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Everything posted by doyathink

  1. Well, if you have ever 'climaxed' than you already know that it feels good. Now, imagine someone else giving you that climax ( not you being the one doing it to yourself) and how great that would be!! Add being in love to that mix and bam!!! It can power a rocket headed for Venus..
  2. I've seen him, he really doesn't look like those pic's! It's an imposter!!! Of couse sex is good, why do ya think most enjoy it??? There can be bad experiences, that goes with most things tho. Seriously, would people really be having sex if it were horrible? Smashing my head into a brick wall is bad so I don't do it! You will most likely have sex someday and then all your questions will be answered Ross. Just chill for now and stop doing this to yourself.
  3. My husband knows that he won't find any surprises if he looks at my email or phone records. I don't talk in 'private' because I have nothing to hide! I think everyone should have their privacy however, when you are married/living with someone you have chose to become a less private person. Your in a relationship, you 'share' most everything now. If someone is trying to hide their phone, emails, etc, it could make your SO suspicious and thus, feeling the need to 'snoop'. If it's all out in the open most have no reason to question it because it isn't being hidden. Now, if the kids want to go 'snoop' through my night stand, they may get embarrassed!! I totally agree everyone needs space and privacy, don't get me wrong and we all pick what we feel the need to keep private. To each his own.
  4. Oh you took the words right outta my mouth.My husband and I had a shared email. I don't get it, if you are not hiding anything than why would it matter if they looked through your email? ( it wouldn't be too interesting to them unless there is something juicy).My husband can read all my emails he wants, I have nothing to hide. It's like a phone call to me, why leave the room to talk if you don't have anything to hide. Some of you call it 'personal space', I find that my personal space is in the shower (sometimes ) the bathroom or something like that but email and phone records, etc need not be hidden unless you are doing something you shouldn't.
  5. It's all in the eye of the bra-holder!! Ha ha, get it Ok, yeah I know stupid!! Aahh anywho... Seriously, go buy one of those water bras that like make you 2 sizes bigger and wear the tightest shirt you have. Walk up to him and ask him if he notices you now?? LOL !! Tell him if he can't appreciate you and what you have than you can always find another who will.
  6. OK, so say that you were new in town or your b/f was new to your town and he thought, well, if she's asking then it must be super important so I will lie and choose a low #. How would you know if it really was a low #? How do ya know if you were being lied too??
  7. Back.. out.. of ..the.. room.. slooowwly!! No sudden movements. Once your outta sight-RUN LIKE HELL!!!
  8. Very true! This has never bothered me. I don't care how many he had before me it's in the past. What would concern me is if he is STD free and he is so I don't think of the numbers.
  9. Oh girl I hear ya! I have no answers, if I did I would have put them to good use all ready.
  10. I also agree with s2s, it is a loaded question. At the same time if they are asking such a personel question they better be prepared to deal with the answer. I think it is, in a way, a valid question if you are seriously considering dating/marrying that person and have standards you have set as far as that is concerned. Do you think that a high number could mean that that person either didn't have morals or maybe they just like variety? I don't know..
  11. No, there is nothing more to it, just a thought I had!! My mind has 'wondered' a few times but as Monkey1 put it, I'm usually trying to focus on the pleasure part of it and no one in particular. One poster made the comment that her husband would think of his girl friend while making love to her and just use her for her body. I wondered how many people really do that?
  12. You said it all right there!! Personality and minds that think alike are worth getting to know. Surface beauty fades well before we wish it would. Ross, get involved in something that interests you and there you will find women of like minds!!
  13. Well of course you can meet people on the internet!!! But if you would read his posts (ALL OF 100 OF THEM) than you will realize the need for him to open new horizons!
  14. When you are having sex/making love with you bf/SO who are you fantasizing about? Your SO, someone you have seen on the street, An actor/actress? Who is it that you visualize?
  15. Are u still attracted to him? Are u still in love with him? Do u look forward to the moment u two will be together everyday? If these are all no's then it's probably time to kick some rocks!!
  16. If you are talking to a girl and she shows no signs of being interested than she isn't! You have been given a lot of really good advice from all these guys and they seem to have caught the attention of a girl or two! TAKE THEIR ADVICE! Where do you go to meet women? Anywhere? Your computer? It isn't your looks, there is someone for everyone! It is your personality dude!
  17. My first thought was that of the 'control issues', but everyone here has made a very good point! Maybe he has all of the above. From now on maybe you can do all the driving until he gets passed this phase.
  18. It is true, larger doesn't mean better. However, as some men like bigger breasts, there are also some women who like thicker/longer penises.. When it really comes down to it, does it really matter? Are we not going to date/marry someone who is 'smaller' than we prefer? No!
  19. yea, but Ross....from the sounds of your posts what do you really get? JK,LOL
  20. Okay, I just got a quick visual and had to vomit a little! LOL hahaha
  21. you forgot to add 'pour paint on their car' part! lol haha
  22. Pet, My sister is rather...well....big. Let me tell ya, I would defend her honor to the limits of the earth and then some. I have shed many tears for her and the crap she has had to go through. Most of my family is big and really, that was not the point I was making. Again, my apologizies if I hurt you. I have really been hurt by this 'porn' stuff at home so I am a little 'edgy' about it. I have never posted what I have been through so no one knows my story and I really choose not to get into it.I have seen simular posts that have helped me and I am thankful. I find all sizes beautiful and would be the last to citicize anyone on appearance.
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