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Everything posted by rocio

  1. Are you making this up? Because that would be really funny. I want to be friends with this girl. She sounds fun.
  2. yeah! such happy news! you made my evening.
  3. You can have it removed by laser. It will be painful and expensive, but probably worth it for you to not have that constant reminder and to feel better about yourself. L&B was right about vitamin E as well. Another thing you could try is Neem Oil (if you can find it. I've been trying to find it for a long time). When my friend was in a car accident that left her covered in scars, the doctors said the scars would be permanent. But her mother applied neem oil every day and now there's not a mark on her. The stuff is amazing.
  4. I can only imagine. I know it was really hard for my mother, before my dad died of a drug overdose. I don't mean to scare you. But this really could mean life or death for him. How would you feel if the unspeakable happened and you had just allowed it to happen? You are doing the right thing.
  5. You are doing him a favor. He needs to realise how stupid he is being, and hopefully it will make him realise he needs help. If not, at least one person's life is saved: yours. You were not the one who got him addicted and you are not responsible for getting him unnaddicted.
  6. I guess this is the part I don't understand. Shouldn't it be enough that she is giving him her time, her heart, and her great companionship? This is not a business transaction. But you'll have to excuse me. I'm just bored and stuck at the office late at night working on my thesis (ok, pretending to work on my thesis)
  7. Maybe it depends on what you call flirting. Just being playful is different that hot and heavy flirting. I guess you have to set your own limits regarding what you think is appropriate.
  8. Okay but this girl is talking about her boyfriend paying for soup, not paying her rent and bills! I mean, right now I have a job and my bf in is school, so I'm always sending him money to pay his tuition. However, when we go on a date he always pays. Sometimes I even give him $100 if he's broke, and then he pays! I know it sounds silly, but it's the idea. I like to know that he appreciates me enough to be willing to take me out and spoil me. I need to know that whatever money he does have, I'm enough of a priority for him to want to spend a little bit on me every once in a while. And finally, the work that a housewife does (or a working mom) is of so much more value than what she gets out of it, in most cases. It is not fair trade. I believe, especially in our 'advanced FIRST WORLD', where most women work fulltime and are also fulltime moms and wives, that the idea of fair trade is a joke. Women do soooo much unpaid, unnoticed work over our lives and we deserve a guy who is going to appreciate that. Whether it is by taking us out for dinner or through some other means, it's important to feel special, pampered, and appreciated. That's all this poster was looking for. She's not a golddigger and she wasn't asking him to buy her a car!
  9. Wait, so I should be a housewife in order to be eligible for a boyfriend who enjoys treating me to dates? That is just sooo twisted.
  10. Are you uncomfortable with him going to the bar, or with his sister? Because you can't change his sister, or his relationship with you. You shouldn't even try because they have a bond that is so much more deep that what you have with him. As long as he makes time for you (he's not ditching you all the time to go to these bars) and as long as you trust him, then there really shouldn't be a problem. Maybe you don't like the fact that he's close to his sister, or maybe you are a bit insecure. Remember: He's with you because he chose you and wants to be with you. If he wanted to be with an older woman at a bar, then he would have chosen that.
  11. Oh, and there are a thousand places you can meet people in person other than bars. There are people all around you - everywhere you look. You live in a world full of people. Just talk to them!
  12. Exactly. I was reading the original post and thinking, "how can you date someone online?" You only know 2% of the person. You have no idea who they really are. Whatsoever. Having said that, the internet is a great place to meet people. MEET. Not date. It doesn't become a real relationship until you've spent a significant amount of time together, in the same room... in my opinion.
  13. Yes, give up your friend, who probably has your best interests in mind and would be there for you when your bf stomped all over your heart, just because some controlling guy wants you to. That sounds like a great way to handle your relationships. Okay, sarcasm aside. If this guy ever tries to insult your friend, you stick up for her and make it clear to him that it's not acceptable. Tell him that you don't need his approval to be friends with someone and that he needs to mind his own business. Go to your friend and apologize for whatever part that you own in the fight you had. Convince her that you are not spineless enough to ditch your friend just cuz some guy doesn't like her.
  14. Schedule another date and leave him waiting downstairs for an hour. If he's not willing to put up with it, then why should you?
  15. I wouldn't agree. Maybe the girls you know are too shy to admit that they like it. I don't think you have to give up on the idea altogether. Usually women open up to the idea of anal as they get older, more adventurous, and more comfortable with their bodies. The reality is that it feels amazing and you can have the most incredible orgasms this way. If you want to warm your girl up to the idea, you could start with just a finger. If she won't accept that, then good luck getting her to accept the whole thing! And when she is finally willing to try it, you should know what you are doing. Otherwise it can hurt and she'll never want to try again.
  16. It really depends on you and what kind of relationship you feel comfortable in. Some girls like to pay for themselves all the time. Some girls like to even pay for their guy all the time. Some girls (like myself) like to feel spoiled and have the guy pay. You should be in a relationship where you are comfortable. If you feel like he's taking you for granted then there is a problem.
  17. It really depends on the level of trust that you've established (as well as the person's own insecurities).
  18. Agreed. And my bf has made fun of mine before. But I laughed it off. I mean, have you seen their balls? They're so shrivelly. But also cute in their own way.
  19. rocio

    off topic

    I went to a psychic (just for fun with some friends) and she told me I was having triplets. I had nightmares for two months, until I had my ultrasound and there was just one perfect little gift inside there. I wouldn't worry about it.
  20. Kevin, what was so awful about these dates? You say you are a shy guy, could that have something to do with it? Or are you just really picky? I seriously can't remember a bad date. Maybe it's just all that pot I used to smoke. Oh, but there was this one guy who my friend met online. She thought he was cute from his picture so she set up a date between us. I spoke with him on the phone and we arranged a date. But when I met him, he had this really serious stutter. I guess he was just nervous, but he couldn't even talk. Still, I thought he was kinda sweet and just felt bad for him cuz he seemed so uncomfortable with himself. I didn't have a bad time. But then, maybe guys are having a bad time with me and I don't even know it! I do kinda live in lala land. I'm really curious to know what ruined these dates for you.
  21. It makes sense that he wasn't comfortable wearing it if he is seeing other people. Especially if he knows how special the bracelet was to you. You are on a break so, unless you specifically agreed not to see other people (which I don't think happened based on this post) then he is pretty much free to see other guys. You should be doing the same. A year is a really long time to wait for someone who isn't necessarily waiting for you. And if, at the end of the year, you both want to be together, then it was meant to happen. In the meantime, I would move on.
  22. Why would you want to do this? If you are happy, then why do you need to look elsewhere to flirt? And if you are not happy, then flirting online can only further damage your marriage.
  23. You are right. As far as sex is concerned, you should never have unprotected sex with someone until you have discussed exlusivity and been tested. A high level of trust should also be there.
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