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Everything posted by rocio

  1. I'd say it's more like "Confidence follows incompetence" Don't you find that the more you learn, the less you realise you knew?
  2. I think alot of it has to do with the way you were born. It has to do with the way your brain works and the chemical balance in your body. As well as life experience, of course.
  3. Didn't mean to piss you off and I absolutely agree with you. Heck, I'm addicted. I would love to have a cig right now. I'm not saying that the addiction is in your head. I'm saying that the way to kick it is to have psychological control over that addiction,. Sorry for being unclear. Don't you think that the only way to overcome any addiction is in your head? You can't just throw on a patch and then the addiction is gone. You fight it with your brain, not more drugs.
  4. Not easy at all! But it's the only way. If you let yourself think that smoking is an option, then you will keep doing it. I really hope I don't start again once the baby comes. I would hate to have cigs lying around in the house, and I would hate for my child to smell smoke on me. But I have a feeling that I'll be a social smoker. I just think it's so cool - sitting with the girls, drinking wine and smoking cigs. I love it. Aaah..
  5. I am so sorry you have to go through this. It is a good thing that you are seeking professional help, though, since this can turn into depression and can even persist after baby is born, if you allow it to. I hate the hormonal mood swings too. I feel like I'm not even myself. It's like when you're drunk and you're really angry at your cab driver over something stupid. You know that you're only angry because you're drunk, but you just can't help it! Just remember how powerful those hormones are. Your body is producing more hormones in one night than it would normally produce in a month! The hormones are so strong that if you try to color your hair, it can turn green! It sounds like your mood swings are bordering on depression. Please continue to see a councilor. There is a good book called "And the Rain Came Down" by Brooke Sheilds. She talks about what she went through with postpartum depression and I found it really encouraging when I was going crazy in my first trimester.
  6. As long as you are absolutely fascinated and turned on by them, you will do the right thing. Just make her feel sexy.
  7. I feel that it is morally wrong to pay someone for sex. However, I do not think that it is morally wrong to sell your body. I think it is society's responsibility to prevent people from inflicting harm on other people. But not to prevent people from inflicting harm on themselves. I also think that it is morally wrong to take advantage of someone else in a vulnerable position, but it is not morally wrong to let yourself become vulnerable. Make any sense? That,s just the way I see it.
  8. Having violent thoughts toward someone just because they used a calculator is funny? Maybe she makes mistakes when she's under pressure and wanted to double-check her answers. I fail to see the humor from up here in my supremacy.
  9. Somehow I doubt that. Men aren't repelled by my intelligence because they aren't aware of it. At least not until they've known me for some time and realise that, if I'm an economist, I can't be nearly as dumb as I let on. And, as a matter of fact, I have this bad habit of falling for these great, genuine, dedicated men who treat me like a princess and completely respect me, thank you very much.
  10. Women are just inherently smarter than men, and men know that deep inside. Do they really need it to be rubbed in their face? It's always best to pretend and let their ego alone. Huh? Who? Where? Giggle.
  11. It is cold and doesn't offer the respect that someone would normally deserve after giving his heart to you. It also doesn't offer him closure.
  12. I hope not because I would have gone to jail long ago.. yummy pot. Not the sexworkers, just the Johns. And that's my personal opinion, based on what I view to be moral and definitly not based on the current criminal system, since you cannot go to jail for sleeping with a prostitute. I think that prostitution, as well as the use of drugs should be decriminalized. I also think that Johns, as well as drug dealers, should be illegal and punished. (But not pot dealers 'cuz pot should be a totally legal substance in my opinion).
  13. You weren't smoking while on the patch, were you? Because that is very bad and can definitly make you dizzy. Were you on the lowest patch dosage? There are different dosages depending on how many cigs you normally smoke. If you were on the lowest dosage, then it's unusual that you would get that dizzy. It's all in your head though. You just have to come to the point where feel that smoking is just not an option. I smoked for 6 years and was never able to quit, even for short periods of time. However, when I found out I was pregnant, I quit on the spot. There were no temtations, and cravings only lasted for a couple days. It was seriously one of the easiest things I've ever done in my life. Because it just wasn't an option. Period.
  14. What?? Someone agrees with me? That's a first. I'm going to have to change my strategy here. This just can't happen!
  15. My personal opinion is somewhere between this extreme and the other posts. I think this certainly is about her kid. And, although I have no way to be sure, I would expect that she respects you as a person. However, she should have some balance. Yes, her child is her #1 priority, but you are also a priority. All parents need to find the balance between their children, their romantic relationships, and 'me' time. It is only healthy and will, ultimately, make her a better mother. You need to work this out between the two of you.
  16. Unless these personal choices have something to do with religion or some other strong conviction, then you should probably at least be using condoms. If that's out of the question, you could try spermicide lubricant. Spermicide, coupled with pulling out, may be rather effective in preventing pregnancy (I'm not sure about statistics here though.) And getting pregnant shouldn't be like, "oops, look what happened!" I would recommend that you seriously discuss this with your partner and come to some sort of conclusion about when you are both ready to take one of the biggest steps of your life. For example, you may decide that it's best to wait for a year and build your savings account, or to move into a bigger apartment, etc. Make sure that, when it happens, you are both sure you want it and fully prepared. Best of luck!
  17. I don't think you should generalise. My boyfriend said the same thing, and now he wants to marry me. This guy obviously liked you a week ago, right? And saw some potential.. So there was probably something that happened in the last week to change his mind. I would say that it is in your post: Okay, so you've only been seeing each other for a week, but you talked all week long. That may have been overwhelming for him. In the future, why not try seeing a guy only once a week at first. No need to rush. Let things slowly grow. You did have a chance with him. That's how this whole thing started. He was obviously into you at some point. My guess would be that you sabotaged the relationship before it even had a chance to start by falling so easily for him. Relax a little and things should work out better next time. I'd say you still even have a chance with this guy. When you see him, don't attack him for an explanation. Just say that you're not looking for anything serious either, and that you just want to see what happens. Then slowly win him over with your amazing personality and stunning smile!
  18. I used to work in an underground afterhours club where I became friends with many escorts. I can honestly tell you that they were depressed and miserable. They had alot of self-hate and had to numb themselves just to get through a day's work. These were sexy, high-class escorts - not crackwhores on the street. No, trust me, it's not. Any kind of prostitute is risky and certainly not safe or clean. Please don't kid yourself. Absolutely. Not to be treated like a discardable piece of meat. Well, in my opinion, they should go to jail. But that's just my humble opinion.
  19. Smoke more pot. That's what I do when I'm lonely and unmotivated.
  20. I know it doesn't feel like it, but you are so young. (Not like immature, but like you still have forever to achieve your goals). Most people don't even figure out what they want to do until they are 30 or 35. If you can figure it out at 18, or 20, or 22, then you have a HUGE advantage. The only thing stopping you from becoming a doctor is your own self-doubt. At 17 I was a runaway, completely alone in the world (my own family would have nothing to do with me), no home, no money.... That's how I started my adult life. But now, at only 25, I have a job where I basically manage and oversee how the Canadian government spends their money. Probably not the job that you would want (I know, I'm a shallow agent of the capitalist devil), but it feels like such an achievement to me, especially after the odds that were against me. If you set big enough, far-away goals, then you will achieve them. Setting longterm goals gives you lots of room to f*%k up between now and then. And being depressed, as painful as it is, will only give you character and make you more interesting and complex as a human being.
  21. You will make new friends once you're feeling better. Have there been specific events in your life that have been getting you down? What has led you to the conclusion that this is the best way to proceed?
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