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Everything posted by rocio

  1. You are welcome. Best of luck with your decision.
  2. As long as you generally stay postive, then you shouldn't have to change anything. If you just didn't get enough sleep or are in a bad mood, sometimes it's best just to put on a grin and suck it up. But you need to be able to communicate with him about whatever is on your mind. And he certainly shouldn't be brushing you off like this. Talk to him about this issue and see if he is willing to be more supportive.
  3. Do you often do this? Do you complain alot and have alot of bad days? Because I would find that frusterating. My bf has a bad day like EVERY day and he always acts as if the world is crashing down around him. I feel like I'm really supportive. But then if I ever have a complaint ( which I rarely do because I try to stay positive ) he always has to steal my thunder by complaining about HIS bad day (which is like always). Maybe your bf feels kind of like I do?
  4. You guys are definitly exclusive and that assumption should be made by now. If you sit down and talk to him and he says he's not ready to call it an exclusive relationship, then he has issues. Once you've met the parents and your picture is on his fridge, then you're dating. Well, unless you live with your parents. I guess that would be different. But to me, that is a HUGE step. I've dated guys for up to a year or more without ever committing. But then, I was only seeing them once a week and I wasn't even close to the 'meeting the parents" stage. I don't think it's about timing (ie: 3 months) or about whether you've been intimate. It's more about all that other stuff you mentioned.
  5. My fingers are crossed and I think it will do a world of good!
  6. I'm glad things are going better. Maybe you can take the kids out of the house when the arguments get bad. Try to shelter them as much as possible. And say good things about your brother to them. They deserve to think their dad is superman.
  7. Congratulations! Can the father help out with medical bills? Try not to worry too much. Pamper yourself, take it easy, and take good care of your body. If you ever want to rant, this is a great place to do so.
  8. Thanks for keeping us posted. Our thoughts will still be with her and it sounds like the worst is over.
  9. This is so cool. I could hardly sleep the night before my first ultrasound. I was also worried that it would have 2 heads or something. You are only at nine weeks so you'll probably have to hang in there a little longer than expected before your body starts to give you a break. But it will be over before you know it, and your bond with the darling will just keep on growing now that you've seen him/ her.
  10. If you go, make sure that: 1. You have detailed information about him. (Where he works, his home address, etc.) If he knows that you have this info, he is less likely to hurt you. 2. You have enough money to take care of yourself while you are there, and to get yourself home if necessary.. so at least you're not stranded. (I mean, you might not even like this guy once you meet him.) Also, ask him if you can talk to some of his friends (by phone or e-mail). Kind of like a referral. Women would be best.. perhaps his sister? If he has nothing to hide, then he shouldn't have a problem with sharing this information. He should also understand your apprehension. I went to Brazil to visit a guy I met online. I paid for my ticket, but he let me stay with him for the 3 weeks that I was there. Honestly, we didn't get along as well as we expected. But I still had the time of my life and would do it again in a heartbeat. We suntanned on the beaches of Rio by day and partied all night. Before I went down, I spoke with his mother and his friends by e-mail. It made me feel more safe.
  11. My boyfriend's worst flaw is definitly me. I don't know why he puts up with me, bless him.
  12. Agreed. And it's not even necessarily more work. I don't know what it's like in the U.S. but at a Canadian school you can complete 2 majors without exceeding the required number of credits. And I've actually found that 4th year courses can be easier than 1st year courses (ie: all those extra courses you take just for credit, but that don't work toward a specific major). It sounds counterintuitive. But the thing is that once you've already done a ton of courses in a particular major, you become more comfortable with it. When you take a 1st year course, you have to learn a whole new framework, vocabulary, approach, methods, etc.
  13. Mine are really sexy. All i dream about is sex. Sometimes I'm so turned on that I actually wake myself up. Like last night. I was in this prison for women and I was going around trying to find an inmate to sleep with me. All I do in my dreams is try to get laid! It is so pathetic.
  14. I think so. But maybe we could all get a bottle of wine and drink it at home while wasting our time away on this forum. Would that be drinking alone?
  15. I completely disagree. I was also completely unpopular and geeky in high school. But then I moved to Montreal (fashion central) and soon I looked and dressed like a whole new person. But I wasn't a new person. In fact, I believe that you have to sell a part of yourself to get to that point. I was cooler back in high school when I didn't give a crap about all that superficial junk and had really cool interests. And why do you want friends who only like you because of the way you look?
  16. yes, it must be very important then. When I was in high school I was the biggest geek. But I personally feel like it made me a stronger and more interesting person. Just check out what other people are wearing. At your school, at the mall, etc. If you see alot of girls wearing something, then it's in style. You can also read a fashion magazine. "In Style" is the best for fashion. Looking good is mostly about 1. being healthy, and 2. putting effort it. Drink lots of water, get regular exercise... it will do alot for your confidence. And when you're getting ready in the morning, just take some time to make sure that everything matches and looks good together. You don't have to spend lots of money to look good. Just shop around for stuff that looks good on your body and you can afford.
  17. I think you have to sleep with a girl to know. If you like it, then you may be bi or lesbian. I always thought I must be a lesbian, since lesbians are so much cooler than the rest of us. But then I slept with a girl and I didn't like it. I was quite disappointed.
  18. You posted this because you needed to hear that other people out there feel lost too. And we do! Trust me.
  19. That's not a good sign. Although I personally enjoy it too, I don't let myself.
  20. I would turn it into a good time. A date is only as boring as you allow it to be!
  21. No, but I would fantasize about it. That's one of my favorite fantasies: being the sexy mistress. But it's better left as a fantasy.
  22. Humans have been drinking socially for literally thousands of years. I don't think it's just out of insecurity (although for some people it certainly is). It feels pleasant and contributes to everyone having a good time. It helps us get rid of our inhibitions (which can, of course, be a bad thing if you get drunk. But this post is about drinking without getting drunk). Btw, I'm sorry that your father abused alcohol. My father was a drug addict and I know it can make life rough for the kids.
  23. The good thing about a yeast infection is that, once treated, they normally clear up within a couple of days. They're also really common for pregnant women.
  24. How is it that you are ready to have unprotected sex with this guy, but you are not ready to bring up the issue of testing? Something seems a little off here.
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