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Everything posted by rocio

  1. Kind of, yeah. But dating is a numbers game, so get out there tiger! Grrrr... I'm curious to know how it turns out.
  2. i think there is a huge distintion between calling someone's actions shallow, and calling a person shallow. I have found meaning in one night stands. That may have been a shallow behavior, but I don't think it means I am a shallow person. I also don't think you are a shallow person. How can you assume that someone is shallow until you know their history, their thoughts, and their motivations? Until you've actually lived their life? peace back, the herpes crabs warts queen
  3. Maybe she likes unpopular, funny looking, unathletic men. or women?
  4. The best you can do is be her friend. Even if she pushes you away, don't leave. (Don't smother her with sunshine if she finds it annoying though.) And please ask her to eliminate the word "Ugly" from her vocabulary. For some reason I hear that word alot on this forum and I think it's too bad because, honestly, there is no such thing as an ugly human being. Tell her she is beautiful.
  5. Have you ever heard of an emotional affair? I watch dr.phil every day, so I know all about them (yeah, I know, I'm a bored geek with nothing better to do). Personally, I would prefer that my husband was sleeping with another woman rather than in love with another woman (STI's and icky things aside). How would it make you feel?
  6. What is your question exactly? And why did you go on a 4 year journey without having a destination in mind? (Im not trying to criticise you. Its what many, if not most, students do afterall) You might want to talk to some alumni English students. See where they are at and how they used their degrees. You will likely have to get a little creative with a degree like that, but there are awesome careers out there. Also, make use of your school's career resource center and go talk to some of your profs. You will find something great, and you won't regret your degree, as long as you did something you loved.
  7. Not all women like to have their nipples touched, but the majority love it. Once you are married, you are going to have to explore her body and discover the things she likes and doesnt like. The only way to know is by asking (or trying it and observing her response). Why do you want evidence that she is a virgin? I would hope you would trust her if you are marrying her.
  8. Excuse me.. Just who do you think you are? Do you realise this is posted under Pregnancy and many of us are... ummm.. pregnant? Without children, there would be no people, and without people, there would be no world for you to look down upon from your lofty throne. Please, show some respect.
  9. So sorry to hear Dani is still unwell. Our thoughts are with her.
  10. And herpes, and crabs, and warts, and lots of other icky stuff. Ew, I want to go take a shower. Just the thought...
  11. I dunno. I get that all the time, but maybe it's just cause i'm so radiant. (cheeky smile)
  12. He probably feels that it is a cruel word, used exclusively for women, and that a woman's sex-life does not determine her worth. Or he might be trying to get in your pants.
  13. Um, why would you call someone if you're not attracted to her? It's already implied when you dial the number.
  14. Whenever you feel like it. Don't follow rules. They are boring. Call between 6-9pm since she could be working during the day, and could go to sleep later in the evening. But calling too soon could intimidate her and waiting too long could make her think you're not really interested. You don't have to carry a long conversation if you're not comfortable with it. Tell her that you were attracted to... (her smile, something she said or did...) and that you'd like to see her again. You could ask general stuff, like what part of town she lives in (so you can arrange a meeting place that's not out of her way). But don't ask her too many questions. Save that for the date. Good luck
  15. I know you didn't. I just like to declare my strength! Man, that's awful. And Fridays are such good days. Speaking of which, I'm so happy that it's Friday and I only have 1 hour left of this work week.
  16. I'm plenty strong, thank you very much. But he's going to be the father of my child, so I'm stuck with the bugger. It's just little stuff, like singing. He's always singing but he has a horrible voice. And he eats while talking on the phone to me. I think I've almost beat that one out of him!
  17. I'm not exactly sure what that means. But it really amuses me when some people in this forum act as if they are the authority on enlightenment and other people are just shallow and empty.
  18. TThanks. I'm not always good at following these things
  19. Who are the shallow people? The ones having the one night stands? Because I'd say that juding someone based on that is shallow in itself.
  20. Start looking for a new job. And keep your sucky job until you have a new one lined up.
  21. It's completely a personal issue. But remember, even condoms don't protect against all infections. It's a risk.
  22. I was also curious to know if you'd discussed this with your parents yet?
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