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Everything posted by rocio

  1. I agree. I find people in Montreal take more of this European approach as well, which is probably why I'm shocked when I hear people in this forum saying the "L" word after 3 dates!
  2. Definitly. I've never had a guy not pay for me on a date, so if it happened, I might be a bit taken aback. I'd probably wonder whether it was a romantic date or just a friendly think. I don't like those people that talk about themselves alot, but seem bored when you talk. But I would still go out with them. I'd just keep ordering martinis until he became interesting!!!
  3. Who really does? That's a question we can spend the rest of our lives answering. Don't let it get you down.
  4. I completely agree. For men or women, if you're not feeling a response, then let it go. But I think a girl can show interest by flirting, smiling in that special sexy way, touching the guy subtly, or giving him compliments. It's also fun to call a guy up just to say hi, talk for 3 minutes, make him laugh, and then say goodbye, without necessarily expecting a date. (But only out of the blue - not obsessively, of course!)
  5. So what have you decided, if anything? Have you discussed the topic with your girlfriend lately, and if so - what was her reaction?
  6. Sure, go ahead. I casually dated a guy 4 years ago, and he still sends me a short e-mail on my b-day. It makes me feel good to know he remembers about me.
  7. Let's all compliment someone today!
  8. Don't expect this to be something you can fix. Guys always want to fix problems, but please don't approach this that way. It is something that will affect her, in some way, for life. If she is not ready to go to counciling, then maybe you can go on your own. Find out ways to help her. Also, go to your local library or a local rape/violence resource center and get some books to read on the issue. I'm so sorry that this had to happen to your sweetheart.
  9. It might make you feel better. What they did wasn't cool. There's nothing wrong with them getting together, but she should have ended the relationship with you before starting anything with him. My question is: who are you really angry at? Shouldn't you be more angry at the girl, since she was the one sleeping around? I'd sit down and plot a better, more creative revenge. Telling them this will only make you look like you haven't moved on and are obsessing.
  10. I find that kind of behavior amusing too. It doesn't bother, for some reason, it just amuses me. Because what it comes down to is that nobody can control you without your permission. Are you sure you want to be with this guy? He started off the relationship with jealousy and a bit of controlling. And now he is clearly playing games and trying to mess with your head. But if you truly want to be with him, then ride this out. Go along with it and don't be bothered by his silly behavior. Eventually it will blow over and you will regain his trust.
  11. Take the compliment. Whether or not he wants to date you, he thinks you're attractive, intellegent and fun. There could be a thousand reasons that he's not ready or willing to date you. Just take the compliment and walk.
  12. This is one decision you will never regret. And you are saving yourself alot of guilt and sadness. You say that you're still in school, does that mean you haven't finished high school? I would strongly suggest that both you and your bf get full-time jobs as soon as possible. You are going to want to work hard and save all the money you can for when the darling comes. But don't be too worried. Remember, children don't need alot of money and fancy clothes and toys to be happy. Just plenty of love and attention. Good luck with your family. I found it sooooo hard to tell my mom. But once I did, it felt good to have her involved.
  13. To be a motivational speaker, I'm pretty sure you have to be famous or have some important accomplishment or have big connections. My cousin does that, but she is an Olympic athlete. What do you want to speak publicly about and what is your edge/experience?
  14. You won't get a criminal record since it is your first offense. If they push it, take it to court and plead not guilty. A criminal record can ruin a young person's life and they won't give you one unless they feel like you're really a bad person, which you're not. They might give you community service or something, if anything. And please, stay away from this kind of stuff. Even shoplifting something that costs $10 can seriously ruin your life and future.
  15. I don't like babies once bit, and I have one coming in 5 months. Gulp! But everyone tells me that it's different when it's your own.
  16. I guess I'm just not clear on the computer. In fact, I don't make much sense in person either! Ugh.
  17. Wow, that's harsh. Don't you think people should be allowed to make mistakes? He's not disrespecting her or mistreating her. I've never been great at managing my money (okay I just suck at it!). But I did eventually manage to put myself through school, get a masters, and now raise a kid independently. He can learn to budget, as I did, and deserves a chance.
  18. Exactly. In the meantime, move on. He has. He's not necessarily a bad guy. He probably does like you as a person (after all, you went out.) But for the time being, he is taken and will only waste your time. Not to mention, you don't want to start a rift with the other girl. If it's meant to happen, it will eventually. But please don't waste your time and energy waiting. You deserve a guy who wants you 100%.
  19. We can say improv. Why don't you get involved in more social activities? Join a cooking class and force yourself to get chatty with the others. If you're in university, join some clubs.. political, cultural, human rights, sports (some of my best univ memories are of weekend snowboarding trips), etc. Volunteer to do fundraising with your local children's hospital. That will get you more used to chatting with strangers and people who aren't necessarily your age. I think improv just takes practise. You can't force it. And you don't have to have a vast knowledge of many things to hold down a conversation. Just be open and funny. Nobody likes a know-it-all anyway. (Of course, knowing about the world is always good for your own personal development.) Let me know how it works out!
  20. Girls have a tendency to get attached and smother in the beginning. I've seen my girlfriends doing this countless times, and I've seen guy friends being smothered and running in the other direction. For some reason, I haven't seen it happen the other way around. And I do think it's great for a girl to ask a guy out. But now I'm talking about beyond the first or second date. She shouldn't keep calling him 3 times a week thereafter. Many girls do this and it ruins their game.
  21. We don't think you are stupid at all. You seem mature for your age (you've had a 5 year relationship. That's more than most 25 year-olds can say). You also did the right thing to seek advice before moving ahead with this. We just think that you can be a much more proud and effective dad once you've established your independence a little more. Good luck with your decision and keep us posted.
  22. It's normal to feel that way, but please try to push it out of your mind. Later, down the road, you can remember these sweet things and feel warm. For right now, it's best that you don't.
  23. It's completely sexy for a girl to have balls and ask a guy out. That shows confidence. But for a girl to be chasing a guy (ie: calling him, leaving messages, always available..) that is not sexy and doesn't show confidence. It looks like she's desperate.
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