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Everything posted by rocio

  1. I don't think this is about your ethnic background at all. Seriously, why are you dwelling on this when you know that you are not ugly? You didn't entitle this thread "I don't like my looks", you entitled it "I don't like myself". What is the real issue here?
  2. This isn't about the way you look. No matter what you looked like, you would still feel this way. This is an internal issue, not an external one. And I think you know that.
  3. Yeah, I did get caught shoplifting once. I guess I am a bit of a criminal Thanks for your support guys. I'll get through this
  4. I'm stuck at the office because I left my computer behind in alberta. There is nothing fun to do here. Trust me. I'm in a huge office building all alone and I think it's haunted. I was here until 3am last night. Then had to be back here this morning for an early staff meeting. Normally I can handle this kind of thing. But I'm pregnant and I need lots of sleep and t.v. watching! I have my model. I'm doing a panel study using data from each of the provinces accross a 15 year period. I don't know why I chose this topic. It's dull.
  5. That's all I really had to say. I have a week to write my thesis and I've barely started. Will somebody please give me some words of encouragement?
  6. rocio


    I stumble on my words too. It sounds very elegant, trust me.
  7. Anyway, sweety, we kinda got off on a tangent here (well, me especially). But I think you can take a commone theme from here. Don't let him feel that you are taking him for granted or that you expect anything from him. Nobody likes to feel that way. When things are expected it just takes the fun out of giving. And make sure that you're giving back in the relationship too. Sorry for my crazy rants. I'm just really old fashioned.
  8. Please try not to barf on my boyfriend. I don't think that's nice.
  9. Buy a vibrator, strap on the condom and give it a test!
  10. I was sheltered too. But I'm the opposite. I think that's the reason I'm such a crack monkey. I just can't get enough fun fun fun
  11. Your question is a little vague. Where do you want to go and what do you want to do? What is your budget and time frame?
  12. 1. Please see my post where I said that guys will always check out girls when we're not there. 2. If you can tell that he's looking at other women, then he is gawking. We look at people all the time. It's not difficult to be subtle. When it's obvious to everyone around, then it's gawking and disrepectful. 3. When I'm with my bf I point out hot girls to him. But he's smart enough to say, "oh yeah, she's sexy. But not as hot as my baby." and to not stare.
  13. Yay for women who aren't afraid to admit what they like!
  14. While surfing on the beach? Yeah, might not go with his outfit.
  15. Depends how people dress down there. In Montreal all the guys wear scarves (kinda like france I guess). Look around. If you don't see any other guys wearing it, you might look a bit gay or pretentious.
  16. She may have still had something like a period, but a bit different. You don't sound like you have alot of trust for her. She has messed with your head in the past and you say, "she's pregnant, or so she says". What's with that? Be 100% certain that she is pregnant before you talk to your mom.
  17. You might want to spend more time talking to him on the phone, as much as you dislike it (I understand. I have a phobia of phones) I find the more often I talk to someone, the more I have to say. It becomes easier.
  18. rocio

    Sex Tips?

    Ick. Be careful of this one. She might not be quivering out of pleasure. I don't know how many guys have tried this on me, and they are so convinced that I must love it that they just don't get it. I would almost have to smack them over the head with a frying pan just for them to understand. I've had to tell guys over and over again that I don't like it. And they still do it! Why?
  19. I think it's that kind of attitude that contributes to high divorce rates. Everyone is so stuck on independence and equality. That doesn't make for a healthy relationship. I would so much rather wake up every day and say, "how can I make him happy?" than "how can I make myself happy". Doing stuff for other people feels so good, and having people do stuff for you feels good. My family always worked that way. All the really good, solid marriages that I've observed work that way. It's not about being a slave in any way. It's not about giving equally. It's about giving unconditionally. And I do think it's fair to expect the same in return. And I expect a guy to thank his lucky stars that is graced with my presense because I'm fabulous. Any guy I'm with has to think that I am as good as it gets (good for him, that is). Otherwise why is he with me? Settling? I would never accept that.
  20. It will likely get better with practise. But not necessarily. I've never had problems except with my current guy, who is way too big for me. We thought that over time I would get used to him but even after a year it still hurts incredibly. You might find that with a smaller partner it hurts less. Also, most lubricants actually hurt me, causing stinging. You could try different ones to see if that helps.
  21. Talking is fine. That's obviously different. It's happened to me before that I see a guy with him girlfriend and then I catch him checking me out. What do you think I'm thinking about his girlfriend? "That poor girl". It just doesn't look good. It's not jealousy thing, it's a respect thing.
  22. That's just not the way I see it. In a relationship I like to give everything. I like to spend my life making that person happy and I expect the same in return. I guess I'm just old fashioned. Like when I lived with my bf I did his laundry, kept the place spotless, and cooked him 3 square meals a day. Not because I felt obligated but because that's just what makes me happy. I expect the same from a guy. When I hear of guys splitting the bill or refusing to drive their gf around or not paying for their soup, it just seems wrong to me. Relationships are supposed to be about giving, not fair trade. I can't imagine being in a relationship where a guy measured what he put into the relationship and expected something in return.
  23. Both. Alot of guys do it. But at the same time, it is disrespectful. And it's not like they can't control which direction their head turns. Be patient with him, but let him know that this cannot happen when you're around (Of course, it will always happen when you're not around. Don't you check out hot guys too? The point is that he shouldn't do it when you're there.)
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