dozen roses on the first date? When you tell a person that you want to be friends and then bring her around other guys who may be cuter or smoother than you...you are not really playing the game properly...you are making up your own rules...and she doesn't get that you really like her because you started out by saying lets just be friends! Do you understand that you lied? Do you respect people who lie to you? Remember girls play by another set of rules...you can't just say, "My Bad!" Or what ever you normally say when you are caught breaking the rules! You set her up with a false expectation...You need to come up with some date that shows you feel more stongly about her before you get miffed about her looking at your friends! Be reasonable, please!
  15. Are you French Mon Amie? Are there no other girls in the neighborhood? Find someone happy and full of energy...Why choose a girl who is stuck on another guy? Use your brain, instead of your heart to get over this one M on Amie!
  16. Keep your pony in the stall little buddy. Nothing can come of this relationship. If you need help getting over it turn to your wife. Try to figure out how this woman is different and tell her about it...Yes it is going to be painful, emotional dependency always is. If you don't love your wife then tell her -- don't cheat. You will end up hating yourself!
  17. Difficult to feel the pain that you are in. Men are little boys at heart--all of them, just as we are little girls. I have to say that I have had a hair of the dog that bit you too! Look for a mother figure who you can talk to and work through these emotions. My feeling is that he will come back when he has had enough of the single life. I would recommend seeing a psychologist; however, by reading about psychology and personal issues on line and in my Abnormal Psychology book from college, I was able to work through many of these same issues recently on my own. Stay healthy. Eat protein. I found a suppliment called DHEA. It is like a homone that regulates the other hormones in your body. That calms you down and lets you think clearly. If you could move in with some family members to take some of the pressure of parenting off of your shoulders, that might help. Turning to his friends hasn't worked for you and I did about the same and that didn't work either. People don't want to take sides. Picture yourself in a new relationship and working on similar problems together. Call him only once in a while. That will be the first step to moving on. Do google searches on jealousy and infidelity. Break your problems up into little pieces so they are easy to swallow.
  18. Relationships end sometimes unexpectedly. Don't stand in her way or contact her in any way. I bet that 95% of the people reading this have encountered an unfriendly ending to thier relationships. Don't act depressed or angry around others. Give everyone the impression that you are not still greving over that relationship. When you meet new girls don't offer up too much of your past right away. Go to out door events in your area. That would be a good way to meet people. Tell family and friends that you are interested in meeting new people. Don't jump into a new relationship too quickly as you are not quite ready to move on...give it 6 mos. to a year. The heart is a resillient organ. Think about the good times that you had with her and picture those good times continuing with other people.
  19. We recently watched "Kissing Jessica Stein", its Bi-friendly but def not a porno; "Amalie", a french movie about a girl who wants to help others ends up finding true love, "Sorority Boys" similar to revenge of the nerds, boys get kicked out of their Frat and gain revenge by dressing as girls...All three have a sexual tinge and should not be watched with children present. Speaking of children present, We went to see Red Dragon and there was a 5 or 6 year old child sitting next to us. Parents check your child at the entrance please!
  20. People with a history of abuse often have trouble with boundaries, when it is a good touch/bad touch type of thing. Give her some time to think about how she feels. Four years is a long time to be just boyfriend and girlfriend. Maybe she is growing tired of the same old things over and over. If she loves you she knows how to find you!
  21. Being nice and being assertive, standing up for yourself when people try to take advantage of your kindness, are two different things. I used to think my husband was too nice and let people take advantage of him. But he too is aware of his weaknesses and his kind nature puts him in with good people. Keep a positive outlook and you will warm people over to your side. Nobody wins all the time or loses all the time. Recognize your own positve qualities! It takes work to be good all the time!
  22. Call her a couple of times a week. If she seems uncomfortable then back off. It is extreemly important to know your own needs and limits in a relationship and don't try to second guess her. If she is honest enough to let you see her in one of her bad spells, then she will probably let you know with pretty clear signals when to proceed and when to hold off. Some people develop depression after major events like having a baby, graduation and marriage. If you really like her then except that there will be times that you just cannot understand where she is coming from...but be happy in the good times, don't overwhelm her or yourself with thinking about it too much. She will come around when she is ready!
  23. I don't know what kind of work you do, but relationships are always work too. I have been enrolled in a college psychology course that helps me iron over the angry crinkles in my life. I also have been exercising regularly to make myself more physically attractive. Who knows if he will ever leave? Give in to the temptation to kick out the object of your desire and they may return or not. She sounds like she may be discovering herself. Let her make it with whomever, but tell her she isn't really welcome in your room any more. Stand up for yourself. It will be difficult to begin with but you can always move to Sacramento. I think there is a lot of that going on around there. Get in touch with the local organizations who put forth information for your cause.
  24. What are you really afraid of? I once went out with a guy to spite my boyfriend, and the whole time I felt terrible and guilty because I was using my friend to get back at another. It is very ironic because lately --and it has been over 15 years since this happened -- but my husband finally got back at me for this by doing the same thing to me! I guess what ever goes around comes around. Revenge is a dish best served cold...but if you are not in a relationship and she isn't either then why is it so difficult to talk to her? Is she outragiously attractive? She may not even realize it. My best friend in HS was extremely attractive and she didn't really realize it until she was older.
  25. I am not sure why you are so upset. If you want my honest opinion, I sense that you could do better. If you don't really love her son be honest with her. Maybe that other guy is a better bet or maybe he'll braak her heart the same as the father of the boy. If you don't have to raise another man's boy why would you even try? She made a big mistake getting pregnant with out marriage, now she had sex with one of your friends. How can you put up with this miserable treatment? How did your mom treat you when you were little? Even if your own mother slept around can't you break that cycle of behavior and find a good woman? Have a relationship, get married, work, have a baby! This is the correct way to plan for the future. Not get some girl who doesn't care about you, her child or her future to stay with you without any consequences. What are you thinking?
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