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Everything posted by doyathink

  1. I think suicide is a cowards way out! All of us have experienced pain and have been hurt more times than we would like to count. NO ONE likes to go through pain! But you have to keep on keepin on!!! I think the best way to die is when my maker decides it's time, thereforeeee he has the decision to make as to how I go so I don't have to worry about it!
  2. I would tell him when he returns home. You owe him the honest truth and let him make the choice to either stay or leave.
  3. Ask yourself the question, if the tables were turned would you want her to tell you??? Honesty is one of the most important factors in a relationship and it builds trust. If she finds out you cheated and then either lied or withheld info about it , that is two strikes!!! Hopefully she will honor you for telling the truth.
  4. I think there is a time in everyone's life where we "fall out" for awhile. Call it a mid-life crisis, depression or whatever. We set back and wonder where all the years went, what did we accomplish, did we make a difference in this world, do our SO's appreciate us and so on. Maybe this was "his time" to ponder the meaning of life, so to speak, and he hurt you along the way.It seems we always hurt the one's we love the most when we are going through our crazy mental states. I hope all is going much better for you.
  5. I am in my second marriage and I can say, I never felt my first husband would cheat on me- never once...I never seen him look at other women, flirt with other women or even act like they ever existed. I felt as though I was the only women on earth in his eyes cause he made me feel that appreciated. Now,in my second marriage, I know what it's like to be made to feel as though I am just part of the household items.When women pass by I can see him checking them out, he tries not to make it obvious. He looks at other women on the internet, teen porn, lesbian porn anything with more than one women seems to be his preference. He has done the webcams, chat rooms, MSN chat and even put up a profile on a couple of dating sites.He has cheated on me twice and had a "friendship" with another female. He denied the affairs, however, I had several of his friends and a couple of mine tell me what he did. He said these people are lying and that these girls wanted him but he told them no, that he is married! RIGHT!! I trusted him with all my heart in the beginning until I found out about all his lies and deceptions.My instincts have told me he was cheating and lying but he won't confess it so I don't have proof. Anyway, my point is is that there are men (and women) who can make you feel very secure and never doubt them and there are others that make you doubt every action they take.Actions speak louder than words so they can tell you over and over that they love you and don't want anyone else (while their eyes are locked on another womens butt) and tell you that they will never cheat while the rumors are still roaming the air. Unless their actions back up what they are telling you, they can't be trusted...
  6. My husband is eight years younger and I love it ( most of the time). I met him when he was 23 and we have been together for seven years. There are times where I find that our age gap creates a problem but for the most part it's good. Maybe you can tell this lady that you just want to be friends for now as you are coming out of a difficult break up ( if you decide to take her to dinner) and then she wont expect anything serious.
  7. Maybe your just stuck here and the online dating it sounds like. I'm soo sorry there arn't a lot of choices for you. I enjoy talking to ya so keep on posting. And remember, you will find someone when you least expect it. I was single four years before I found my husband and I had almost given up.
  8. Well, ok. Do you have agym somewhere close to your town? Get more in shape and single women are all over the place. This may help your confidence by working out and putting on the "buff" at the same time as just keeping an eye open for who may be checking you out. Don't be a "stalker" as some women go to just wind down and don't want to be approached but there are others who are looking as you are.This may be your answer, it wouldn't hurt. You may not be the kind to want to workout , you may need to push yourself but it can only benefit you in the long run. There are some who swear it's a great stress reliever.You have to get out there to be found!!And, by the way, you have just described my husband. Short, thin, balding and very shy. Can't carry on a conversation to save his life but it willhappen when you least expect it. Keep on keepin on.
  9. He may be trying to pass a large kidney stone and it is blocking his urethra. I'm a vet tech and I know this happens in animals.If he hasn't urinated for two days this can poison his system....Go to the emergency room ASAP. NOT GOOD!
  10. See, you clearly have a great sense of humor and any authentic, love seeking women should appreciate that to say the least. I have been married for seven years and I can tell you, you have made me laugh more than he has in seven years! He is very quiet and withdrawn, we can go all weekend w/o having a conversation and to me laughter makes my heart beat. I think that you are thinking that something is wrong with you, however, you need to consider one thing, what do these sites really have to offer? It isn't for everyone. You can't get you "real self" on there. These ladies don't know what a great personality you have because you really can't express that very well when you get no response.They can't see the kind heart you have or the things that you have to offer a women. Does your town have anything else to offer by the way of meeting someone nice? Do you belong to a church? One site I read that a good place to meet girls was to enroll in a dance class. Do you like the country dance lines? Summer is here do you have a rec. center where you can enroll in volley ball or pingpong(LOL just kiddin). Broaden you horizons a bit and get creative. It would be nice if you could meet someone face to face. I know how ya feel man, I live a very lonely life and I know how empty if feels. Why doyathink I'm on here all the time? Keep your chin up, it can be hard to find that right person, most of us have/ are experiencing that also,If we didn't live like 3000 miles away I know a couple of girls that would appreciate a true man like yourself, they have fallen prey to some misfits and are in the same boat you are in.
  11. MJC, tell them the story how you like the clear rocks. LOl, just kiddin man. For one like the others have said make sure they are paid members also, they can't respond if they are not. Also, if your really interested and you don't mind giving out your personal email, include it in the email you send to them. You know, a lot of the people on there are just there because they are bored and want to be the "hunter" not the "hunted".Good luck, you seem to have a great personality and would be fun to hang out with....
  12. I have to agree with all of you. The reason it is so addictive for me is the fact that all of you are really beautiful people and we all have something in common, each other and what is hurting us or in many cases what someone here has helped us with.
  13. I think you are cheating in and with your mind if you are getting off to the thought of someone else.
  14. I guess what I'm saying Ty, it isn't hard for me to use him as my visual so why can't a man just use his SO as a visual? Why the need for porn when you have someone to fulfill that for you?
  15. I think that a lot of women including myself, dont understand why her SO can't "fantasize" and "entertain" himself with images of her instead of some strange women that just so happens to be really hot. We may have entered the relationship with no self esteem problems but come on this can cause a women to acquire ego problems. We see black and white on some issues and this is -if he is looking at other women,regardless of why, then we start question our own image. Why? You have a mental pic of your SO, use that to jerk....And speaking of jerking, When a lot of women get horny and they are alone most of us can wait for our SO to return home and don't have to rush to the bathroom to get off. I haven't exploded yet. If you have an active sex life why the need to play with it so much, can't you wait till your SO can satisfy you? Bottom line, if your in a relationship you need to be faithful to it mind, body and soul. If you want to look at porn, be single,look at it all you want, masterbate every 10 minutes if you like. Sometimes I think some men think that everytime they get a bone it has to be "taken care of" because it's there.
  16. If this is such a bad site than why are you here spilling your dirty laundry to the people you think gave such horrible advice to your poor dear friend? No one made her or you for that fact, visit this forum.
  17. Well that helps some, if they are on the outer "lips" probably just pimples/ingrown hairs. If it's on the inside some females have small white bumps but they shouldn't be sore. Is it something that just happened or have they been there awhile? Have they always been sore? Are you just getting pubic hair?
  18. Well, have you been sexually active yet I guess would be the first question to ask?
  19. Mjc, do you like rocks ? Is your favorite color clear?
  20. I'm only 44%. I think it's wrong tho, I'm sure I have more in me than that!
  21. You guys are so funny. LOL. Just skip coffee and go to the show until you are more into each other and have something to talk about. After the show you have something to talk about- the show....Let nature takes it's course.
  22. OK Rw, give us your address and the girls and I will be over tonight with a couple of Chip-N-Dales, some Rum and Coke and life will be great. ( for a few hours anyway) Chin up girl friend,the mist will clear.
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