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Everything posted by aymee_lee

  1. Glad you are back with us Dani. Take good care of yourself now that you are home. You have a whole lifetime to enjoy Ian and you want to be healthy to do that. Enjoy this time, he will grow so fast! Happy to hear everything is going well. oxoxo
  2. At last, some good news! So happy to hear that Dani is on the mend. Send her all our love oxox
  3. Ian, you're doing a great job. Thinking of you Dani, and hope things start looking up soon xoxo
  4. Congratulations Ian and Dani on your little Ian Kyle! So happy for you both. Dani, I hope you're feeling better soon. Thinking of you xoxo
  5. The dumper never gets any credit. I know that sounds weird, but as the dumper, you're often seen as heartless and as someone who just doesn't care about the other person. Rarely true. It's horrible breaking up, and even when you feel that it's right, you often have moments of sadness, and when you do, you have no one to blame but yourself and that sucks. It takes a lot of courage to walk away from something you know isn't working, often more courage than it does to stay, but all that is forgotten when it comes to the crunch. When my bf of 4 years and I broke up, his friends (who I thought were also mine) just stopped talking to me, as did my ex. They even left bars if I walked in. One day, the gf of one of his friends just cracked and said 'Right, what is it with Amy that you guys have such a problem with? What did she do to ***** that was so horrible?'. And my ex's friend said 'To be honest, she did nothing. He treated her like crap and she finally got sick of it and left. But we can't be friends with her, and neither can he because she hurt him.' I know that's probably an extreme example, but for me, even when those who knew both of us extremely well accepted that it was a good thing for us to break up, I still got branded as the b***h. That's the curse of the dumper. I'm not saying there aren't horrible people out there who are the dumper, I'm just saying it's not always the easy way out like it is often painted to be.
  6. Thanks for the updated pics. You look gorgeous. I am glad you made up with your grandmother. That's just one more person on the ever growing list of those who love you and Ian and Ian! Fantastic! xoxo
  7. Umm... I agree with rowboat. 100% And just to add to that, I am a school teacher and last year one of my students gave me a mug that said 'Busy Bee' on it. I am guessing it's because teacher's are busy people, not becasue they were being flirtatious. Just wanted to point that out.
  8. Thanks for the post with all the quotes in it! It was great to read. I often read your posts and think 'I wonder what she' thinking about all that now...?', especailly the stuff about Cory. It's so strange; I was actually talking about you with my friend the other day, just telling her a bit about your story and your wedding and stuff. Who would've thought that two 23 year olds in Australia would be having a chat about your life? I guess that's the magic of the internet! Thanks again for the update
  9. So great to get an update! I can't believe you're 37 weeks, it seems like only yesterday that you said 'I'm pregnant...oh well'. My gosh, how things have changed. Great to hear that you've got everything you need. Your work was so generous! I am excited just like everyone else here! And I loved the belly pics (that top is gorgeous!) Looking forward to the next update. Good luck until then oxox
  10. I totally understand. When my bf and I broke up the thing I struggled the most with was the way that our contact went from 100 to 0. There is no weaning, no 'getting used to it', just one day they're there, and the next they're not. You know him better than anyone, and you say that he can 'really keep the [no contact rule] going. So, I guess from his side of things I would say don't call, because he has specifically stated that he doesn't want to see you. However, he did say that when you had JUST broken up so maybe his feelings have changed. Just be prepared that if you do contact him he might not be very nice as it sounds like he didn't want to talk to you, and might feel like he needs to make that clear. Sometimes when people are desperate to get their point accross they feel like they need to be really 'harsh' so you get the point. But, I don't know if he's likely to do that or not. It's up to you, just be prepared that you might not hear what you want, but I think that if you accept that then and still want to call hime then do it.
  11. I think that you shouldn't get married just because she wants you to. I just find that any time someone is pushed into something, even it it makes sense (not judging that it's you, just saying), the person who was pushed generally brings it up later when things are bad e.g if thinsg start to go bad that person is likely to say 'Well, I never wanted to get married anyway' regrdless of what's happened. Marriage is hard enough, you both have to want it for it to work.
  12. You're right, he's totally in love with you. I think he believes in love at first sight too. Kidding
  13. I'd just wait a while. You've only been living there what? 3 days? You don't wanna scare him off! Just see what happens. You'll figure it out. And as for the bf comment- wouldn't you like to know general stuff like that about your roomates? If a girl had asked the same thing would you assume she liked you? (I see where you're coming from but I wouldn't read too much into it). And as for the power, I think some men just like to fix things! I'm not saying he doesn't like you, he very well could, I'm just saying don't stress too hard just yet. It's not even been a week.
  14. I really feel for you. I believe go with your heart- if your heart's not ready to give up, your head won't, no matter what you do (that's my belief any way). And, as a side issue- Dear God, DON'T watch Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. For those in your position (and, I think, anyone who's ever been in love) it will be heartbreaking! Trust me.
  15. I remember joining this site and for the first few weeks thinking 'What the f is this whole NC business?' until someone finally actually write out the words No Contact. Yeah, I don't really get it. I think you can do it without meaning to, if that makes sense (as in, when one of my relationships ended we didn't really talk but I just didn't feel the need and I didn't want to get his hopes up) but I do think it's a bit strange to just 'Go NC' and stick that way regardless of the circumstances.
  16. I think people have made some excellent points. But I think that it all depends on the child. As I have said, I NEVER touched drungs or alcohol really, and yet my brother did. I never did it because I knew it was WRONG (drugs, not neccessarily alcohol, everything in moderation and all that) and my brother knew it was wrong as well, but he STILL DID IT. I don't know why. I have asked him many times. He just said 'I wanted to try it'. And there's no logical way to get around that. If kids want to try it, they will. And you can't be everywhere your kids are. My mum knew our friends, our friends' parents but that doesn't stop kids doing the wrong thing. My bother used to leave in the middle of the night- what do you do? She tried to keep him where she could watch him at all times, but you can't physically do that. When I was studying to become a welfare worker, I learnt that kids aren't lead astray by other kids without their own will, rather, they are attracted to friendship with kids who have traits they find attractive. That is, kids who think drugs and danger are fun will find other kids who think the same way. I always avoided kids like that because I didn't want to be around people who did those things. And, If you force your kids to stop seeing kids you don't like, they'll possibly do it behind your back anyway. I'm not saying 'Kids will do the wrong thing no matter what so give up' I'm just saying that sometimes all the preparation and warnings in the world won't work for every child. What will work, is always being there for your child. Out of, lets say 10 of my brothers undesirble friends who did drugs and got into trouble, several died, many still do drugs, and/or are thieves and the rest are on unemployment with their kids suffering because of it. My brother is the only one of that group who has a steady job and is doing something with his life (even if it did take a few years to get there). The most important thing- never give up on your kids. Even when they are at their lowest point, that's when they need you to pick them up again.
  17. Your mates should believe you if they are really your friends. Try sending your girlfriend a text, or maybe try and get your story accross to one of her friends? Maybe if you sit down with her and explain yourself she will believe you (although it seems hard to contact her). Your girlfriend didn't even give you a chance to explain. If I were her I would definitely have asked you about it before I broke up with you. You need to be with someone you trust, who trusts you as well! I hope it all works out for you. People spread gossip without throught of it's factual base and the harm that it's doing.
  18. I don't think there are any easy answers. I think it comes down to the person's personality, but a fundamental part of it that can't be changed. My mum was open about drugs but also about their dangers. My brother and I both knew what was right and wrong, brought up in the same household by the same parent... I have NEVER touched drugs, I don't smoke and I rarely drink alcohol. My brother suffered from drug addiction for 10 years. You tell me.
  19. I agree, every situation is different. And while you have a right to do NC (I think I'm just bad at it) I would be thinking 'I should at least say good luck', because you were a special part of her life, and maybe she deserves a nice text. Or maybe she doesn't... Only you know what's best. If you do send one, be prepared that she might not write back, because while she could be nice and say 'thanks' she really doesn't need to.
  20. I guess I tend to be attracted to people who I find physically attractive, but it's more about that person's ability to keep me interested in conversation and that person's ability to 'get me'. There are plenty of people who I find attractive but sometimes you talk to them and it's just like 'NO'. So when I say I'm attracted to people who are attracted to me and vice versa, it's more based on the idea that if I can have a great conversation with someone, there must be a mutual attraction, otherwise one of us would be playing the 'Is someone calling my name?' card. Ha ha.
  21. How long have you been broken up with your ex (not friend) for? You guys sound very comfortable talking about other lovers when you are exes. I wouldn't like to do that without a LOT of distance
  22. I think so. I'm sure there have been times when it has not been reciprocated, but generally, if I thought that someone wasn't attracted to me, not even a little bit, I probably would lose the attraction to them. It's not that I'm bitter, but I think the mutual attraction is what can be one of the most attractive things about another person. Hope that rant made sense
  23. I'm sorry you're feeling this way. I don't really know what to say to make things better, and as you said, it's always rather more complicated than what you can type isn't it? I think you probably need to talk to your husband and tell him how you feel. It must be difficult for him, because being from another country he probably doesn't have many friends of his own, and being your home town, you most likely have many friends, with whom you share a long history. If you want to make it work, you do need to be able to go out alone. We all need 'me' time. I love my bf, but I still enjoy nights out without him, and it's the same for him. We never used to be this way but you learn that its not a terrible thing to have a bit of independence (although some couples like to live in each other's pockets and that works for them). However, if you are thinking that no matter what, you want out of this relationship, then no amount of nights out with your friends will fix that. Think carefully about your situation (it seems like you are anyway, without me saying that) because you are married, and it can be a lot more difficult to walk away from marriage than a bf, there are a lot more factors involved. As my mum always says 'Either do something about it, or get out'. I hope you have found this even a bit helpful. Only you know what's best for you x
  24. Oh! *Just gets it* I thought that was just me. Ha ha x
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