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  1. Hi mate. im 22 and when i was 18 i was held up at gunpoint by 3 people.Was the scariest thing ever, and im not ashamed to admit that i cried! After that i used to go bed with a light on and a golf club up against my door! But there came a point where i said enough was enough and i wasnt gunna let the people that did this to me get in the way of my life so one night i just turned the light off and went sleep! Best thing i ever did. Still sleep with it off but the golf club is still there.One step at a time. You have nothing to fear but fear itself!
  2. I want to live it! I want to go see every corner of this earth,i want stories to tell the grandkids,i just want to experience stuff like that but i dont even have a clue where to start! Ive said in another post i wrote,my mates are the sort where fri,sat nites are spent down the pub! Ther is more to life than that! I want to meet new people(even tho im shy). I just want it all but dont know where to start. If i ended up on the streets when im 80,but had a life full of excitement and joy and experience then i would be happy!! (as weird as that sounds)
  3. cant u just tell me what she does,dont like subtitles!
  4. Hi all,i dont normally write posts on here unless its bugging me! Does anybody else feel bored with life?? Dont get me wrong,im not thinking of suicide but im just bored with my life and i dont know what to do!! Well i do know what i want to doo but i havent got any motivation and my family are the kind that just live there lives then die (as bad as that sounds). Its like i look at the stars and know there is more out there than meets the eye,and i just want it! I want to explore the world,grasp everything in it! Someone please help,make me wake up and smell the roses!!
  5. I would love 2 travel 2 america and study or just travel around 4 awhile.Does any1 know if this is possible and if so could u please give me some tips! Cheers.
  6. Yeah we r very different,shes not a very nice person when i got 2 know her so i think that didnt help either. Thanks 4 all the advice!
  7. I am going through abit of a rough time at the minute,i think im having an real early mid-life crisis! ive got alot of issues 2 confront but this 1 is bothering me the most! I have only ever been with 2 girls,the first was my first love and was with her for 4 years.I was so in love with her and would of done anything for her! We didnt sleep together for 10 months and i wanted her so badly! We never had a problem with sex. We split up and i never went with anyone till about 4 weeks ago when i met a girl at a shop i was working at. She lived about an hour away from me so could only see her at weekends. before we even went on a first date we txt each other for about 3 weeks.I kind of got to know her but not that well. I really liked her and then we met for the first time and we just jumped into bed with each other. The thing is i kind of had a problem arising to the occasion. she was fine with it.Then i seen her the next weekend and the same thing happened. I was nervous cos i liked her. But we kept trying and then we managed 2 have sex. Then over the next few days things went sour because 2 her sex is a big deal and she needs it alot! Well living far away i cant be there all the time so she started 2 get nasty and we split. The thing is,i dont love her but i have feelings for her cos i slept with her. I consider sex 2 be something u do when you care for someone and want 2 show them how u feel about them! The reason i could arise to the occasion with her is because it was 2 easy and i didnt have those feelings about her where i wanted 2 show her how i feel! Im just confused! Y do i confuse sex with love??
  8. yeah,but it is kind of a different subject. im a nice person. people say im 2 nice and that i let people walk all over me! the 1 thing that i want most in life is 2 have some1 special that loves me 4 who i am and love me 4ever! i know im only 22 but thats what i crave 4 all the time! im a shy person but i can talk 2 people,but i think im looking 2 hard 2 find that person and looking past the good 1s. if u know what i mean.
  9. i have so many issues that need confronting and i dont know how 2 do it! i thought it would b easier 2 do it on here but its somehow harder! i want 2 say so much but dont know where 2 start! im sorry! I just need some help getting it out!
  10. i understand everything u lovely people are saying but i dont know! I really dont know what 2 do! I so messed up at the minute. I could write so many topics! ive just split from my g/f, i dont know the difference between love and sex,im not very confident,i scared of what people think of me,im just unhappy! I really dont know where 2 start or what 2 do! Sorry about this every1!!
  11. Thats the thing, Im scared of failing because then i will have to come back and confront those mates and get the "i told u so" speech!
  12. Hello all! Im new to all this so please be patient.This is my 1st post,i need neutrals to talk to because i havent got a close enough mate to talk too! Im lost in life is a very simple way to put it! Where i live the norm is to go out on friday and saturday nites get drunk and pull birds. Im happy to do that sometimes but not all the time. I want more out of life! I want to travel the world,do things that my mates havent,i want to get out of the routine! But the thing is im so scared! I know i want all of those things but im scared to take the 1st step which ultimately ends up in me going out and getting drunk! Im also scared of what my mates will think of me if i do those things cos it unusual to them! I dont know what to do because its getting to the point where it is making me unhappy in everyday life cos i want so much more! I need abit of help please!
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