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Everything posted by doyathink

  1. I am fully aware that porn caters to all spec's! I have family members who are big and I would never, ever intentionally say anything demeaning about them, that was absolutely not the point I was trying to make. Sorry if that came out wrong. Let me re-phrase, the men I know that look at porn are into the small 'hot' model type of ladies! chick! babes! girls! and women! No, I am not jealous. I weight 110 lbs and stand 5'4.I have no problem with the way I look, I just don't want any feedback that I may be just "jealous. Sorry.....
  2. I really don't have a problem with singles or married couples who want to view it together. I think it's great to explore together. However, the lies that so often go with it I don't like. What is considered 'hot' is in the eye of the beholder.
  3. There ya go!!!......check You guessed it!!! check I like your method!!! check
  4. OMG!!!! GROSS!! MILK WHAT???????????????
  5. nmduipd, You say that the men are not lusting after the womens body that they see rather it's the "action" that get them off? Well, I disagree, when do you see men looking at obese chick and getting off??? And, if it's just the "action" they want, then why not look at two guys getting it on?? You know as well as I do that they do want to see the hot models, that is the turn on!
  6. I had a good friend once tell me "nothing ventured, nothing gained"! If we don't continually seek love we will never find it. It's part of the "dance" that most of us partake until the wonderful day arrives and it happens. Don't give up, it's right around the corner that you haven't came to yet!
  7. I too believe when your married you are one, thats why I'm still here. I too believe God has his plans for you. Yes you said you came here cause you didn't want to hear all the bible thumping stuff, however, you brought God into this yourself! He made you and put you here because he has an ultimate plan for you to fulfill (I believe) and when you have fulfilled your "mission" then he takes you home. I guess if you are so set on ending it and not taking the time to do what you have been put here to do then do what you have to do.
  8. But see Kevin, if you check out then life wins it's cruel game of"chance"!! By just reading your threads you seem to be focusing on the right nowinstead of all the other things that matter. I had my first child at 15, went through my first divorse in my late 20's and now this marriage. If I had given up all hope I would have ended it at 15, before all the heartaches of bf, marriages and everything inbetween. Don't you ever wonder and dream of the future and what you want in life. NOTHING comes easy it seems but it will have it's up and downs. You sound very lonely and wow I know how long the day can be when your lonely but man, fight the good fight!
  9. Your post really made me reflect on my life- I have absolutely no room to complain!!! You are a very stong women with a lot of fight in you.I applaud you for your strength !! Try to find moment for yourself to get centered each day. The quote "stop and smell the flowers" really does mean, stop..and..smell..the..flowers!! Go outside and tune out for awhile while listening to the birds sing! What do you find relaxing that you can do for yourself everyday. You need to focus on you each and everyday, what are your needs!Being there for everyone else all the time can take it toll on you so please put yourself first at least for a few minutes everyday.
  10. OK, this may sound stupid but I thought if they masterbated they would last longer when they are with you, No???? He will last 1-5 minutes--always--
  11. I believe this life is the only "Hell" I will ever know and for some this life is the only "Heaven" they will ever know! I do believe in God and trust his wisdom, not mine! I believe in love, I believe there is hope and have faith in my God. I guess I have to believe there is something bigger and better than this, that's what gets me through the day.
  12. Oh, I know all too well the feeling of being loved and then have it taken away so swiftly that you are left with a shattered shell of existence. I am married and am more lonely than when I was single. Yes, I have someone here but no one to sleep with, to say they love me and mean it, to cherish me, to respect and whatever else. I had more male attention when I was single. I'm not going to give up! I had several marriage proposals and just didn't want to get married. One day this man came into my life and proposed, I accepted ,bought me a one way ticket to hell! Fortunately I know misery doesn't last forever.
  13. I guess we all say "hang in there" cause we are all just hanging in there ourselves. I myself am enduring so many things right now but yet I know that these things are not going to get the best of me! Maybe i'm power hungry but I'm too stubborn to give up, I hate defeat and for me signing out is defeat. I don't need a partner to make me feel complete, if I did I would find myself even more depressed. I love to love and be loved but if one depends on that to be complete than it can be yanked out from under ya at any time. I'm sorry you too are in so much pain.
  14. My 1st cousin (white) married a black man and had three beautiful children whom have all grown up to be successful adults. One of them plays football for the steelers!!! Another 1st cousin of mine married a hispanic man and has two wonderful children, none of them see color and have been fully accepted in their community. however, you do need to live in a community that has evolved in there beliefs. I am white, married a Native American, have a daughter who is half of each and is dating a Vietnamese/white man. If they get married can you imagine?? LOl. We are all happy and at the end of the day It doesn't matter what color you are with as long as you are good to whom your with.
  15. Could be a "friends with benefits" thing for him. He may enjoy doing things with you because you enjoy the same interests but maybe he isn't ready for a real relationship yet, not ready to take it to the next level. Has he just got out of one recently?
  16. Bent, It may be true that : "if you stay in a broken marriage, and your children follow your example, then their children, etc., there will be an unbroken string of sadness stretching into infinity. that gives us very little reason to be optimistic about the future, doesn't it?" But what about the statistics that show that children that come from broken homes are more likely to divorce and/or incorporate infidelity? I guess life is hard in either situation huh...
  17. No one here can tell when you have had enough and need to leave, and no one can understand all the reasons that make part of you want to stay! This is your path, your life and only you can look at the situation to determine what really makes you happy. First and foremost, you are the only one who can give yourself happiness. Your husband can make life for you better or worse but your happiness lies within you and you only. I have made so many mistakes in my life that I try to think things through a little more these days. You said "I don't know if I'm doing the right thing". Well, is there some reason why you would need to hurry to make a decision now? This, as you well know, needs a lot of thought and if you are questioning whether it is right or wrong maybe your not ready yet. Give yourself time and think it through until you are 100% positive on your decision. Does he cheat on you? Is he abusive to you or the children? Does he provide for his family? Is he home every night or out with friend? I know you said he forgets the holidays and doesn't enjoy the walks with the family but if he were into race cars would you be by his side helping to fix em up? I know it's hard to have a spouse that isn't involved with your hobbies, mine isn't either and we have very little in common. However, you know it is hard to find that perfect someone out there. Yea, everyone says theres a lot of fish in the sea but are there? and good ones?? Do you know you can do better? if he is that bad then maybe you should get on with your life but if he is doing things that you really could learn to accept than why put an end to it. I sometimes catch myself picking apart my husband to give myself all the reasons I think I need to leave and then I think to myself, is he really that bad? Look at all the crap he takes from me and is still here!! Marriage is unity and at the same time we have to live and let live as we all have our own identities and need to be ourselves. Maybe you could suggest on night he go walking with you and the next night you do something he wants to do. Teach him to give and take, it doesn't always come natural for some people, lord knows i live with this too.. If you are truly not "in love" anymore, then it probably is done, it's hard to "sleep" with someone your not "hot" for anymore. I wish you the best in whatever decision you make....
  18. Some times this can be a sign that she didn't have a healthy relationship with her dad and found this method to fill the gap. Young girls are looking for acceptance and love with every new guy, they relate sex as love. My bet is that she was only trying to fill that void, now your role is to let her know she is safe and loved with you. Sex is sex and love is love, both don't always go hand in hand but in your relationship I bet it does so teach her the difference.
  19. You would have to be F***ed up!!!!! How insane. How could an animal be at all attractive? You would have to have a mind of a rapist to have this kind of sex. How can someone get horny by looking at an animal?
  20. Now don't you feel like a huge weight has been lifted. Carring around a "secret" like that can almost kill you at some point. Good for you. That was an honorable thing to do and you can build so much more trust this way. You go dude!!!
  21. My SO did the same and I can tell you the lies and deceptions made it harder to deal with than if he would have grown a set and told me the truth. I found out from other people and it really pissed me off. Of course what you did is wrong but don't hide it, that is the same as a lie and it is deceiving. He will have a hard time ever trusting you again but it will happen faster if he realizes you were being honest with him.
  22. My SO is several years younger and I do tend to like the younger guys. They tend to be able to "keep up" more often but some are really immature and it gets in the way.
  23. I want to clone Orlando Bloom so I can have his not so famous body for myself!!!!!!
  24. I'm sorry to hear that hdraider. I know the pain and misery all too well as do so many here. Time is the only thing that really worked for me. Give yourself time, you have the right to grieve. I found a sleep aid through my Dr to help me sleep cause I just couldn't... As far as eating,...well, whatever you can force down. Milkshakes work well. I hope you are considering yourself in this, no one else is going to take care of your needs so you have too. Good luck...Again, I'm sorry!
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